Jake/Johnny #1: 'So Distracted By That Guy'

I don't usually post here on this thread but here goes anyway.

We should cut Jake Berkley some slack at least as far as his presence, rather the lack thereof, is concerned. Johnny Whitworth's character was never regular cast. Chances are he was never given the opportunity to sign a contract that would bind him to appear regularly on CSI-Miami. He was free to pursue other projects. And it looks like he did just that. Over on his IMDb page, Whitworth has 4 projects in the pipeline. That's FOUR projects running simultaneously!! The good news is that all of them are now listed as in "post production" which usually means the filming portion is finished and it is now in the hands of editors. Hopefully he's freed up to reappear as Jake Berkley in the upcoming season.

What is TPTB supposed to do in that situation? Best they can do is write his character back in when he becomes available. Hopefully things will get interesting if he returns.
Well, I completely understand the reasons Johnny couldn't do it (so I don't blame him for it and never would). However the writers could have at least mentioned Jake. They could have shown Calleigh at home after all of the drama was over, her phone rings, she answers it and says "Oh, hi, Jake. Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for calling though." Or something to that effect. I don't think that would have been hard to do at all. Same with John Heard (Duke) if he wasn't available. They could have written a scene where he calls her. We wouldn't have had to seen him or heard his voice, just heard her say: "Hi, Daddy." Like I said before, with Jake it makes more sense cause he could have been on an undercover assignment and not able to call (or maybe didn't even know what had happened to her), but Duke? Duke's her dad... you'd think they could have written some phone call at the very least.
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I totally see your point, and it's a good one! But you can hardly blame that on Whitworth. This is a perfect example of the "lack of continuity" problems that constantly dog this show. If I was to point a finger at anyone it would be the writers.
I don't blame the actor at all. IMO the blame belongs solely on the writers' shoulders. I would never even think of blaming Johnny for it. I didn't mean to imply that either. I know Johnny's been busy and that's great for him. The more of him we get to see, the better IMO. :D And no, I don't mean that in a dirty way. :lol:

However, I don't think that the people behind Miami even considered asking him to be in the eps (continuity is not one of their strong points most of the time lol). So, it's all on them (the producers, writers, etc). Cause he should have at least been mentioned in the ep where Calleigh was kidnapped. Well, I take that back, cause they did kind of mention him. Cooper's website had his pic on there saying "will he be next" when talking about Calleigh's ex John Hagan's suicide. But, somehow, that wasn't enough of a mention IMO.

They should have mentioned that he called someone concerned about Calleigh or something. Like Horatio telling Calleigh "Hey, Calleigh... Jake called to see if you were okay. I told him you were." Just a small little mention like that would have been nice, but the writers didn't bother... and that bugged me a little bit. :lol:

But, no I do not blame Johnny at all. This one is all on the writers/producers.
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GregNickRyanFan said:
Well, I take that back, cause they did kind of mention him. Cooper's website had his pic on there saying "will he be next" when talking about Calleigh's ex John Hagan's suicide. But, somehow, that wasn't enough of a mention IMO.

It does leave the possibility open that we might see Jake again though, albeit the 'will he be next' being pretty ominous. Horatio did warn him about his ways before.

I would have liked to see some more continuity regarding his character (as he was on quite a few episodes and was 'starring' in the guest credits) but like was said, continuity isn't the biggest thing on the priority meter.
I hope they could give us a bit of continuity, or a least close this thing with a simple line. They talked so much about this triangle at the beginning of the season I thought it was going to be the most important second plotline of the season...I'm sure I haven't lost any episode so...where is it?:rolleyes::guffaw:
Well I think that Jake is the biggest mistery of Miami:cardie:.
I mean he was introduced to develop Calleigh's character, good or bad way it's the same, but still I didn't see anything.
He was introduced as a side of this "expected big" triangle (again I never saw it & I watched all the episodes) & well Jake is missing...are we suere he wasn't abducted???:alienblush:
I know Johnny was a little bit busy but since he was almost a regular character (he was supposed to be like Yelina in s1-s2) I think it would have been nicer in his regards to mention his character a little more.
I mean since "Stand Your Ground" he was mentioned only one time as a possible next victim of "Calleigh's curse" & then nothing. They could have mentioned him wit a phone call or with someone talking about him also with Calleigh saying "I left him" but they didn't do nothing, they dropped his character off & we honestly can't know wether he's still alive or not.
Also during "All In" they could have mentioned him. I mean he was supposed to be the boyfriend of the person kidnapped (Calleigh) but they didn't mention him. Nonbody called him to say his girlfriend was abducted. They could have called him and without showing Johnny they could have made him tell "well we split a while ago..." something like this, but again they didn't do it. It's weird. In my opinion it's a form of non-respect towards an actor who spent a lot of his time, while he was very busy, for a show who doesn't mention him while he can't be there.
In my opinion Jake, Duke and Alexx (cause I thought the same thing about her) are underused characters:(, such a shame!!!.

Now that Johnny isn't busy with his movies cause they're finished or in post-production I want TPTB to show him a lot more cause the have to show him more.
I just watched 'Valentine' and didn't realize Johnny was in it. :rommie: It was funny seeing him with really long hair.

Bad movie, but great to see Johnny.


Here are a few photo stills from Pathology. I have two more, but they are more of a group thing. Do you want me to post them???

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Why the heck are they using hedgeclippers to do an autopsy? :lol:

Ugh... I'm so peeved/annoyed right now. Just read that Csi: LV's premiere (the one I was most psyched about) will be put off due to political debates. Can't they just put it on Saturday or something? Not like there's anything on Saturdays anyway. :lol:
Why the heck are they using hedgeclippers to do an autopsy? :lol:

I believe they use those to get past the ribs, and through to the chest wall to examine the lungs, heart and other important organs. Some Medical Examiners use smaller compact versions while others simply buy them from the local hardware store. :lol:

It looks like an interesting movie and has Johnny in it. All the better. :D And I wouldn't mind seeing the group photos--I'm assuming Johnny would be in them as well.
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Now Johnny with a pair of glasses is too cute:devil:. He looks professional and damn hot at the same time.
Thanks Lambchop for the stills:thumbsup:.

GregNickRyanFan can you imagine Alexx Wood performing an autopsy with hedgeclippers???:lol: It's complety weird

Ough I never watched "Valentine" but I've watched "The Rainmaker" & I think you should watch it. He was completely different from "Empire Records" or CSI:Miami. Plus I felt for his character the whole time:(, very sad movie.

Oh Oh Oh did you know that Johnny is coming back on CSI:Miami???
Yeahhhhhhh :D . I'm so happy for him although I'm scared for the possibly plot they're gonna use.
I never knew he could return UC in the same gang of "Going Under" although his carreer was blown off by Cal & Co. right in that episode:lol:

Wow I thought I was gonna forget how to use a spoiler box:p

ps: Yeah Lambchop I'd love to see also the other stills.
I'd like to know how thier going to explain that one!! I swear he specifically said that his cover was BLOWN, so :wtf:.
Did he get a make-over & they don't know who he is???
This should be interesting, maybe he wears a disguise or something.

Im very excited he's back though, can't wait to see how incredibly hot he looks:p
I love The Rainmaker. It’s a great movie and Johnny is wonderful in it.

Johnny is only in Valentine for a few minutes, but he’s into free love. :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Here are the other promos of Pathology.

Yeah Rainmaker was a grat movie with great actors.
Plus Johnny was amazing in it...although I felt for his character the whole time. It's a very sad movie but I love it.

:guffaw::guffaw:I must see Johnny into free love.

:eek::eek: Oh Oh I saw it and OMG. Although it's a very sad moment I like this pic...it's pretty well done. AHHH I must watch this movie!!!!!