In Between the Scene: Going Under


"H" returned to the Hospital to pick up Calleigh and Emerald.

"There's my girls, all ready to go"?

"Yup"!! "Let's get our baby home", said Calleigh after kissing her handsome man.

"Here love, I'll take Emerald".

Picking his daughter up in his arms, he kissed her pretty mouth as it scrunched up into a little "O".

"Okay Mrs.Caine". "Just a few instructions for you". "No intercourse for six weeks", "Keep the baby's umbilicord clean", and make sure to soak in a warm bath with only mild soap, until your stiches disolve from your Ephisionomy".

"Thanks, bye".

"Alright, Let's get my girls home".


Ryan was working at home on a case, when he heard the knock on his door. Looking out his window, he seen it was Frank.

"Come on in Frank".

"Thanks, just stopped by to see how you are doing".

"Could be better". "But I'm surviving".

"Well you'll be alot better when I give you the news".

"What news Frank"?

"They know it wasn't you who killed that Agent".

"How do they know that"?

"Because they found out she was shot by her ex-husband, who they now have in custody".

"That's great, so I can come back to work"?

"Yes, you can". "So let's go, I need your help with my case".


"I'll pick you up tonight after work Chereise", said Eric. *Did I just say that*? *What the hel is going on with my mind*?

"Sounds great Eric, I'll see you then".

After Eric left Chereise smiling, he couldn't figure out, what the hell possesed him to say, he'd see her again.

"I must be loosing it", said Eric to himself.


Calleigh and "H" had arrived home.

"Oh it's wonderful to be home handsome". "Look Emer", this is your new home".

Taking thier daughter to the Nursery together, they laid her down in her beautiful hand made cradle.

"God she's beautiful love, she has your gorgeous green eyes", said "H" as he held his tiny wife in his arms.

"She should sleep for a few hours", then she'll be up for her feeding".

"I think you should get some rest love". "Come on, I'll carry you to bed".

"So strong, my handsome man". "I love you", and your charm".

"Not as much as I love you sweetheart".

Placing her on the bed, he covered her up and watched her sleep.

"Thank-you God, for sending Calleigh into my life, and for giving us a healthy baby", said "H" to himself.
Awww, this is so sweet!!! :) Lovely name for their baby!! :D It has a nice ring to it! :)
And go Eric!! :lol: If he had a baby, that would be great!! They'd all live happily ever after!! :D

Ryan and Frank, were working on a small case that involved two small time drug dealers that had shot each other.

"Damn Ryan, you ever see so much smack in one room".

"Never"! "What time is Narc supposed to arrive"?

"Should be any time now".

That's when the shooting started.

"Frank, get down", yelled Wolfe. "Dispatch"! "This is CSI Wolfe, we have shots fired, I repeat shots fired".

"God damn it Ryan, what is it with shooting guns lately, Christ we're not NY".

At that moment Narc showed up on scene and arrested the two shooters that were firing at Ryan and Frank.

"Can we get these God damn drugs out of here", yelled Frank, to Narc.

"Christ, I need a drink". "You wanna come Ryan"?

"Yeah"!!! "I'm right behind you Frank".


Calleigh heard the soft cries of Emerald. Getting up so as not to disturb Horatio, she walked into the Nursery.

"Hello, my beautiful "Emer", are you hungry"?

Taking the left side of her nightgown, Calleigh bared her breast, to allow Emerald to suckle. Sitting with her in the rocking chair, Calleigh began to sing.

"My beautiful Emerald, with eyes of Ireland green, I can see you a few years from now, playing Tea Party's with me along the Miami sea. "Just me and my Emerald, along with Daddy who makes three, all together forever playing our Makebelieve".

Horatio was watching from the door with tears in his eyes, as Calleigh sang to their daughter while she fed.

"Hello, my beautiful Angels", said "H" bending down to kiss them both.

"Look at her Calleigh, she's so beautiful". Taking her little hand, she curled it around her daddy's finger, while still suckling on her mommy's breast.

After "Emer" released her hold, Calleigh put her over her shoulder and rubbed her back.

"Here you go handsome", "Lay her back down for me please".

Taking his Emerald in his arms, he slowly walked her back to her cradle. Before laying her down, he told her..... "You are my little Emerald Girl,, who will always make her daddy's heart swirl". "Night "Emer" love".

Hand and hand, Calleigh and "H" walked back to bed.


Eric had picked up Chereise, and taken her back to his place, where he made her dinner.

"I didn't know you cooked Eric", said Cherry.

"I love cooking, it's one of my favorite passtimes".

"Well I'm learning alot about Eric Delko".

"Oh yeah"!! "What do you think so far"?

"I think", "I could see myself loving him"?

Eric smiled, not even thinking that he should be booting her out the door, with the mere mention of love.

"I'm glad, It's great to have someone, to share my passion with". *What the hell was that*** Christ Eric snap out of it****.

"Eric"? "You okay, you look pale"?

"I'm fine" , said Eric with a forced smile. "Let's eat".
Glad nobody got shot.

awwww cute mommy/baby scene :) I want HJr, can we have an HJr? hehehe I bet we will before too long, you know H won't wanna wait after she's gone through the mandatory rest period thingy.
In the morning "H" heard Emer crying , walking into the Nursery he picked her up and took her over to the change table, while he changed her bum. Once he had her fresh and clean, he walked her into mommy.

"Calleigh love"! "Someone is hungry".

As Calleigh awoke, she seen Emer gnawing at her little fists like food.

"Come here sweetheart", as Calleigh put her near her breast Emer must have known, because she latched on with greed and began to drink.

"What time is it Handsome"?

"Six in the morning love, why"?

"Are you telling me she slept through the night"?

"I guess she did love, said "H".

"Well no wonder you're hungry Emer", said Calleigh as she caressed her little cheek.

"I'm going to make you some breakfast love, I'll be back shortly".

"H" headed downstairs and made Calleigh two eggs, sunny side up, 3 pieces of bacon, fresh orange juice with a fruit salad.

"Here you go love, enjoy", said "H" as he took Emer into in arms.

*Phone rings*

"Hello"! said "H".

"H" it's Eric, we need you down on the North side of the beach, now. We've had a double homicide".

"Okay Eric, I'll be right there".

"Is everything okay handsome"?

"Yes love, just a double homicide, I'll be home soon". "I love you, said "H" as he passed Emer back to her mom".


Tripp , Eric and Ryan were already processing when "H" arrived.

"What have we got Eric"?

"Two victims, one male, one female, both shot through the head".

"There's no I.D. on either victim , we're just waiting on Alexx, she's at another crime scene", said Frank.

While they waited "H" noticed shoeprints leading from the body's to the water. As he followed them he found one shoeprint that was deeper then the others, like someone had thrown something into the water.


"Yeah "H"?

"Put on your wet suit and check in the water for our weapon". "It may have been thrown".

"Sure thing "H", said Eric heading to his Hummer.

At that second Alexx showed up on scene.

"Busy morning Alexx"? asked "H".

"You got that right, this is my third DB, this morning".

"Female victim, shot at close range, a threw and threw". "Second victim, same MO as the female".

"Okay Alexx, get them back to the Lab and check them both carefully". "Ryan you go back with Alexx, and make sure all the items get to trace".

"Will do "H".

After they left "H" waited by the water's edge for Eric to return.
Nicely done. I hope they catch the killer real soon so Horatio can get back to his girls!! :)
Sweet scene with Calleigh and Emerald. :) Calleigh is such a wonderful mother, and I loved the little rhyme. My mom used to sing to me when I was small too. Seemingly, it helps nurture creativity, so little Emer's gonna grow up to be really musical!! Well, that's what I see happening! :lol: :) Horatio is such a great father! *squee* :D
Keep going, I love it!! :)
When Eric came back up, he held a gun in his hand.

"What have you got Eric"? called "H".

"Look's like a 45", said Eric as he passed it to "H".

"Okay, let's get back to the Lab".

While "H" waited for Eric to get out of his wet suit, he packaged the gun and put it in the Hummer.

"You ready Eric"?

"Ready "H".

As they left the beach, someone was watching them.

"Shit"!! "They weren't supposed to find that", said the stranger to himself.

Once they got back to the Lab, Ryan had already started the processing on the clothes.

"What did you and "H" find Eric"?

"A 45, It's down with "H" in Bullistic's". "He has to do it himself, as they're not sending another replacement for two weeks".


"H" was a little rusty from being off so long when he got shot. So picking up the phone, he called Calleigh.

"Hello"!! said Calleigh.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you and Emer"?

"We're good handsome, is something wrong, you sound confussed"?

"Yeah, I am". "I'm having a little trouble remembering the steps for the processing of an firearm".

Calleigh tried not to laugh, she knew her handsome man was rusty, but she didn't think he was that bad.

"Listen handsome, why don't I bring Emer down and we'll go through it together".

"Are you sure love"? "I don't want you doing to much too soon".

"I'm fine handsome". "I'll be their within the hour".

"Okay love, thank-you".


Chereise had smiling at work all day long.

"What the hell is going on with you Cher"? said her friends.

"I'm the happiest woman in the world", I have been in the arms of Eric Delko for two days straight".

"Get out"!!!! "Our Eric Delko, the Cuban Giggalo".

"The one and only", smiled Cher. "I think it's love".

*Laughing* "Yeah right"!!! "Delko doesn't know what love is, he runs from the word".

"Not this time, and I'm seeing him tonight again".

"My God"!!! "Could it be you've tamed our Cuban Beast"?

"I'm not sure, but I hope so, because I'm already in love with him".

"You alway's have been Cher". "I hope it works out for you".

"Thanks, me too".


Calleigh and Emerald had shown up at the lab.

"Calleigh"!!!! yelled everyone with excitment.

"Ahh, ohh, aaahh!!!! Everyone was going crazy over little Emer, they were all around Calleigh, trying to get a look at the green eyed Angel.

"My God Calleigh, look at her, does she ever have your eyes, my she's so precious".

"She may have Calleigh's eyes, but look at that pout and strawberry blonde hair, that's all our "H", great job, the both of you".

"H" came walking up behind the crowd of ladies.

"There's my Angel's said "H", not caring who heard.

"Awww!!!! "Look at them , they are perfect, don't go anywhere, I want some pictures".

"Great"!! said "H", "I hate photo's".

"Just smile handsome, it will be over soon".

Once everyone was done gogooeying Emer, they headed down to Bullistics.

"Here handsome you take her and I'll finish up this report".

"I'm really thankful love, It's just been so long".

Calleigh was a little concerned. She remembered the doctor telling them that the chipped bones in "H"s skull may cause memory loss and headaches, sometime in the future .


"Yes love"?

"When is your next appointment with the Neurologist"?

"Next week, why"?

"When next week"?

"Umm!!! "Hmm!! "I'll have to check my date book".

Now Calleigh was concerned, because just 3 days ago, "H" knew when that appointment was, and today he couldn't remember.
awww...if you mixed the show and your fic he and Delko could form a club lol the memory loss club or mixed up CSI club.