Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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And I listened to Mia, and I did say that I appreciated her asking nicely. I just said that I thought we were on topic. I can handle criticism, but it all comes down to how you say it.

This was also my last say on that subject.
(And I've already moved on, since I stated I'd love to see Jorja play the murderer in a movie. That would be different and awesome)
love those icons
i would see any movie w/ jorja in it, even if it was like a three second cameo...she's fantabulous, csi or not, and we should support her no matter what. and i just love watching her and looking at her, so yeah, anything w/ a touch of jorja is great in my book
last night's ep was sad w/out her, she would have been in her element solving puzzles like that, and it would have been great to see her smile and have a good time w/ the team.
i'm glad they referenced sara, but still, it hurts to have her gone. especially when i watched the credits at the beginning and they skipped from george to eric...really struck me that did.

i love jorja, and i just want her return soon so i can have my weekly fix. i have to watch old eps to have some sort of jorja/sara in my life. i hope she has a great time doing her thing, producing and surfing (kids??) and i really hope her play is successful. if i didn't live on the damn east coast i'd go see it for sure!

is anybody going to be able to see it? i'd lvoe to hear how it is!

jorjalove to all
Ah thanks for the comments guys, glad you think they're ok. :D

And is the whole 'spamming' thing gonna be dropped, yeah? ;) great!

Nice fan vid, and ooo, Jorja in a horror film? That would be pretty awesome. Still... comedy would be even better. :D
I liked Memento! I rented it solely for Jorja, and now I'm watching it on my iPod in class so I can do a report on it for English [even though I know the whole thing after watching it twice, lol] and looking for one two-minute section I could show that wouldn't be totally inappropriate...of course, I did drop quite a few "f-bombs" [that's such a funny phrase, f-bomb] in my short story, never know.

But I was sobbing throughout the entire airing of "Goodbye and Good Luck." My bestfirend, who wishes Sara had died in "Dead Doll" even thought it was sad! I can't wait for her to come back...Jorja we miss you!!
TruSidle said:

And I saw a new clip with Jorja on youtube yesterday, darn she really is something. I'd love to see her in a horrormovie... like the killer :D

Jorja has done a horror film "The House of Frankenstein" I think she was a vampire in it. but yeah I like to see her in another one and a comedy.
wasn't she in a vampire mini series or something too?
she makes a hot vampire

and she has such a cute laugh, a comedy would be so much fun!
and a romantic comedy of some sort
i dunno, anything she does she'll kick ass in and i'll watch!!
Oh yeah... a horror movie! Not the one where the brunette always gets killed. She would kick ass!

BTW, my heart couldn't get into enjoying YOU KILL ME. No Sara, no CSI! It's just not the same... and franky, really sucks without her. :(
I admire her devotion to vegetarianism. I have been struggling with it for 13 years. While I have managed to swear off red meat for over 13 years, I still struggle with the no fish or foul or dairy concept. How does she do it and remain so energetic???
Actually, some vegetarians eat seafood, and most of them eat dairy. If you're swearing off all animals and animal by products (dairy, etc) then that's veganism. But I applaud you for that, it's a hard thing to do. And I know alot of people who have become vegetarians because of jorja, which I think is amazing, that she can get people to do good things like that.
Not eating dairy would be impossible for me. I don't think even Jorja is a vegan, is she? I read somewhere that she liked cheese too much... :D I ate seafood for about 2 years after I became a vegetarian, then I stopped. Then I found out about gelatin and rennet, as an 8 year old, I was very disappointed that I couldn't eat marshmallows and a lot of gummy candies anymore. How old was Jorja when she became veg? I saw an interveiw where she said 20 years ago, but that interveiw could have been up to 3 years old by the looks of her.

If I wasn't already veg, I would be because of Jorja. (sadly) nothing's more influential than your favourite actress. Well, for some people anyway.

I read that interveiw before, but I enjoyed reading it again :D. I thought the question and her answer about cannabalism but pretty funny. Then again, it's Jorja, so I'd laugh anyway.
I would love to know her approach. I still eat dairy and eggs. But i was reading about rennet (I didn't even know what it was until I read H5n1 - a GSR end of the world fanfiction, where Sara is making goat cheese)... anywho, rennet is used to make cheese and sour cream etc. Sounds harmelss, until I did some research and discovered that rennet is actually the third lining of a calves stomach, taken just before it goes to be butchered for veal. :(
So all these years of no red meat, and I still manage to consume cow? HOW DOES SHE DO IT??? :lol: She needs to write a book about how she made the transition from meat to no meat. She looks healthy, not emaciated. I'm all ears Jorja!

Marshmellows??? Aww no!
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