Jokes Thread

The first time I heard that joke I was like "What? I'm confused!!!! That makes no sense!!!" (The 'How do you confuse an idiot?' joke) :lol:
Q: How do you keep a moron occupied all day?
A: See Q&A below.

Q: How do you keep a moron occupied all day?
A: See Q&A above.
Yet another blonde joke.

The Blondes at the university were tired of not fitting in. They were tired of other students assuming they were just stupid bimbos. They wanted somewhere where they felt they belonged.

So they pressured the administration to set up a new Department especially for them. The university agreed, and set up the Blonde Education Department.

The Blondes were ecstatic to have a department of their own where they could gather without being ridiculed. They felt they really belonged now. They wanted other students to see that they weren't just stupid bimbos-- after all, they now had their own department at the university.

So they now all proudly wear the official sweatshirt of the Blonde Education Department which sports the saying: "I Belong in B.E.D."
I have a really stupid YoMomma joke:

Yo Momma's so fat that when she went to school she sat next to EVERYBODY! :p
haha ive got one thats kinda a joke but its something that happened.

me and my mate were on the train and we were sitting down next to this realy fat woman. and then this old lady came on and the fat woman goes, "how about you stand up and let her sit down" and my mate turns to her and goes "how about you stand up and let 4 people sit down"

it was absolutely hillarious lol
That's too funny heartagram., I'm crying with laughter right now.
Why are we there?

Every day there are news reports about more deaths. Every night on TV there are photos of death and destruction. Why are we still there?

We occupied this land, which we had to take by force, but it causes us nothing but trouble. Why are we still there?

Many of our children go there and never come back. Why are we still there?

Their government is unstable, and they have loopy leadership. Why are we still there?

Many of their people are uncivilized. Why are we still there?

The place is subject to natural disasters, which we are supposed to bail them out of. Why are we still there?

There are more than 1000 religious sects, which we do not understand. Why are we still there?

Their folkways, foods and fads are unfathomable to ordinary Americans. Why are we still there?

We can't even secure the borders. Why are we still there?

They are billions of dollars in debt and it will cost billions more to rebuild, which we can't afford. Why are we still there?

It is becoming clear..

heartagram69 said:
haha ive got one thats kinda a joke but its something that happened.

me and my mate were on the train and we were sitting down next to this realy fat woman. and then this old lady came on and the fat woman goes, "how about you stand up and let her sit down" and my mate turns to her and goes "how about you stand up and let 4 people sit down"

it was absolutely hillarious lol

I agree with Baba here. I'm sorry but that's really really rude and nothing funny about it.

And, as my opinion, there's nothing more frustrating and stupid and indifferent than for youngsters not letting older/injured etc. people sit in buses, trains, trams...
You are young, you have good feet. Doesn't take so much to get your ass up and stand for a while.

Ah, but a joke.


Crawford Texas -- A tragic flood this morning destroyed the personal
Library of President George W. Bush. The flood began in the
Presidential bathroom where both books were kept. Both his books have
been lost.

A Presidential spokesman said the president was devastated, as he had
almost finished coloring the second one. The White House tried to call
FEMA, but there was no answer.
DaWacko said:
heartagram69 said:
haha ive got one thats kinda a joke but its something that happened.

me and my mate were on the train and we were sitting down next to this realy fat woman. and then this old lady came on and the fat woman goes, "how about you stand up and let her sit down" and my mate turns to her and goes "how about you stand up and let 4 people sit down"

it was absolutely hillarious lol

I agree with Baba here. I'm sorry but that's really really rude and nothing funny about it.

And, as my opinion, there's nothing more frustrating and stupid and indifferent than for youngsters not letting older/injured etc. people sit in buses, trains, trams...
You are young, you have good feet. Doesn't take so much to get your ass up and stand for a while.
we did stand up for the old lady

but it was hillarious, coz the fat woman was being the biggest bitch and stuff. sorry if it offended you, but seriously it was hillarious.
^Yeah, I know nagging people in the bus or train are annoying. Esp when there's nothing wrong. Tho I've met them only in big cities :p
Some 13 yrs ago (heh, long time) we were in Helsinki, going around the city in a tram. There wasn't much of people and lots of empty seats and this older woman started to yell at my bro and his friends about them not letting older people sit! . My bro's friend commented it and everyone burst to laugh.

But then again there's comments towards fat people and it's rude too. My sis is 3 times wider than me and that's the way she is. She was even an athlete, a great one, so you cannot say she didn't move.

Ah well... I'm on ranting mood.

Baba... in these days you... I think you should be worried... I mean, considering my jokes funny :p
one day i was driving and i ran over a cat i didnt want to stop trafic so i kept driving. a cop then pulled me over he said do you know you ran over a cat. i said i didnt want to stop traffic he then said well youve got to bring it to the owner. so i checked the tags and went to the house the cop followed me. i rang the doorbell and an old lady opended the door i told her i killed her cat she was very sad i offered 500 dollars she accepted the cop then arrested her for accepting money for pussy. :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: