Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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CSI sucks without her. I keep counting down the episodes until the season 8 finaly. Surely she will return before then. Right?
Another thing I like is how she purses her lips. Anyhow back in the summer Jorja hosted the Animal Acres Gala it raised a fair bit of money. Animal Acers
Here's a brief snippet form Jorja, in the latest TV Guide, Dec. 17-23!

DOING THIS SHOW was one of the most rewarding things in my life. I've been one of the luckiest people in the history of TV, getting to play Sara. My character had a very full personal life, with a couple of boyfriends, a couple of meltdowns. She was almost killed a couple of times. They almost blew me up once! I feel like the writers were extremely generous in terms of giving me a lot to do, especially all the interesting relationship stuff between Sara and Grissom. I couldn't possibly have scored any higher than getting William Petersen to be my boyfriend on TV, AMAZING! Jorja Fox
^^ i just read that today in the mall when i was at a bookstore. it's great to read that Jorja did enjoy her time on the show. after reading this i did realzie that the writers really did give Sara a lot to do.

it always felt like the writers were short handing Sara with stories and forever giving Catherine the limelight. really Sara a lot of things going for her throught Jorja's run on CSI, she had most of the drama and problems that got people talking. i don't think i've seen TV Guide talk more about a couple than Grissom and Sara, that was fantastic since i don't know many people that like Sara and that Jorja was getting so much good credit for playing the character.

i miss Jorja already even though i've only seen like 3 eps this whole year. i've been watching the repeats on Spike and it just makes me sad that she's gone. i hold out so much hope that like maybe for the last ep of the show ever Jorja/Sara comes back.
On thursday, I went to a christmas banquet instead of watching csi. And, if I had done that a year ago, I would have SO skipped the fancy banquet and just stayed home to watch csi. But I didn't even notice until the day of that I would miss csi because of it. And I didn't care. I was like 'oh, csi... oh well' and it's only because Jorja left. I don't find the show interesting anymore. The character compelled me, I really liked her character, it was different from most on any tv show, and the cases were a bonus. I liked seeing the way Sara would react to each case. Now, I'm just ... not interested. It's like ... oh well ... it's only csi.

*sigh* I miss her.
i actually didn't realize quite how much i missed her until i compiled the past few days. thursday i hung out with some friends during the show and we ddin't even pay attention to the episode. it was so crazy when i realized i didn't know what happened, and that i didn't really care. and then today i was at my friend's house flippin through the channels and i came upon reruns on spike and sara was right there. just seeing her face and hearing sara sidle made my pathetic heart jump.
i really really miss her soo much.
the show is crap without her, and they've got to realize that!

i want jorja back!!
YUP, I feel the same, it's like a piece of the heart of CSI is missing :confused:and she would have been so upset with the "dog fighting' in last week's ep. we needed her for the sympathetic compassionate side of CSI, although Nick was pretty damn convincing, it's Sara and her loving kindness that I miss, plus her spunky attitude when it's called for :eek: did you fans notice that in this week's episodes their running back to back SARA based shows, "DD" and "LD"? wonder who's idea that was, are they getting baraged with letters from the fans who miss her, and decided to run these to capture her back!
deffinatly. im kind of glad that she wasnt in this episode because we would have had to suffer through another Sara emotional breakdown..=( and i dont think we could have handeled itt.
I just saw episode 8x07 and I think it's really sad that she is really gone. She is just a part of the show and I think that everyone will be missing her.

8x07 is a really good episode.. But I just hate the fact that she had to go.
Over on Jorja All Around there is a small clip of Jorja saying happy new Year. It's an advert for AXN network.
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