Jake/Johnny #1: 'So Distracted By That Guy'

Oh please I was trying to forget "3:10 to Yuma". I went to the cinema to watch that scene. I was "OMG the shot him and he actually died!!!!":wtf:.

I so glad I waiting until I could download it. It was a good movie, but I would have been upset if I had went to see it and he died to quick. I mean really!!! Who did they think the star of the movie was, Russell what's his name..... :devil:
Well the real problem was that actually they showed Johnny on the red carpet as if he was one of the protagonists so I though he had a bigger role, maybe like the one he played in "Empire Record" (oh great movie btw with both Johnny and Rory:devil:).
Oh I was so mad at Russel Crow cause he shot Johnny:eek:
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Oh I was so mad at Russel Crow cause he shot Johnny:eek:

But Russell made up for it at the end of the movie. :bolian: But I hear what you are saying. I just couldn't believe he was gone so fast. He did have good placement in the ending credits though. So maybe his part was suppose to be bigger and they ended up cutting it.

Just to let everyone know....
I only download from legal sites. I have too many friends in the business.
Oh I was so mad at Russel Crow cause he shot Johnny:eek:

But Russell made up for it at the end of the movie. :bolian: But I hear what you are saying. I just couldn't believe he was gone so fast. He did have good placement in the ending credits though. So maybe his part was suppose to be bigger and they ended up cutting it.

Just to let everyone know....
I only download from legal sites. I have too many friends in the business.

Cool. :cool:

Oh and I just saw 3:10 To Yuma recently--didn't even realize Johnny was in the movie until the last minute. :lol: I thought I recognized him but sometimes I'm about as good with faces as I am with math. It is sad that he didn't get a larger part, he can definitely pull off the 'cowboy' role. Although my family was pretty irritated that I kept recognizing people in the movie from either CSI, 'Dark Angel', etc.

Also, 'Empire Records' is one of my fav Johnny movies. First movie I ever saw him in. :)
Oh Empire Records was my first Johnny's movie too and I loved it. He and Rory were too cute in it;) plus it was such a good movie.

Well I so can imagine Johnny playing a cowboy, well obviously if he lives for more than one minute in a movie:p, but yeah I think he's perfect for a cowboy role.
I LOVE Empire Records! Johnny was adorable in it. I loved when AJ was talking to himself, practicing what he was gonna say to Corey (Liv Tyler) and he said something about a bath and then he goes "You make me feel like a bath???" :lol: It was so funny the way he said that and the look on his face was priceless.
^ I loved that! And I love how he had to tell her he loved her by 1:37 exactly. :lol: Gosh, I've probably seen that movie a bazillion times.

Johnny and Rory had some great banter in that movie, it's a shame they both weren't on Miami at the same time.
Vh1 has been airing that movie all the time now, I only get to catch bits & pieces of it at a time, but I thought I'd die laughing when I saw the scene where they're all jammin', WAT dude is playing drums, Rory's singing & Johnny's playing air guitar:guffaw: I loved it, Rory looked like he had picked up a few moves from Mick Jagger!!
I thought how nice it would have been if Speed was still alive & him & Jake could kinda bond. I somehow think they would have gotten along. Speed had a motorcycle too, didn't he?:cool:

Just a question if anyone knows? Did CBS have anything to do with that movie, cause It seems like every face, i've seen in a CBS show..except Liv Tyler...& the bald chick ...or Renee Zellwegger...ok so not as many as I thought, but still, there were quite a few!:p

On the cowboy note....Johnny would be great as a cowboy, & a very sexy one at that...I can picture him with a piece of wheat hangin' out of his mouth, 5 o'clock shadow & a cowboy hat on, roughed up old jeans & a yummy tight t-shirt:drool:
oh my, it's suddenly warm in here.
On the cowboy note....Johnny would be great as a cowboy, & a very sexy one at that...I can picture him with a piece of wheat hangin' out of his mouth, 5 o'clock shadow & a cowboy hat on, roughed up old jeans & a yummy tight t-shirt:drool:
oh my, it's suddenly warm in here.

Oh my word! That sounds lovely. Someone needs to make a manip of him with a cowboy hat on. :lol: Unless there's actually a pic of him with one on. :lol:

Wouldn't you just love to see the Miami gang watching "Empire Records" (Jake included) and someone saying "Hey, Jake... that dude looks like you!" :lol: And then someone else would say "yeah and that other dude looks like Speed." :lol:
Vh1 has been airing that movie all the time now, I only get to catch bits & pieces of it at a time, but I thought I'd die laughing when I saw the scene where they're all jammin', WAT dude is playing drums, Rory's singing & Johnny's playing air guitar:guffaw:
Ahahah this one & Johnny talking to himself were the best parts :guffaw:

I thought how nice it would have been if Speed was still alive & him & Jake could kinda bond. I somehow think they would have gotten along. Speed had a motorcycle too, didn't he?:cool:
Well I would have loved to see them working together again. I think Speed & Jake are pretty similar. I mean Jake reminds me a lot about Speed & I love it.
Plus in my opinion a couple of boy like Jake & Speed working together would have been awesome:devil::drool:

Just a question if anyone knows? Did CBS have anything to do with that movie, cause It seems like every face, i've seen in a CBS show..except Liv Tyler...& the bald chick ...or Renee Zellwegger...ok so not as many as I thought, but still, there were quite a few!:p
I kinda thought the same thing when I first watched the movie. We had Johnny, Rory & Anthony LaPaglia...yeah they were quite a few, but if I think about the year this movie was aired well I'd say nobody was a CBS actor:p

On the cowboy note....Johnny would be great as a cowboy, & a very sexy one at that...I can picture him with a piece of wheat hangin' out of his mouth, 5 o'clock shadow & a cowboy hat on, roughed up old jeans & a yummy tight t-shirt:drool:
oh my, it's suddenly warm in here.
Oh you can't imagine how warm it's in here. This is such a lovely imagine and I can't get it out of my mind now:devil:

Wouldn't you just love to see the Miami gang watching "Empire Records" (Jake included) and someone saying "Hey, Jake... that dude looks like you!" :lol: And then someone else would say "yeah and that other dude looks like Speed." :lol:
If they made a scene like this I'd be ready to kiss all TPTB :lol:. I'd love it. I think it would be the best one ever maybe also with one H's one-liner:p
I love Jake. I don't like him with Calleigh, since I'm a total DuDe shipper, but I do like him. I was kind of mad when he disappeared at the end of season 6. Even if he and Calleigh broke up, or "took a break" or whatever, she got kidnapped, her lab blew up! You'd think he'd care enough to see how she was doing. Maybe (I'm hoping) he'll show up again in season 7.
I think Jake is very much a caring kind of guy, Duke wasn't there either, so that was all TPTB's sloppy writing in my opinion. Besides Johnny having alot on his plate as well. I hope next season will be more thought out properly. I really don't give up on his return, he's a great character, there's so much potential for great stories with this type of person. There's been alot of characters fall off the face of Miami to show up later & surprise everyone, so I would bet he'll show up eventually. TPTB love to make us believe one thing, when it's completely another. I'd love to know more about him, his "bad boy" image I don't quite buy, it'd be nice to see an emotional side to him..im pretty positive it's there deep down.:p
I wonder if him and Duke not being in last season (or even mentioned) had something to do with the writers strike. They kinda had to rush to get the season finished, right? Maybe that could account for the sloppy writing.
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That's what I mean when I say more "thought out properly". TPTB were rushing episodes & it seemed like they were all written in a matter of a day or two, then they'd shoot. Im sure to an extent the strike jacked up the whole season.
Here's hoping next season is far better..... & with some Jake:beer: