Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Jorja Fox cannot leave CSI
Sara is the best
I heard in real life JF is hilarious
There are some funny CSI episodes and I thought JF was gerat in them
one of the many layers of Sara is that she has a unique sense of humor
you get the impression she loves the Beatles
and old school TV
she refers to both several times

I think JF can do anything
but she has said she loves playing Sara
she find her fascinating

I truly believe she is the best actress on TV
and Sara is one of the most complex characters on TV ever
she is flawed but amazing
she is smart and knows she is but knows she still has to learn
she is beautiful but does not know it
she is a vegetarian who carries a gun and that is okay
she is loyal to the death with her co-workers they are her family
but she does not understand normal human interaction
she has accomplished so much in her life
she is a hero
but does not see any of this
because of a horrible childhood
that we still do not know all the details of
She has been in love with Gil forever dropped her entire life
to come to Vegas for him
but she never pushed him and does not judge him
she does not back down on her opinion when it comes to domestic violence of women or children
and she protects victims

Sara Sidle rules

so does Jorja Fox

she cannot leave CSI
well she can but with Peterson and GSR happy
^ ITA :D

Oh why without the drama, Mia? :p I love drama *can you say angst-whore? :rolleyes:*! I really think that Sara's character could not have been played out without all the drama she's gone through because Sara is a very angsty, dark and deep character who has been through so much. She's very complex, and just when you think you've figured her out there's another twist to throw you off :p

But I do agree, it'd be awesome to see different aspects of JF's acting. She does drama so well, but I'd love to see some more light-hearted stuff. Comedy would be nice to see, but she's never really struck me as a Ray-Romano type if you know what I mean :p Since she's spent 10 years (more than 10 now) on television acting playing characters with different personalities, each quirkier than the last on three different drama series, we've only really seen her dry sense of sarcastic humor :p But in real life Jorja comes across as a very light-hearted person, so it would be really cool to see her in something that would sort of help bring out more of that side of her.
quoth_the_raven said:

Oh why without the drama, Mia
Because I feel it's highly overdone on CSI. I like the emotional displays, like when she jumped at suspects all angry or when she had that look in her eyes that screamed compassion. But the personal drama (DUI, her father's murder, her supposedly abusive past, the crying in front of her boss because of all that...) is just too much.

I used to like her better when she was cocky and cool. Her emotions have been showing ever since season one but she didn't seem so helpless about them. I think she became a lot more emotionally incapable over the coourse of the show. The moments where the 'old Sara' shines through have become rare.
I think Season 5 did a good job of balancing the dark emotional aspects of Sara

with the confident CSI
She does train Greg
and there are some fun great episodes of that
and Sara and Gil doing there mind-meld on cases

I love that Sara is the great brilliant CSI
yet she has this past we still dont know all the details of
I love that she cares so much and cant always hold it back
that is what makes her and Griss so symmetircal

although i do think Season 7 lacked a good funny one
although Sara's story in Toe Tags was pretty good
This is my first time posting...I wanted to discuss if anybody else out there has the same theory I do: that Sara could not POSSIBLY have been kidnapped by Natalie alone. Many have pointed out that Natalie doesn't drive. Previous shows have indicated that Sara knows self-defense techniques. And, aren't we supposed to believe that Sara is quite a bit bigger than Natalie? So...I think the miniature killer had help in drugging and transporting Sara (not to mention stowing her under a car!). Anybody else out there think the CSIs should still be looking for an accomplice?

PS I love the character too, and think Jorja Fox plays her perfectly. I do NOT want the character to die, nor do I want somebody else to play her. That said, if Jorja, for some reason, wants out (to do other things -- I might be bored of the same gig after seven years, too!), then I think the writers could come up with a way to save Sara and make her a recurring character, giving Jorja time to do other things. (I've been thinking about this, since some people have said that Jorja didn't show up to film the last season 7 episode, wants more money, etc.)
Sara and Gil doing there mind-meld on cases

Their what?

I love that she cares so much and cant always hold it back
that is what makes her and Griss so symmetircal

No offense, but 1st what do you mean by symmetrical and 2nd, if this has a shippy undertone it does not belong here I believe. If not you can ignore this...

I do agree that there weren't just dark Sara moments in season 5 but there were certainly a lot more than in any of teh other seasons. I did like the fact that Sara had more screentime but I didn't like the implementation of it.

Still, if Sara is still well and alive for S8 I'd still choose more drama coupled with screentime over a non-visible Sara like in S7.

Unless of course, drama means GSR. I want her to have an independant storyline again.
I think she will live
and I hope they do an independent story about the true details of Sara's past
that could be really interesting
even better if they relate it to cases she is working on
maybe even relate it to the Miniature Crime Scene Killer
I think answering every single question of Sara's past (as far as it isn't done yet) will take some more mystery away from her. They should at least keep Sara a bit hidden in the darkness (hidden in the darkness but with a hell of a lote more screentime please!) because that is what is giving her the strength and expression.. At leat that is my oppinion.
Leaving some things about her unanswered gives all of us something to speculate about and I think that is what makes Sara's character so interesting. You can see there is more to it than meets the eye but because its not so exposed you can form your own theory and your own ideas.

And yes, Sara will live. She just has to. Cause I think there is a lot more to her charater than we have seen so far (and I don't mean the whole GSR thing) but I think there are sides of Sara we haven't quite seen yet and I would like to see more. And ofcourse, no CSI without Jorja.
I think answering every single question of Sara's past (as far as it isn't done yet) will take some more mystery away from her. They should at least keep Sara a bit hidden in the darkness

Totally agree. While I'd like some more insight into her personality, too much won't do the show any good. If she's coming back she definitely has to get more screentime, but I wouldn't want too much focus on her private life. If they delved into her character more, they'd also have to do that with the other characters (of whom we haven't seen or learned as much - not counting earlier seasons' Catherine)

And yes, Sara will live. She just has to. Cause I think there is a lot more to her charater than we have seen so far

While that is true, it's hardly gonna be a reason for the writers. If they want to get rid of Sara they will, regardless of how much potential she still has as a character. That has never stopped any writer on any show.
MiaCharlize said:
While that is true, it's hardly gonna be a reason for the writers. If they want to get rid of Sara they will, regardless of how much potential she still has as a character. That has never stopped any writer on any show.

I know.. Many writers made mistakes by killing off good characters. Lets just hope these writers are wise! :D
I have to agree with SaraSidle_girl
you cannot reveal everything about Sara
But i want her to have a LOT more screen time
maybe the mystery this year is trying to figure Sara out

They have a great trauma for her that they can make it a whole mystery
of how and why she reacts to it

I think she is the best character on the show
without her the show is dead
and yes this might not stop the writers from doing it

but then they will only prove their nay sayers correct
that CSI cannot do characters
only cases

You cannot kill Sara
Entertainment Weekly said they wanted JF to win the Emmy
and they hate CSI
They love her and the beautiful character she has created
Sara Rocks and must LIVE
I'm currently watching a re-run of "4x4" and I just thought that if there is one thing we don't know about Sara that we definitely should know it is if/where she has any other tattoos (read: I want another Sara shower scene) :devil:

Umm yeah... *goes back to watching tv*
Well...Jorja's maybe, but Sara could have others... at least in our imagination ;)

Although, as you stated, we do not know it's Jorja's only tat ;) (and wouldn't I like to find out...:devil:)

*hides from mods*
does she have her ears pierced? i didnt notice, but in one episode (hits her head because cant remember what) but she had a tight ish shirt on and i swear it looked like a belly ring!! i was like :eek:!! but she doesnt... so yeah. but almost all of my friends have their belly pierced and i can tell when they wear them so i noticed that... *realizes i must be crazy* ;)
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