Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Ok so quite a lot then.
Think i'm gonna go make some icons now, heh.

On an attempt at a lighter topic... what else would everyone like to see Jorja in? I swear we've discussed this before, but. whatever. ;)
I reks it would be intriguing to see her do some comedy. :D
I use the Gimp for icons and stuff, its actually kind of hard to use but eh, o well, it works. and yes I will share as soon as I do a few more, I've been out of practice latley so they aren't my best.

and I would love to see Jorja in something funny, where we get to see her great smile all the time :D And yeah, if Jorja came out with like a cd or something, that would be awesome!
I'd like to hear her sing with proper recording first. That song from her website didn't really convince me of her singing skills :p
hmmm, yeah I agree with you Mia , the quality of it was not good, and half the time Im not really sure what shes saying...But I think her guitar skills are pretty good.
you're right, her song satellite didn't properly show off her singing skills. for some reason though, i loooove it. it's on my ipod and some days i just sit there and listen to it over and over. it kind of speaks to me in a weird indescribable way!

i can't believe it's been a week since she left. they better pay tribute to her in someway in tonite's episode.
i hope she does some kind of movie or something...or we get to see her before her return to csi. see her flex her wings and show her stuff to the non csi crowd!
i love the bicycle clip, it's soo cute and random like.
and please share icons when they're done, i love them! i wish i could make them. i have no skills

well, w/ jorja on my mind and ever in my heart, i bid you all a JORJATASTIC THANKSGIVING!
or for those who aren't here in america,have JORJATASTIC THURSDAY!!

Yeaah,happy thanksgiving.. it's my brother's birthday too,wootwoot. :D

Yeah her song satellite wasn't the best recording etc ever... but she's got guts for putting it up, it isn't that bad either, but yeah if she brought a CD out that would be pretty cool. :)
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.

I agree with you TruSidle.

I am holding my strike. I will not watch CSi until Sara coms back.

A light topic. She is coming back newar the end of the season.
sidlewannabee said:
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.

I agree with you TruSidle.

I am holding my strike. I will not watch CSi until Sara coms back.

A light topic. She is coming back newar the end of the season.

YEY I got a joiner!!! :*
How long have you been striking haha!? xD

Oh are you serious? That does make me so freakin' happy!
Though concidering the strike in the US, it might be a while >_<
I will have the hardest time not watching CSI until then >_<
Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US and Happy CSI Day to everyone in Canada. :) I watched the Macy's parade on tv today, it was great!

I'd like to see Jorja have a starring role in a romantic comedy that would make her have to be girlie. I know Jorja is pretty as a tomboy, but it would be nice to see her really dressed up as a different character than Sara Sidle.
totally gsrluver, that would be soo cool to see her in a completely different role. she's always played real tough independent women for the most part, so girly and flirty would be great. plus she's so pretty, she can pull off almsot any look!
I think another cool role she could do would be in a kid's movie. Not an animated movie, but something like the new movie, "Enchanted." Movies that are meant for tweens, but appeal to adults as well.

You're so right GSRfanatic, she so gorgeous she could make stripes and plaid mixed together trendy.
TruSidle said:
I'd love to see her in an adventure movie.
Something that's not 'in this time' you know.
That would be awesome.

Yeah! I agree completly.

Oh and I'm on stike too. I'm having my sister watch it and tell me what happened the next day. :lol: We should join forces on the strike front :D :lol:
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