Jokes Thread

Q: What do you call two Mexican Firefighters?

A: Hose-A and Hose-B

Lol I used to hear that one all the time throughout the drum corps summer season!
The other day I met a good friend of mine who is a genetic engineer. He was happy to tell me of his job. His latest project is the splicing of DNA from different specie of birds.

First he combined the DNA from a pheasant and a hen. It worked! He called it a "Phen."

Next he successfully combined a pheasant and a goose. He called it a "Phoose."

Yesterday, he explained, he finally was able to mix a pheasant and a duck. He called it... "Charlie."
whats worse than finding a worn in your apple?

getting shot in the face!!!

it makes absolutely no sense but its so funny :lol:

isnt it
Q: whats worse then finding a worm in ur apple?
A: finding half a worm
That's kinda neat. I, as a female, definitely react and laugh like crazy while my guy friends are laughing too- only they're laughing at me because I giggle so much.
OMG!!!!!!!! :lol: I've heard that one before, but I totally didn't expect it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Warning: This joke will be depressing for little kids.

Which one isn't like the others: Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, or a Smart Blonde.

A: It's a trick question. There's no such thing as Santa Claus. There's no such thing as the Easter Bunny. There's no such thing as the Tooth Fairy. There's no such thing as a Smart Blonde.
Thanks. :D

A blonde goes into work one day and cries loudly at her desk.

Her boss walks over and asks, "What's wrong???"

"Oh. I have a suspicion that my husband is cheating on me." the blonde says.

"Do you want to go home and check on him???" the boss asks.

"I'll be fine." the blonde says.

But the process repeats itself many times until the says, "If you don't go home now I'll fire you."

The blonde replies with a "Fine."

The blonde arrives home 3 hours early and catches her husband in bed with another woman. The blonde picks up a gun and puts it in her mouth.

"NO!!!!" the husband screams.

The blonde replies by saying, "Shut up. You're next."
^^ Omgosh. I like that one.

Two men walk up to a very beautiful blonde. They talk a bit and later the blonde says, "If I roll this number with my die, will you give me 20,000 dollars? If I don't, I'll go to sleep with both of you." The two men thought that was a fair chance of winning , and agreed. "Ok," said the blonde."I need to take off my clothes first, it makes me more lucky." She takes off her clothes, rolls the die, and screams,"I did it! I win! I win!" She runs off with the money.
After a slight pause, the first man asked,"What was the number?"