In Between the Scene: Going Under

*mel, there is one post before this* :D

Just as Eric left the doctor came.

"Hello, Lt.Caine", how are you today"? "Oh my what happened to your head"?

"Calleigh threw a jug at me".

"Oh,oh"!!! "Nurse get Lt.Caine some ice for his head please".

"Calleigh"!! "How are you feeling"? said the doctor.

"How do you think I'm feeling, I'm in labour here".

"Okay, I need you to get on the bed and lay back".

Just as Calleigh walked over to the bed, her water broke.

"This is just great, now I have no pants".

"It's okay Calleigh, you won't need them right now".

Once she was in the bed, the nurse checked how far she was dialated.

7cm so far, won't be long now". "I'll be back soon".


The Officers, Frank and Eric had showed up on scene.

"What's going on Wolfe"? asked Frank.

"Well frank, I found my dates door ajar, and her dead on the floor".

"Hmm"!! "How long have you known her Ryan"?

"About 3 weeks, she had just moved here from Washington".

"Okay, Eric process the scene, and I'll call "H", said Frank.

"You don't want to call "H", said Eric.

"Why the hell not"?

"Calleigh's in labour and they're at the Hospital".

"Great"!! "Let's go Wolfe, Eric can handle this alone".

"Shouldn't I help"?

"No"!! "You shouldn't even be here". "You're the one that found her".

"Are you telling me I'm a suspect"?

"No"!! "I'm telling you , you found her, and at this point it don't look good".


Calleigh was in full blown labour.

"Auhh!!! screamed Calleigh.

"Breath sweetheart, huff,huff,hee,hee,.

"Why don't you hee, huff, huff,the hell outta here". "And you, nurse, get me some damn drugs".

"Listen Calleigh it's to late for an Epidural now. "The baby's head is right there, I need you to push".

As Calleigh bared down, and pushed, the baby's head popped out.

"Okay Calleigh, One more push", "ready"? "One,two,three,"

"Waaaa!!!!! Waaaa!!!!, and there she is, a beautiful baby girl". "Would you like to cut the cord Lt.Caine"?

Taking the scissors "H" cut his daughter's cord.

"Welcome to the world, sweetheart", said "H".


Ryan was freaking out. So he called "H" himself.

"Caine"!!! said "H".

"H", I need your help".

"What's the problem Ryan"?

"I found my date murdered in her home, and I called it in". "Now I'm a suspect".

"I'll be right there Wolfe". "Listen love, that was Ryan, he's in trouble". "You rest and I'll be back as soon as I can". "I love you Calleigh".

"I love you too Handsome".

The nurse brought the baby back into Calleigh, all nice, clean, and dressed in a nightie.

"Here you go Mrs.Caine". "She weigh's 8lbs, 10oz", beautiful size, very healthy".

"It must have been all those brownies". Laughed Calleigh.
After "H" left, Calleigh was admiring their new baby. She had the most greenest eye's, and strawberry blonde hair, with a little dimple right in her left cheek.

"Hello love"! "I'm your mommy", and I guess your daddy and I should give you a name". "I myself think we should call you Emerald". "Emerald Elizabeth Caine". "Wht do you think sweetheart"? "Do you like the name mommy picked for you"?

"The baby let out a little mew". "Then Emerald it shall be". Calleigh bared her breast and watched Emerald suckle on her breast.

"Mommy's little Emerald girl".

The more Calleigh toyed with the name, the more she loved it. As she got finished feeding the Emerald, her dad walked in.

"There's my Little Lambchop".

"Hi daddy". "How are you"?

"Well I'm great Lambchop". "Is this our little blessing"? "Have you named her yet"?

"Yes Dad, I think we'll go with Emerald Elizabeth Caine". "I love the way that sounds, don't you dad"?

"I do sweetheart, yes I do". "Now pass the little Emer over".

"Emer"? "That's different dad".

"I know, It has to be unique for our green eyed Angel".


"H" had arrived at Miami-Dade, and he wasn't happy.

"FRANK"!!! yelled "H", "what the hell is going on here"?

"Ryan says he found his girlfriend in her home dead". "But the report from Alexx, stated time of death two hours ago, the same time Ryan called it in".

"Do you really think Wolfe would kill someone"?

"It doesn't matter what I think". "I have to play this like any other crime scene".

"Do you have any evidence to prove, that Ryan was there"?

"No"! "Not yet".

"Then leave my CSI alone Frank". "You are not to bother him again, unless you have proof, he was the one that killed her".

Once Frank left, "H" said to Ryan........"From the begining Wolfe".

"I went to pick up Carlie for our date tonight". "I was about 10 minutes late". "When I got there, I noticed her door was slightly ajar". "When I peaked in, I couldn't see her, so I tried calling her name and still got no response". "Walking further in, I seen her body laying motionless on the floor". "That's when I called Frank".

"Okay Wolfe". "I don't want you to talk too anyone about this case, not one word, until Eric and I figure out what happened".

"Okay "H", "I won't".

After things were taken care of with Ryan, "H" headed back to the Hospitla to see his new daughter.

"There's my girls", said "H". "Hi dad".

"Hello Son, beautiful job on your new addition".

"Thanks dad, has she given her a name yet"?

"I have Handsome". "Emerald Elizabeth caine". "What do you think"?

"I love it sweetheart", as much as I love you and our daughter".

Kissing his wife, he took Emerald in his arms, kissed her little cheek and said, "Welcome Emerald Elizabeth Caine".
At that special father daughter moment, Eric, Ryan, and Alexx walked in.

"Hi ya'll", said Calleigh with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi Calleigh", said Alexx. "We came to see our new addition".

Walking over Alexx took the baby from "H" and held her close.

"I'm surprised said Alexx, he looks like both of you". "She has emerald eyes like you and strawberry blonde hair, that will most likely darken, like her fathers". "Great job Horatio".
"What name did you give her"?

"Emerald Elizabeth Caine", said Calleigh. "I helped to you know"?

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl", said Alexx, passing the baby to Eric. "Of course you did love", said Alexx.

As Eric held the baby, Calleigh asked Ryan, how he was feeling.

"Are you going to be okay Ryan"?

"Yeah"! "I'll be fine Calleigh, "H" and Eric will figure it out".

"that we will, said Eric, as he tried to walk out with the baby.

"get back here with my daughter Eric, said "H". "She won't be used in your game of catch the nurses".

Everyone laughed, for they knew Eric had an obsession for nurses. Just a Eric was passing Emerald back to her father, Chereise walked in.

"Hello everyone", "Lots of visitor's Mrs.Caine".

"No"!! "Lots of family", said Calleigh.

They all smiled, and shook their heads, yes.

"Eric, May I have a word with you for a moment"? asked Chareise.

"Sure"! "I'll be right back Calleigh".

Once they were in the hall, chereise apologized to Eric, for thinking he was cheating on her.

"I'm really sorry Eric". "I hope you can forgive me".

"Of course i can". "Just next time, talk to me, instead of jumping the gun".

Stretching up on her toes, she kissed Eric's cheek.

"can I see you tonight Eric"?

"Sure"! "I'll pick you up at eight".

After Chareise left, Eric grinned. He had always preferred Cherry's company, to any of the other nurses. He just didn't understand why yet. But he will by the end of this story.
Once everyone left, "H" settled down into bed with his wife and daughter.

"How are you feeling sweethert"? asked "H" as he kissed her pretty lips.

"I'm feeling great, though I miss the feeling of having her within me", said Calleigh tearing up.

"Auh!!! "It will be okay love, because now we have her on the outside, you get to take of her even more, and we get to keep her healthy and happy with our love".

"I know you are right handsome, and look at her beautiful baby toes, and tiny hands and fingers". "It's hard to believe we created this Calleigh".

At that moment Emerald opened her eyes and let out a big yawn, then looking into her daddy's eyes, he could have sworn she smiled.

"Sweethert did you see that"?

"I did, said Calleigh, It looked like she smiled at you".

Laying down with the baby between them, The Caine family fell asleep in each others arms.


Ryan was at home relaxing, when the phone rang.

"Hello"! said Ryan.

"Yes"! is this CSI Ryan Wolfe"?

"It is". "How can I help you"?

"I'm Special Agent Burke", "I'd like you to come down to Miami-Dade P.D".

"May I ask what for"?

"It's concerning the death of our Special Agent Rachal West".

Ryan was shocked, he had no idea, the girl was an Agent with the F.B.I.

"could you call me back in a few minutes please, I have someone on my other line"?

"Sure Wolfe, I'll do that".

Once Ryan hung up the phone, he called "H" again.

"God"!! "H" is gonna be pissed, with me having to bother him again", said Ryan to himself, as he realized this nightmare was worse than he thought.


Eric was just heading out to pick up Chereise when the phone rang.

"Delko"! said Eric.

"Yeah, Eric, it's Frank".

"What's up Frank"?

"It seems Wolfe is in more hot water then we thought".

"Wht do you mean"?

"Well, it seems that Rachal chick worked for the F.B.I. , she was an Agent".

"What"!!!!! "Are you serious"?

"Very serious, and so is Agent Burke". "He wants Ryan in here now".

"Well did you get in touch with him"?

"Yeah"!!! "He's calling "H", to see what he can do".

"Christ Frank". "I'm just heading out, but if you need me, just call".

"Will do Eric", said Frank.

Once Eric picked up Chareise, he took her to a romantic restuarant for dinner. He wanted to ensure they weren't disturbed.

"This is wonderful Eric, thatnk you for bringing me here".

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it".

"Shall we dance"?

"I'd love to Mr.Delko", giggled Chereise.

As they danced, Eric could feel himself, getting worked up. Lowering his hand, he caressed Chareise's bum. "Let's go back to my place, Cherry".

Chareise could feel Eric grow and was getting just as worked up. "Sure Eric, sounds great".

As they got to Eric's door, he unlocked it and without breaking the kiss, walked her through , while kicking the door shut, he pinned her up against the wall. Linking his hands into hers, he pulled down his zipper and pushed into her heat, causing her to orgasm immediatly.

Still needing more, Eric carried her into his room without breaking their hold, and leaned her over the bed, where he took her twice more.


"H" had to excuse himself from Calleigh and his daughters side.

"I'm sorry sweetheart", "I wish these interruptions would stop".

"It's okay Handsome, you go ahead", "I love you".

"I love you too sweetheart", as "H" got up , he kissed his girls good-bye.


"H" stopped by Ryan's to take him down to Miami-Dade P.D.

"You must be Agent Burke"?

"That's right, and you're Lt.Horatio caine". "I've heard all about you".

*smirking* "Just what do you want with my CSI"?

"he was involved in finding our Agent dead". "I think that's good enough reason, to want to see him, don't you"?

"No I don't, he know's nothing, he just found her". "There is no evidence or any proof, that CSI Wolfe has done anything". "So at this time, I must say no".

"You don't have that authority Lt.Caine".

"Oh but I do", "This is my Lab, now get out until you bring me some credible evidence".
Once "H" got rid of Agent Burke, he gave Ryan a ride home.

"Just relax Wolfe, you'll be fine". "Call if you need me".

"Calleigh and you just had a baby "H", 'I don't want to have too disturb you".

"Listen Wolfe, this guy Burke, isn't going to stop". "You need to watch your step".

"Sure "H", thanks for everything".

When "H" got back to the Hospital, Calleigh and Emerald were sound asleep. walking over "H" picked his daughter up, and took her over to the rocking chair they had in the room. Sitting down, he rocked her over his shoulder, while he told her the story of how "Daddy met Mommy".

Calleigh was watching them from the bed, she could see how happy "H" was to have someone that belonged to only him". She knew he needed family, just like they needed each other to breathe.

"H" felt someone watching him, and when he turned around, he seen his beautiful wife was awake.

"Hello sweetheart", said "H" as he walked over and kissed her. "How are you feeling Calleigh"?

:"Great, the nurse said, we should be able to go home tomorrow".

"That's wonderful sweetheart, it will be nice to have my two favorite girls home for good".


Eric was still at his apartment with a sleeping Chereise. he had never kept a woman over night in his apartment. Knowing she had a 8am shift, he woke her.

"Chereise"!! "Come on, you're going to be late for work".

"What time is it Eric"?

"It's 6am", said Eric.

"Are you telling me I stayed all night"?

"I guess I am, that's okay isn't it"? asked Eric.

"what a minute". Eric said to himself. "Did I just say that"? "Oh God I did". Talking in his mind again.

"Eric, you okay"? you look like you're going to be sick".

"I'm fine Chereise".

As Chereise went to get up Eric seen her bottom, and got excited again.

"God what the hell, is going on, I'm never like this".

Grabbing Chereise, he pulled her back down onto the bed.

"Eric, what are you up too"? "This isn't like you".

Eric's mind was going mad, so to get her to shut up, he kissed her again. A long passionate, deep kiss, that melted her down to her toes.

*sigh*, *pant* Eric, she purred, as he kissed his way down her stomach to her thighs, and without warning he attacked her heat, driving her over the edge.

"ERIC"!!!!!! She screamed.

Not knowing what the hell was happening to him, he couldn't stop, as he climbed a top her and started to move in rythmn, until his body released into her open and unprotected womb.

After Eric's mind returned to reality, he realized he forgot protection.

"Damn it Chereise, please tell me you use protection besides our condoms".

Looking shocked, she said, "No Eric, I don't".

Both Eric and Chereise, looked at each other and said. "Oh God"!!!!

"Now what Eric", "what are we going to do"?

"Not panic", let's just wait and see what happens".

"But what if I am"?

"Then we deal with it together".

"I won't get rid of it Eric". "I couldn't do that".

"You won't have too". "Listen Chereise, I don't run from my mistakes, I deal with them".

Chereise started crying. "Come on love, please don't cry". "I promise, we'll deal with it together".

Eric kissed Chereise, as she leaned into his touch once more.

"Chereise, one more time"? said Eric.

"May as well, it can't do any harm now".

Little did they know, if they had not done it again, Chereise would not have been pregnant. But that's Eric for you, as he released into her again, and little Eric, met little Chereise". The rest as they say is History".