Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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I wasn't pointing out negatives, I was asking why the facts you considered to be pointing to Sara's not dying would actually be just that.

To me there's a difference between hoping Sara won't die and simply continuously stating unimportant facts that one whishes could mean anything, when infact, they do not (at least not to me) have any relevance whatsoever.
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I think it's time for a topic change :D What kind of work would you like to see Jorja do if she does/doesn't leave? I know we've kinda spoken about this but yknow, can go into it more. :D

Btw: LOVE your new icon Raven. ;)
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if she leave the show i would want to see her in a romantic comedy... i havent seen any of her film but so bits and pieces in youtube.
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I like to see her in some sort of action film wearing really tight jeans. but she could do that an stay on the show i really like seeing her every week even for a couple of minutes she got in last season I think they should team Sara and Sofia up more next season ,
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I'd like to see her in The L Word :rolleyes:

Acting wise, I think I've said before that I'd like to see her do something very different from CSI. A romantic comedy would be interesting like cocoa said.
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I would like to see some more of Jorja's talents.. maybe she could make a cd. I heard her sing. Its nice to listen to her :)
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man i have never heard her sing. i cant find ANYPLACE that has her singing. does anyone have a link with her singing?? i am deperate!! :lol:
All that link does is directs you over to, but the song "satellite" has not been available at for quite some time. Give me an hour or so and I'll have something up at my place for you.
LOL yeah, the song... I just had to listen to it again, didn't get better but it's definitely a wonderful statement of hers.

I deeply admire her for the guts to put that online, not for the contents but but for the quality. My guess is she was drunk :p

Still, I'd like to hear more of her singing. Hopefully with proper recording though, the crackles are awful :(

PS: Any guess who the girl is she is singing about? We hardly know anything about her private life, which is not bad, I respect her wish for privacy, still I'm kinda very curious :p

*wants to be the girl Jorja sings about*
umm yeah, different topic :p
kaylyne said:
All that link does is directs you over to, but the song "satellite" has not been available at for quite some time. Give me an hour or so and I'll have something up at my place for you.

thanks, i would appreciate that! :D
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