Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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quoth_the_raven said:
I'll definitely never get tired of seeing what Jorja can do :D

I'll certainly never get tired of (wishing to) see what Jorja and Louise Lombard could do :devil: . In a movie, that is...or is it?:devil: :D
I have to agree that I like the drama is Sara's storyline and will never get tired of her character developing. I also agree that she is the darkest character. In addition, I think she is the most complex, I guess that goes with dark, but i digress...
I also will never get tired of Sara and her story. I hope the fantastic Jorja Fox is in the show until Peterson and her decide to leave or the show ends. Peterson and Fox have said they want to leave together so their characters can.
I have to agree I will never tire of watching Fox's talent and what she can bring to the complex Sara Sidle.
Although I loved Sara's character from day one, but to each their own...
I also agree she could not have gone through the show all giggles frankly because Fox has always brought so much more to her scenes than that.
Although i do think Season 7 lacked a really great funny episode with Sara
like "Turn of the Screws"
quoth Gee! i always love your icons! gah, i always have to stare at them for a long time and then jump back into reality :D so adorable!!
csi_love said:
I'm not a big fan of Catherine. But that's a different story...

Right. Jorja.
I think I said it before but seeing her acting elsewhere would be great. Obviously I'd be upset if she left CSI but the show isn't centered around her. Sure, TPTB won't be very popular if she is replaced but I'm not going to say that they won't do it because I think they could.

I just hope that if she does new shows or even goes into film that they will be shown internationally so I can watch her here in the UK :)

Hell yeah, we poor UK-ers never get as much as everywhere else ;) I'd like to see more eps like in s5, they were some of the best imo, but it does annoy me when people say the show is centered around certain characters. Maybe some eps are but not the entire show, the show is centered around forensics incase anyone forgets ;) and the characters are just added to it. Grissom is no more important a character as say, Nick... (that's something for me to say as I adore Griss :p ) i'd be gutted if either of them left, the same if any character left, but the show must go on I guess. :)

I just keep hoping Sara comes back cus it would be interesting to see how she is gonna deal with yet another traumatic experience in her life. I would like to see if it changes her character (maybe even her relationship with some of them...)

As for Jorja not showing up for work cus she didn't like the way things were going.. its not like the first time she did it (got her pretty much fired before!). I am just wondering how much of the story is actually true but once again I go screaming

"JORJA! What's it gonna be girl? YES or NO?" :cool: ;)
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^Wow that's so nice of her to do that.

She seems like the sort of person who actually cares and wants to help. And she is using her fame-status to promote causes like that. I like that about her.
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Yeah, it's a lot better than some celebrities who do it just to be seen and get the attention. Stuff sounds good, but it'll be money I cant afford to get them, damn being a poor ass student. But yeah totally agree that she is the kind of person that actually gives a damn and there aren't many people like that around.
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i think the whole Jorja not showing up is just to help the hype of the CSI cliff-hanger. The first one they have had in a 7 season long show. It is a big deal for them and everyone involved has said that. So I feel everything about Jorja and her contract was blown out of proportion.
Jorja, her agent, and the network have said nothing official from the get go about her contract or the finale episode.
Plus the writers had the finale planned for a year they knew where they needed Jorja and when.
Plus you can tell it is her under the car if you have watched the show long enough.
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GSR_Sara_Gil said:
i think the whole Jorja not showing up is just to help the hype of the CSI cliff-hanger. The first one they have had in a 7 season long show. It is a big deal for them and everyone involved has said that. So I feel everything about Jorja and her contract was blown out of proportion.
Jorja, her agent, and the network have said nothing official from the get go about her contract or the final episode.
Plus the writers had the final planned for a year they knew where they needed Jorja and when.
Plus you can tell it is her under the car if you have watched the show long enough.

Woo! Optimism! I'm liking your way of thinking. ;)
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GSR_Sara_Gil said:

Plus you can tell it is her under the car if you have watched the show long enough.

And in what way would that be proof of Sara not dying? :confused:

Jorja, her agent, and the network have said nothing official from the get go about her contract or the final episode.

Well, that's just common sense, now, isn't it? I mean, don't you think that no matter what happened on the show they would have had Jorja contractually forbidden from saying anything to the media? It just wouldn't make sense for the show to have Jorja proclaim her leaving the show before the new season has started.
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