Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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I think Jorja would be great on a comedy as well. You know the kind of thing like Ellen, Suddenly Susan or Just Shoot me. She has a funny side, she should use it more! :D
Don't know any of those shows, apart from Ellen of course ;)

I'm not sure if I'd really like her in a comedy, I love her serious face... I don't know... have I seen her do comedy? I'm not sure... the puppy ep maybe, that was sort of funny... and I like the sarcastic dry humor on CSI, but I can't see her in real comedy... although I wouldn't mind as long as she'd be wearing jeans and tight tank tops she can play whatever she pleases.

My fave would be a gay indie movie though :p something lighthearted and cute. She does cute very well :D

But well... there's always old CSI dvds...
*Imagines Jorja on Just Shoot Me* ;) Niice, I think it would be interesting to see her do a comedy show, definatly a big difference to her character on CSI. ;)
It would definitly be a big difference from CSI (or like ER or The West Wing which were high profile, heavy roles). And that's why I think it would be cool to see her in a comedy. It would be a total difference and with her acting skills, she can definitly pull it off!

But I like the gay indie movie as well. Something like that Kate Winslet movie from a few years ago. Maybe we should check if Kate is still available :devil:
MiaCharlize said:
Off topic, but Kate in a gay movie? Where was I?

Still not sure abour comedy but I'll gladly let Jorja concvince me :D

Off topic: I thought Kate has been in some sort of gayish movie I think. Not the indie one, thats for sure. But it was a strange movie, I remember that. It was on tv not too long ago but I can't come up with the title. Will go try and find it..

Edit just for you MiaCharlize The title of the movie is Heavenly Creatures! Its a very good movie! You should see it some time!

On topic: Jorja can convince all of us :D
Hehe, see, I told her it was Heavenly Creatures :p

Anyways, Mia and I did a contest some time ago to see who could write the worst poetry ever :lol: . And I believe she won, hands down :lol: :

***EDITED. There is a JF/SS image thread for related to JF/SS pics so please use that thread. We will leave the pic but in url format. Thank you.***

Sara, oh Sara, we all love you
Please come back say it isn't true
That your life has to end so soon
In the desert alone under the moon

Sara, oh Sara, we do all we can
We mobilized every available man
We will look for you day and night
And pray to God that you are alright

Sara, oh Sara, you have to stay strong
If you'd die now that would be so wrong
Sara, oh Sara have faith in your team
We will find you, it's just a bad dream

And thanks, SaraSidle_girl. :)

BTW, the one posted was not the worst :p

The things Sara withdrawl can do to people... *feels stupid*
i cant picture Jorja in a comedy, it would be different but i love comedy and i love her so i think that would be something cool for her to try.
I'd love to see her do comedy just to get a different view of her acting. I'm not sure how it would work out but I'd certainly like to see her playing a character very different from Sara... not that she will ever have to :( *clings on to fading idea that CSI will never end*
csi_love said:
I'd love to see her do comedy just to get a different view of her acting. I'm not sure how it would work out but I'd certainly like to see her playing a character very different from Sara... not that she will ever have to :( *clings on to fading idea that CSI will never end*

Yeah totally agree with you there, but it seems so hard to think of Jorja acting any differently to Sara, acting more open and generally the opposite to Sara... but yeah would be good to see, totally up for seeing her do some comedy. :p
I just thought I'd like her back on ER, not that I've watched the show the last season but I loved it back in the days. And Maggie was such an amazing character, sadly very underappreciated though.

Still, whatever Jorja is going to play in the future, I'm hoping for some more of that tough chick attitude that sometimes comes through in Sara, too. Only without the overemotional drama please :p

*wants to watch old ER episodes now*
i would definitely wanna see more of her in different aspect of acting i havent seen any movie she in there only tidbits of her i saw over youtube and she looks amazing in them.
i've seen her in er i love her character although she has a few eppie in it.
I sure wanna see more from Jorja in many different aspects of her acting. She is a great actress.
cocoa_girl you might wanna try this site. Just go to clips.. there is a whole lot of Jorja/Sara/Maggie/Gina and everything else she did on there to entertain you for hours :D
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