Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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UrielFalcon said:
And at the end with the victim's hubby, she played that AMAZINGLY.

She really did, didn't she? I thought that moment was really touching, the look on her face when the guy put the other ring on his finger? That was so heartbreaking. I just kept thinking, "You go, girl." :)
Jorja art really belongs in the "Art Forum" then link from the thread there over to here is fine. :)
New thread! YAY! :D I'm a bit late... a bit lot late actually, lotsa school stuff to do, but still, YAY! Congrats everyone! :)

Tough as nails, our Jorja (Ouchies! :eek:) -->

NOBODY mess with her 'ya hear? Ya mess wit her ya get the tough nail treatment. :D

Anyhoo, back to the programming...

quoth_the_raven said:
I think she's getting a bit more dolled-up now because of her relationship with Grissom :p
Ooh I hope she won't change her looks just coz her man wants her to or that she feels like she needs to look prettier. I love you just the way you are, Sara! A little dolled-up is alright. :) But don't dye your hair blonde and morph into Jessica Simpson, hokay? If that happens, I'm gonna... I'm gonna something. I dunno what yet. :p

saraXsullivan said:
Sara's hair is now parted to the side. :) haha so I parted mine to the side today.. cause I'm cool like that.
Side part is in! I've parted my hair to the side since I was a baby I think. :lol: So yay! Side part is the new black. :D
You know what I like? With Grissom buying her a veggie burger, it proves that she actually does eat in the many hours of working... Other than that, we've seen her eat an apple, a carrot, many cups of coffee, a sandwich (she never got to eat the pickle) and probably other things I'm missing. Outside of work, we've seen sea bass... POWER TO FOOD!! *is currently hungry*
UrielFalcon said:
You know what I like? With Grissom buying her a veggie burger, it proves that she actually does eat in the many hours of working... Other than that, we've seen her eat an apple, a carrot, many cups of coffee, a sandwich (she never got to eat the pickle) and probably other things I'm missing. Outside of work, we've seen sea bass... POWER TO FOOD!! *is currently hungry*

You're absolutely right about that! And she's also sucked on cough drops, but... I don't think that constitutes as an actual 'food', and she was sucking on them because they covered up the smell of alcohol. Which also reminds me that we saw her drinking a beer in Nesting Dolls.

Speaking of Sara's drinking- what do you guys think? Was Sara an alcoholic, on the verge of becoming one, or not one at all?
Quoth since we've discussed this already in the Swarrick thread I'll keep this short.
I do believe that Sara was more than just on the verge of a problem (that much was obvious) but I don't think it had much to do with alcohol.
The only indication for that would be the cough drop ep. which felt really out of context to me. And then there was the DUI, but she's been out with the guys before, they'd all been drinking. It's not like she was over the limit much, otherwise the guys would have taken notice and had taken her home/called a cab, whatever.
The real issue, as far as we know, had to do with her past. Maybe there was some unnamed event that brought things back for her, maybe it was a accumulation of situations dating a while back -the lab explosion, that Hank thing, the promotion, rough cases, etc. that gradually made her spiral into a dark phase.
But whatever it was, she seems to be getting better again.

(I could write more on the matter but I gotta run, might be back later :p)
MiaCharlize said:
The real issue, as far as we know, had to do with her past. Maybe there was some unnamed event that brought things back for her, maybe it was a accumulation of situations dating a while back -the lab explosion, that Hank thing, the promotion, rough cases, etc. that gradually made her spiral into a dark phase.
But whatever it was, she seems to be getting better again.

Exactly. Remember, Sara had a rough time in the third-fourth seasons. Hank, then Cath blowing up at her in LHB, then the lab explosion, then getting turned down by Grissom (which really hit her hard, he just flat out said 'no'), then the rape case in Homebodies, then the tension in Invisible Evidence (which I really felt made her rethink if Grissom did have feelings for her), more Cath/Sara butting heads in After the Show, then the girl lying to her crying rape in Coming of Rage (which was also another case that hit her hard. She was so sure the girl was telling the truth, because who would say a girl saying she was almost/was rape was lying? Also, cases involving those sorts of things always have a strong effect on her), then seeing her doppleganger dying in Butterflied (and what Gris said in the interrogation), then Early Rollout. Long list, I know :p

Then finally in Bloodlines, at the end of the season, the poor dear still doesn't get a break. First off, she's assigned to a violent rape case, and notice how she asked Cath if she could question the victim? Then she was watching the victim with the sketch artist through the window and Grissom comes up and asks how many vacation days she has, which just probably made her think about how addicted to her work she is. And on top of all that, Grissom gave Nick the promotion she applied for mentioned in Invisible Evidence, which probably made her feel like she just wasn't trying hard enough, or, more likely, that she wasn't good enough.

She needed a release, and she found one. Again, it's safe to say she came from an abusive environment, and that her parents may have had a problem with alcohol and/or drugs. Maybe she thought she could have the same numbing effect with the alcohol to be able to detach herself temporarily from the world. She needed to clear her head; I'm sure she was already having, or was close to a breakdown.

I didn't think she was an alcoholic necessarily, only that she may have been on the verge of becoming one because if she continued to drink, she may feel dependent afterwards because of the effects it had on her, how it was able to make her forget about the bad things that had happened to her and those she cared about, how it could take away her pain.

And Warrick and Nick in Bloodlines- I still didn't quite understand why they didn't notice that she was drunk. She was a bit tipsy in that scene if you pay close enough attention- she was sort of swaying back and forth between Nick and Warrick and was even leaning against them for support. Her level was .09, so she wasn't close-to-passing-out intoxicated, however, so there's a good possibility that she did just have a few drinks with the guys (since they never show you where they were before the scene cuts to them on the Strip).
Wow. Well, I don't know. She really had a rough time during the third and fourth season. Warrick and Nick were with her in Bloodlines, and I think they were just drinking for fun. Maybe Sara drank her problems away, pretending it was for fun.

About the eating thing, she did eat some fries once, somewhere back in season six. I don't know which episode now, but she was eating them with Greg (I should know this, since I'm a sandles), and Brass came in. Hmm. I'm stupid.
Hi guys congratulations for the new trhread! I like the title!
I have a question about this:
Destiny said:
You may discuss eps that have aired in all time zones in the U.S. because then they are no longer considered spoilers, in the case of "Built to kill" you all can discuss part 1, as it has already aired, Part 2 though is considered a spoiler as it has not aired. Once it does in all time zones of the US, it can be discussed openly.
I live in Europe so i didn't understand this. I know the show airs thursday night at 9pm east coast time zone when in west coast is 6pm, but Destiny speech means that the ep is repeated in the following hours until is 9pm in west coast? Sorry but i'm curious.
That would be correct, while the show airs around the US at 9:00 pm we are offset by the time zones. Basically the time zones go something like this when airing at 9pm. Eastern, then Central, then Mountain, then Pacific.

So when CSI Finishes airing in Eastern, it will begin in Central and when its finished in central, it will begin in Mountain and when its finished in Mountain, it will begin in Pacific (the last zone to air in the US).

Here is a site called, The Official US Time I did a search for it in case I confused anyone.

*Off to find more coffee, cause now I need it lol*
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