Jokes Thread

its not a real story, its just a joke lol.

Q: how many emo's does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: none, Fcuk em, they can cry in the dark

ROFL HAHA i luv that one, and this

i wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself :lol:
Top 15 reasons why Greeks can't be terrorists

15. Some members would have thought the flight is 8.45 pm, not am and still be at home drinking a frappe and smoking cigarettes with friends.

14. Another member would not even make it inside the airport still arguing with the taxi driver's fare.

13. Someone else would miss the flight waiting for his turn at cafe buffet in the airport.

12. Someone would build the bomb in an over-complicated manner meaning it doesn't work.

11. Not all members would be able to board the plane due to at least half the group carrying excess wait in lugggage - and refusing to board without all luggage - most of which is food such as packets of passatempos and a leg of lamb.

10. 8:45 is too early for us.

9. We are always late, we would have missed all 4 flights.

8. Pretty people on the plane would distract us.

7. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.

6. If food and drinks were on the plane (we would be dancing zebekika).

5. We talk with our hands, we would have to put down our weapons.

4. We would all want to fly the plane.

3. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.

2. We would have to put the Greek flag on the windshield.

1. We would have told everyone a week before doing it.

I know there not jokes but there funny
Only in this world can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance!
Only in this world do we leave bank doors open but chain the pens to the desk!
:lol: It's so true though. I relate to number 5 the best. My dad always gets after me for talking with my hands whether I'm excited or mad. It's a habit that makes him mad :lol:. Number 10 really speaks to me too.
:lol: It's too early 'cause we're sleeping in to recover from a long night of partying and drinking ouzo. Anyhoo, here's another joke:

Two cows are standing in a field, talking to each other. One cow says, "Hey, aren't you worried about getting that mad cow disease everyone is talking about?"
The other cow says, "Why should I? I'm a chicken."
jorja_fan86 said:
:lol: It's so true though. I relate to number 5 the best. My dad always gets after me for talking with my hands whether I'm excited or mad. It's a habit that makes him mad :lol:. Number 10 really speaks to me too.

So you are total opposites to Finns :p

I think I've showed this before :D
Oh :lol: :lol: Good one Ducky! Impassive faces!

Drinking ouza eh? I heard those things are sweet. Anyhow, I'll see what jokes I can find heh..
Wahahaha JF that's hilarious! That's really true! My ex-Greek neighbor is really like that :lol: and reminds me of My Big Fat Greek Wedding...the funniest movie ever ever.
A man breaks into a house. He goes upstairs and finds the husband and wife sleeping. When they are startled awake, the man points a gun at the wife asking what her name is.
"My name is Elizabeth..please don't hurt me!" She replied.
The man sighed. "Ah, my mother's name is Elizabeth.. I can't kill you!!" Then he turns to the husband. Pointing the gun, he asks what his name is.
"My name is Stan, but my friends call me Elizabeth."

:lol:LOL perhaps lame, but I laughed soo hard when I heard it!
:lol: Yep DW you and I are totally different. Anyhoo, time for another joke:

Two employees of a company meet in the corridor:
- "Did you hear the news?" asks the first.
- "What news?"
- "The vice president of the company died this morning!"
- "Really? But how?"
- "Heart attack. The only person near him was his secretary, you know that blonde…" - "Yes of course I know her.."
- "Unfortunately she wasted him..."
- "What do you mean?"
- "He was telling her to call 166 (number for emergencies) and she was waiting for the rest numbers..."
Its not that funny but it made me chuckle
I had my appendix removed. There was nothing wrong with it, I just did it as a warning to the other organs in my body to shape up or they're out of there