Jokes Thread

The President, First Lady and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One. George looked at Laura, chuckled and said, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy."

Laura shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I could throw ten $100 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy."

Cheney added, "That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy."

Hearing their exchange, the pilot rolled his eyes and said to his co-pilot, "Such big-shots back there. Hell, I could throw all of them out of the window and make 56 million people very happy.
needmorecsi, I've seen a different version of the joke- it involves them being on a train, and the conductor saying he could throw them in front of the train to make people happpy!
I got this a few years ago to my mailbox.

Vice President Cheney's health was being discussed at a White House staff meeting last week. Some guy mentioned that Cheney has angina.
President Bush corrected him, stating that only women have anginas, not men. The President got upset when the guy insisted that Cheney has acute angina.
DaWacko said:
I got this a few years ago to my mailbox.

Vice President Cheney's health was being discussed at a White House staff meeting last week. Some guy mentioned that Cheney has angina.
President Bush corrected him, stating that only women have anginas, not men. The President got upset when the guy insisted that Cheney has acute angina.

.....I so don't get that one. :p But great one about the bird flu. :D
BabaOReilly said:
"Driver's license test? What driver's license test?" --Renee

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The sad thing is, it's true! (except for me of course, i'm an excellent driver! :devil:)
Ok, I actually have a few jokes that haven't been told yet! :eek:

A guy is walking on the beach when he finds a magic lamp. He rubs it and a genie pops out. The genie says "I will grant you three wishes, but there's a catch. Whatever you wish for, your mother-in-law gets twice as much."

The guy thinks about it for a minute, then says "OK, I wish I had a mansion."

The genie looks confused, but grants the wish "OK, there's your mansion, and your MIL now has 2 mansions."

"For my second wish, I wish I had a 30-foot yacht."

The genie is even more confused, but grants the wish, giving the guy a yacht and his MIL 2 yachts.

"And lastly," says the guy, "I want you to beat me half to death."


What do you call two blondes in a freezer?
Frosted flakes


And I saved the best ones for last:

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "Hey, does this taste funny to you?"


What's brown and sticky?
A stick!!

ive heard that lamp one with it a chick that finds it and everything she gets every blonde gets hehe.

what do you call a blonde with 2 brain cells?
a genius
There are two dogs in the vet's waiting room, an old one and a young one.The young one says to the old one, "What you in for?"
"Well," replies the old dog, "My master thinks I'm getting too old, so I'm in to get put to sleep."

"What a shame," says the young dog.

After about five minutes the old dog says,"What you in for?"

"Well, my new mistress just got me from the pound yesterday,and at night time she didn't want to leave me alone in case I chewed anything so she took me up to the bathroom while she was going to take a bath. So when she bent over the bath I just did what comes naturally and ended up ripping her back to shreds."

"So," the old dog says, "She will be getting you put down as well."

"No, I'm getting my nails cut."

A spoiled little girl lived next to a not so well to do little boy. The little girl took great pride in always showing off her stuff. Day after day the little girl went over to the little boy to point out that her item of the day was better then his stuff.
On this day she started to walk over to show off her newest gift, but just after she opened her mouth and said, "Look what I got and it's better then yours," the little boy pulled down his pants and said, "So what? I bet you ain't got one of these!"

The little girl ran off into her house.

Five minutes later she reappeared in front of the little boy. She pulls her pants down and said, "Well, my mommy said that as long as I got one of these, I will always have one of them!"
grissoms_gurl said:

Lol I used to hear that one all the time throughout the drum corps summer season!

Hmm, a drummer, eh? ;) Hope you don't mind if I add a few drummer jokes...I was in band in high school, and my little brother plays drums, so I've collected a few drummer/musician jokes over the years.

Q: What's the difference between a drummer and a savings bond?
A: One will eventually mature and make money.

Q: If two drummers are in a car, who's driving?
A: The police officer.

Q: How many bass players does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. The keyboardist can do that with his left hand.

Q: How many trumpet players does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Only one - he just holds it to the socket and waits for the world to revolve around him.

Q: How many trumpet players does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Ten. One to actually change the lightbulb, and nine to brag about how they could've done it better.

Q: What's the best way to get two piccolo players to play in tune?
A: Shoot one.

(Hope these aren't too offensive to anybody - they're all meant in good fun. :D And I have played bass guitar, flute, and trumpet at different points in my life, so I'm poking fun at myself a bit, too. ;) )

This joke is kind of silly, but it's one of my favorites (and I don't think anyone's mentioned it yet):

Two muffins are in an oven. One of the muffins says, "Man, it's hot in here." The other muffin says, "Oh my gosh! A talking muffin!" :lol:

And yet another (couple of) blond joke(s):

A blond, a brunette, and a redhead are running from the police. They find a barn with some empty burlap potato sacks in it, and quickly they each crawl into a sack. The police burst into the barn, and kick at the first sack, which contains the brunette. Thinking quickly, she meows, and the police officers say, "Oh, it's only little kittens." Next the police kick at the sack the redhead's hiding in. She makes barking noises, and the police officers say, "Oh, it's just puppies." Next, the police officers move on to the blond's sack, and kick it as well. No noise is heard, and so the police officers kick the sack again. Still nothing. When the police officers kick the sack a third time, the blond yells, "Duh! Potatoes!"

A blond, a brunette, and a redhead are travelling through the desert when their vehicle breaks down and they're forced to continue on foot. Before they abandon the car, each one takes something from it to help them survive. The brunette takes a canteen of water, the redhead takes a knapsack full of food, and the blond takes the car door. When her companions ask the blond why she chose the door, she answers, "So we can roll down the window if we get hot."

Q: How do you drown a blond?
A: Put a scratch-n-sniff sticker on the bottom of the swimming pool.

(And yes, I am a blond. :D )
DaWacko said:
I got this a few years ago to my mailbox.

Vice President Cheney's health was being discussed at a White House staff meeting last week. Some guy mentioned that Cheney has angina.
President Bush corrected him, stating that only women have anginas, not men. The President got upset when the guy insisted that Cheney has acute angina.

That is really funny Ducky. I almost fell out of my chair with laughter. :lol:
u know how some jokes are funni coz they're so not?


what did the man say when he walked into the bar?

a grasshopper walked into a bar and the barman goes, hey we've got a drink named after you and the grasshopper goes, "what, trevor?" <--- a personal fave haha.

what do you call an elephant in a phone box?
stuck :lol:
My personal fave "stupid" joke is.

Two blondes walked on a street and the middle one was wearing a hat.