Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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:lol: ^^I actually don't know if she has her ears pierced or not, but I can tell that I never noticed anything with the belly ring :rolleyes:

SaraSidle_girl wisely said:
I think answering every single question of Sara's past (as far as it isn't done yet) will take some more mystery away from her. They should at least keep Sara a bit hidden in the darkness
Agreed. I mean, I do agree that the mistery that involves Sara is what gives the character that unique and special way of being. But, I think that they have showed enough so far, they gave us something trough 7 seasons, not too much, not too little, I would say. At least I am pretty pleased with her storyline.

Oh, I hope thye don't ruin everything. I have said this before, if it is Jorja's decision to leave, and as long as she is happy with the way things are going, and as much as I will miss her in the show, I can live with it, thinking that Jorja has some reason :) But, I have read/heard Jorja talking about Sara, and she sure seems so passionate. I think she loves Sara Sidle.
Either way, please don't kill Sara off.

I have that impression that my post is messy, and that I don't really make good sense, so feel free to ignore me completely :p
I don't think I've ever seen her with earrings, therefore I'd say she doesn't have the ears pierced.

As for the belly ring, it's been discussed before, probably based on the same pics you saw. My guess is it was just the hem of her pants. I can't know for sure but it doesn't seem her style ( and I personally wouldn't like it on her)

In the end it's her body though. We might never know what piercings/tatoos or else she has, unless they are somewhere they show.
This morning I had a nice surprise when I realized "Committed" was on! :D Have I mentioned that I love that episode?! Right, I have, but it doesn't hurt to say it again, just because I love the scene with Sara and Adam ( it's his name, right?). Anyway, I love everything that happens when she is alone with him (scary :p), and I especially love the way she comes out running to the end of the corridor :rolleyes:

Favorite quotes in:
"SARA: When my father died, my mother came to a place like this for a while for
evaluation. It looked the same, it smelled the same. It smelled like lies.

GRISSOM: You sure you're okay?

SARA: Crazy people do make me feel crazy."

I like the "It smelled like lies", I think in a big part by the way she says it ;)
It was in the issue of EW that had the 25 greatest actions movies of all time. They chose who they thought should win the Emmy's this year and they chose Jorja Fox for Best Supporting Actress in a dramatic television series. Yay Jorja!!
I am paraphrasing, but they said on a show not too concerned with characters
Jorja Fox made her Sara a great CSI but also a vulnerable woman in love with her enigmatic equal Grissom.

EW has never made it a secret that they do not like CSI too much they prefer 24 and Grey's Anatomy or the Sopranos.
Well that's absolutely great for Jorja! I'm really glad that this was said about her. Jorja does do amazing things with the character of Sara.
it is about time Jorja got credit from people for her amazing acting. she def. deserves this win because she did excellent in Commited. YAY JORJA
Amen in to that!!
She does so many subtle things with her eyes and body language.
Just watch the end of "Built to Kill part 1" when Sara gives the guy back his partner's belongings. That scene alone should get her an Emmy nomination.
The problem is that all of these moments are reall acting because they are subtle and completely in character and spread throughout the show. I find this very powerful and satisfying as a viewer but Emmy voters dont always notice this.
I generally get the impression that CSI:Vegas does not get the recognition it deserves.

I think i need to clarify that Jorja Fox did not get a nomination, sadly!
EW put out who they thought deserved it no matter the real nominations, this was prior to the nominations being announced. EW was hoping the Emmy committee would listen. Again sadly they did not for Jorja Fox or the great CSI.
Thank you anyway EW for Jorja Fox she truly does deserve it, but boo to you for not aprreciately CSI for the brilliant show it is.
I've given up listening to spoilers for S8, i'm just gonna wait for the eps to come out so I can see for myself what happens, most of the spoliers are probably BS anyway. I'm still keeping optimistic that Sara survives of course. ;) I re-watched Nesting Dolls. I do like Cath, but I still think it's awesome how Sara stuck it to her, and again at Ecklie. ;)
all i got to say is Sara better live and they had better use Jorja Fox a lot more
she is the best and Season 7 was a little of a let down because i was expecting so much more Sara.
Season 8 better all be about Sara or I will be pissed
I want Sara and CSI and the woman
Jorja Fox is the best actor on the show
i'm reading the spoiler's and hope that we get to have a positive that jorja will be back to play sara the whole season 8. she's the reason i watch csi in the first place.
hope she wont be shadowed by the new character that i been hearing about to replace her :(.

please tptb hope you make sara live and working and a lot of screen time this time around.
They're not gonna replace a main character like Sara, or anyone at that. The spoilers are just to make people more interested, most of them contradict themselves, Sara's not leaving, be positive peeps. ;)
Well, considering that I have read Jorja purposely did not show up for work because she did not like the way they ended the 7th season, I would say they most definitely will replace her. ANd it will have nothing to do with Sara Sidle but solely with Jorja herself. I just see this as a work dispute, not as something that might be important to the show. I know I will keep watching as long as Sofia will be there, even though I would hate for Sara to be dead/gone whatever. But for Jorja herself I would hope that she will get to work on some other projects, her talent has been kinda wasted on CSI, and I would also like for her to be on a more character driven show, something that will make her put her talent to good use :).
Yeah but Jorja has said she doesnt like anything happening to her character, and doesnt wanna leave, CBS have pretty much said they want Jorja to stay, and yeah they said she didn't turn up, but how much of that do you believe? Just because you read it somewhere doesn't mean it's true, loads of stuff in the media is either untrue or makes things look bigger than they actually are. I mean it's media hype, you don't know she didn't turn up for certain, i'm just saying you shouldn't believe everything you hear, wait til the new ep is out, stay optimistic. I'm not saying I don't wanna see Jorja on other programmes, if she wants to, go her. But she's a good part on CSI, CBS probably know that they'll lose a huge amount of viewing if Sara leaves, like they would if any big character leaves. They're just introducing the spoilers and rumours to test the water and to get more people to watch, so I personally don't believe anything i'm hearing yet. It's when Jorja says it herself or I see it that i'll believe it. Sorry, went on a bit of a rant there. :D
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