Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Of course I do not know how much of that is true, but neither do you. In fact none of us know anything for certain, so everything we can do is purely speculation. But I do not agree with Sara being important to the show. Of course she is a main character, but the show is not composed of only one or two main characters but of five, arguably even six. So what if Sara dies? They might lose viewers because of that, sure, but a new character will also bring new viewers to the show, and lots of major shows have survived main character deaths. Just look to ER, they lost George Clooney's character and loads of other main characters, and still the show went on.

So while I hope she stays, I don't think the decision has anything to do with how important Sara is to CSI.
ER was never as good without him, but that's another story ;) Yeah what you're saying is true definatly, I'll probably still watch it without Sara, I mean to be honest I think this is gonna be the last series, which again wouldn't be a bad thing, as much as I dont want it to end, it's got to sooner or later. I'm still staying optimistic. :D Cars aren't that heavy, really. ;)
^Hehe, personally, I thought it went downhill after Susan left :p

But anyways, I agree with CSI having to end one way or the other. It's the 8th season, and while that's a success in itelf, I think last season pretty much sucked. Storyline wise. But who am I to complain, I usually only watch shows because of the actresses :rolleyes:
I think it went more downhill when Carter left, but at least Kovac is still in it ;)

Yeah the s7 had some good eps in it, but I prefer the older seasons, I have to say seasons 4 and 5 were my favourites, lately there hasn't been much science-y stuff in it, but hey, maybe it'll be better in s8. If Jorja does stay I wouldn't mind seeing some more eps like Commited, her acting was pretty amazing then.
Yes, I would like for her to be able to show off her talent. I'd settle for more Sara screen time, period. I don't know why they have made so little use of Jorja/Sara.
I think she'll get more attention after being stuck under a car in the middle of the desert for a while. ;) I hope when she does get out (which she is SO gonna ;) ) they actually show her recovery a bit more over eps unlike with some incidents. Throw in a bit o' psychological damage to make it a bit interesting, just to add some drama and such, not too much mind. ;) You know what I mean, not have such a huge event pass by after one episode, have it drag on a bit, add to the realism. Course I want her to be ok though :p
I got to agree Season 7 pretty much sucked accept for the Sara scenes and of course her scenes with Gil!
They woefully underused her and used stupid Catherine too much.
Sara is a much more fascinateing character and Jorja Fox is the best actor or actress on the entire show.
Season 8 better all be about Sara!!!!!!!
Excuse me, but first off, no character bashing in here. You can voice your opinions, but please do it without the use of derogatory terms. I don't like Cath much myself, but refering to her as stupid does make you come off as pretty childish.

And while you find Sara the most fascinating character, please remember that the show was not intended for one person only, it was intended for a wide range of viewers, hence it's supposed to appeal to a variety of people, many of whom will not share the same beliefs you do. So acting as if the show is intended to be Sara only, or stating that you want it to be, as you have done in here numerous times by now, does (at least to me) get pretty tiring.

All of us in here love Sara, but you should also face reality and realize CSI has never been nor will it ever be solely about Sara.
Jorja Rain I could just kiss you! I'm so sick of the war going on between Sara and Cathrine fans. I mean in some places it really runins the whole CSI fandom for me.

Why can't people just keep such negative opinions to themselves?
I'm a fan of Sara, but Cath rocks. All the characters do. And like Jorja_Rain said, the show isn't solely about one character. Besides, Cath isn't stupid. <_<
Sorry everyone.
Just upset because I dont think they used anyone right in Season 7 even though the episodes were good. The show just feels off balance, hopefully this season will put it more on track with Season 4 and 5.

I dont dislike Catherine so much as I feel they used her out of proportion last season.
I want a more balanced CSI back.
It just feels like the show started to float after what was a pretty fantastic season in Season 5.
(Plus i just dont want any of the characters to die)
I'm not a big fan of Catherine. But that's a different story...

Right. Jorja.
I think I said it before but seeing her acting elsewhere would be great. Obviously I'd be upset if she left CSI but the show isn't centered around her. Sure, TPTB won't be very popular if she is replaced but I'm not going to say that they won't do it because I think they could.

I just hope that if she does new shows or even goes into film that they will be shown internationally so I can watch her here in the UK :)
The show may not be centered on anyone except Grissom, but as a big fan of the show if any of the original team left i would not watch it anymore.
Granted if Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle) was gone it would be a huge deal IMHO.
I just think there is so much left for Jorja Fox to show off as Sara Sidle, plus she has said she loves playing Sara and loves the show.
Although i do think they need to do a few more funny episodes like
"Suckers" and "Who Shot Sherlock" Fox can be verrrryy funnnyy when they let Sara have some fun.
Anyone else got any other funny CSI's they remember...?

Granted Jorja is great at drama. Anyone remember the episode "Homebodies"
The show's centered around Grissom? I though it was about the team... or rather, the cases... :confused:

Okay, so I'm not really sure anymore whether I want Sara to live or to die. I'm starting not to like her character anymore which is why I'd say I don't care. On the other hand though, it would be pointless to watch the whole show for only a couple of Sofia scenes in some of the eps. So I guess I still want Jorja on the show so I will have something to look forward to when the storylines bore me... So yes, Jorja, stay on CSI!

I don't think she'd land a hit again after CSI anyway, mabye some indie movies (that will never be released anywhere) or a guest role in some random show... but really, CSI is the best that could have happened to her from a 'fame' and financial point of view... from an acting pov she could probably have done better though.
I actually think CSI: has probably opened lots of doors for Jorja in terms of acting, because now that her name is out there and more wide-spread and people know what she is capable of, that puts her on the map and under their radar. Jorja has also said though that she would like to get into producing and doing more things behind the scenes instead, so that might not necessarily mean she's looking for a better gig :p

As for the Sara drama in season five, that actually drew me to her character more. Before season five I didn't even notice Sara; I preferred Catherine. But after I saw Committed and got into her character's storyline, it just made me like Sara even more. She's compassionate and caring and determined; she's the perfect role model for young girls and women everywhere.

IMO, I don't feel the Sara drama was overdone. I feel it was impossible to build Sara's character more without the drama. She's probably the darkest character on the show in terms of her past, and it's taken a toll on her. It would have been strange to have had Sara go throughout all of CSI all smiles and girlish giggles ;)

This is just me, and maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I know I'll never get tired of Sara's storyline anytime soon or her character and I'll definitely never get tired of seeing what Jorja can do :D
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