In Between the Scene: Going Under

Yeah me too.

lol I still say we should tell them that because they've been naughty boys, they must be spanked. I can see the line that'd form for it hehehe
Once Eric and Ryan got back to the Lab, they took the print and were just about to run it when Jasmine came in and asked them what they were up too.

"H" was looking for you earlier, said Eric. "he said you're to be in his office tomorrow morning by 9am, no excuses".

"Fine, I'll be there". "Now what are you two up too".

There was no way Eric was about to tell her about the print, when he ws already suspicious of her. But of course, Ryan had no trouble telling her.

"We are just about to run a print from Calleigh's dorr............

"Shut the hell up Ryan", "what the hell, keep it shut for 5 minutes".

"What"? "I didn't say anything, I wasn't suposed to".

As Eric and Ryan argued back and forth Jasmine spilled her coke across the table onto the only print.

"Oh, I'm sorry, God I'm such a cluts". "Look what I did, what a mess".

"Damn it", said Eric. "get the hell out of here, you don't belong in this area to begin with, Look at the damn print, it's ruined".

"I'm really sorry Eric, it was an accident", said Jasmine.

"What ever, just get out".

Jasmine left the Lab with an evil smile on her face.

"You"!!!! said Eric to Ryan, are calling "H". "It was your big mouth, that started it".

"FINE"!!! "I'll call him", said Ryan.

(Phone Rings)

"Caine"! said "H".

"Yeah "H", it's Ryan".

"What is it Ryan"?

"It seems we lost our print".

"What do you mean you lost the print"?

"I opened my big mouth to Jasmine that we had a print from Calleigh's doorbell and Eric got pissed because I told her, we started arguing and Jasmine spilled her coke on the print ruining it".

"Mr.Wolfe", said "H" in his serious tone. "Mr.Wolfe, go home". "I'll see you in my office with Jasmine in the morning". "Now give me Eric".

"Yeah "H"? said Eric.

"I want you to keep your eye on Jasmine, watch her and follow her carefully, but do not approach her", "understand"?

"Will do "H", "I'll keep you informed". "bye"

Once Eric hung up the phone, he went to find Jasmine.


Ryan being suspended for the day, left him bored, so he decided to call on Tripp and see how he was doing.


"Who is it"? yelled Tripp.

"It's Ryan, I came to see how you're doing".

"Come on in, I'm fine, how bout you"?


"What the hell did you do Wolfe"?

"Pissed off the boss, that's what I did". "I told our new girl about the print Eric and I had gotten from Calleigh and ""Hs doorbell, and she spilled coke on it and ruined it". "For some reason, "H" seems to think she's the shooter".

"What"? "How long has he thought this"?

"Just the last day or so, she keeps disappearing when the shootings happen".

"Hmm!!!! "Intersting". "Well sit down, I'll get you some coffee, and we'll talk about this need you have to flab your gums at the wrong times".

Eric walked quietly in the Bullistics Lab hoping to find something on Jasmine. As he went to go into the Gun closet, he got knocked out on the head, by the butt of a gun.

"Just had to be the nosy one, didn't you Eric"? "Couldn't leave well enough alone".

Jasmine dragged Eric into the closet and left him there. Now! to go finish what I came here to do. "Kill Horatio and Calleigh Caine".

Grabbing a silencer from the Gun closet, Jasmine left to get the Caine's


Calleigh was back in the kitchen sneaking somemore brownies and ice-cream, while "H" was napping.

Sitting down to enjoy them, "H" walked in and watched her from the doorway.

Calleigh was driving "H" insane with the way she licked her lips from the frosting. Not wanting to watch anymore, he walked up to her and planted a deep smacking kiss on her chocolate lips.

"Hey handsome"! "thought you were napping"?

"I missed your warmth, the emptiness of our bed woke me up".

Whenever "H" said things like that, Calleigh felt his love all the way to her toes.

"I missed you too handsome, but our little one wanted to be fed".

"What about your big man, he needs to fed your sweet love"? said "H" as he lifted Calleigh's shirt and kissed his baby. "Listen little love, how about you go back to sleep and let me have mommy for a while".

With his head still leaning on her tummy , the baby kicked him.

"Wow"!!!! did you feel that love, it's almost as if she/he said no". "God Calleigh, I can hardly wait".

"Me either handsome", said Calleigh with a mouth full of brownie.

Not being able to tolerate his wife's sexiness, "H" removed the ice cream and brownies, picked her up in his arms and carried her back upstairs.

"Hey Handsome"! "Come on, I'm still hungry".

"I'm hungry to love"! "Hungry for you", said "H" as he ran up the stairs with an overweight Calleigh.

"So strong Handsome", giggled Calleigh.


Frank and Ryan had had a long heartfelt talk about his behaviour.

"Thanks for everything Frank", "I'll go appologize to Eric".

"Good man Ryan, It'll be fine".

"I know Frank, see you".

After Ryan left, he headed back to the Lab to find Eric.


Just as Jasmine was pulling out, Ryan was pulling in.

"Where you going now Jasmine"?

"I have an appointment, I'll see you later Ryan".

"Does "H" know you're leaving early"?

"That's who I'm going to see". "Talk to you later".

When Ryan got into the Lab, he couldn't find Eric anywhere. Walking down to Bullistics, he heard banging coming from the Gun closet. Upon opening the door, he seen Eric bleeding from his head.

"You okay Man"? asked Ryan.

"Yeah"!! "I'll be fine, where is Jasmine"?

"She left for an appointment".

"Did she say where"? asked Eric.

"Yeah"! "With "H" at his place".

"What"? "When did she leave"?

"A couple minutes ago".

"Come on Ryan, she's going to kill "H" and Calleigh".

Taking off out the door, Eric hoped to hell they could get there in time.
Slow down Eric, what the hell our you talking about"?

Jasmine"!! "She's going after "H" and Calleigh". "she's the damn shooter".

"But why "H" and Calleigh"? "For that reason, why all of us".

"I don't know, lets go Wolfe, times wasting".

As they headed out in Ryan's car , they called Frank, because he lived the closest to "H" and Calleigh, and could get there before them.

"Frank"!! "It's Eric, I need you to get over to "H" and Calleigh's now". "Jasmine is our shooter".

As Eric hung up he became dizzy and almost swirved off the road.

"Pull over Eric, let me drive". "You might have a concussion or something".

"There's no time", "We are almost there".

"Just as they got to the stop light the Police pulled them over.

"Driver's licence and registration please".

"I'm CSI Delko, and this is CSI Wolfe, and we're on our to Lt.Caine's place, they are about to be murdered".

"Why didn't you say so sooner".

As the Cop got into his car, he radioed it in.

"This is car 247, dispatch, please send all available units over to Lt.Caine's residence, possible assult with deadly weapon to take place".

"10-4, Officer's are on thier way".

Just as Horatio had laid Calleigh in the bed, he made slow sweet love to her again, strocking and petting her as she melted into his touch.

"Oh my handsome love", "I love your touch, so gentle and loving", "deeper love, take me soaring over the clouds, love me Horatio".

Knowing his wife was ready for him, he carefully turned her on her side into the spoon position and rocked her seductively, as she cried into his palm.

"Sweetheart"!! "Why are you crying love"?

"It's the way you make me feel Horatio". "I can't take the love and passion, you bring to our lives".

"You do the same to me love", every touch, caress, or passionate kiss, shows how much you love me, you are my world Calleigh".

With one last push, Calleigh and Horatio went over the edge together joined as one into the light of the new day".

In the aftermath of their relaxation, the doorbell rang.

"Talk about an interuption", said "H".

"I'll get it Handsome".

Waddling back downstairs, Calleigh was just about to answer the door when the phone rang.

"Can you get the phone handsome"? yelled Calleigh.

"Sure love", said "H".

Just as Horatio answered the phone, Calleigh answered the door


This is the End of this story. Will start new story tomorrow sometime :D

Calleigh stood there in shock as Jasmine's body laid at her feet.

"Wow"! "Thanks guy's"! said Calleigh. *giggling*

Calleigh could hear "H" running down the stairs.

"Calleigh, Calleigh"!!! "Are you okay love"?

"I'm fine handsome, Eric and Ryan shot her at my feet".

"Any idea who the hell she is yet"? "Or why she did this"? asked Frank.

"No"!! "Now that she's dead, we may never know what her purpose was".

"You know what this means", right handsome"?

"No love, What "?

"You're going to need a new Bullet Girl".

Looking in his wife's eyes, "H" said........"The only Bullet Girl I need is you".

The End......

Next time on Going Under.....

Calleigh and H", share the birth of their baby. Eric meets the girl of his dreams. While Ryan finds himself in hot water. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Wooo!!! :) Great job, I loved it!! I loved the little plot twists and turns and all those brownies!! :lol: :devil: Can't wait to read your next one! :)
It was a hot night in Miami, as Ryan was getting ready for his date with this new girl he had met. As he put on his Cologne, he hoped he didn't get interrupted with another case like they had just finished. Hoe funny it was that they couldn't figure out what possessed this Jasmine chick to shoot Officers.

"Oh well Ryan", no time to worry about it, go pick up your date", he said to himself.

As Ryan arrived at Rachel's place, he found her door ajar. Sticking his head inside he called her name several times, but got no response. As he walked in further, he could see an arm sticking out in the hallway. Running up he found Jasmine dead.

"Dispatch"! "This is CSI wolfe, I need Officers dispatched to 4434 Northshore apartment complex, along with Coroner and the CSI team".

"10-4 Wolfe, Officers are on their way".


Eric was at the Hospital to visit a friend of his, when he ran into nurse Cheriese again.

"Now there's a pretty face I haven't seen in months", said Eric.

"That won't work this time Delko, so take your Cuban cheating ass out of here".

"Come on Cherry", that wasn't my fault I got called for a case".

"A case"!! "I seen you at the bar with that pregnant blonde Bimbo".

"I told you Cherry, that's my bosses wife", Calleigh Caine".

"Yeah right"! and I'm the next Virgin Mary".

"I'm serious Cherry", why would I lie to you"?

"Because you are a damn player Eric, you're nothing but a Cuban Giggalo".

With that said Chereise walked away.


Calleigh had been having contractions all day long. She decided against telling "H" until the last minute . because men tended to panic. Not being able to get comfortable, she decided to pace the floor.

"Sweetheart"! said "H" as he walked in. "Are you okay love"?

"I'm not sure Handsome, I've been having contractions all day long".

"H" stared in shock. "Are you telling me you're in labor Calliegh"?

"I think I am". "The pains are getting stronger", "I think we should head to the Hospital now".

"Okay love, I'll get your bag".

As they headed to the Hospital , "H" held Caleigh's hand.

Once they arrived at the Hospital, the nurse (Chareise) recognized Calleigh. Knowing Eric was now telling the truth, she felt really bad.

"Okay Mrs.Caine, "If you could just get into bed, I'll get you comfortable".

Calleigh didn't want to get into bed, she was in too much pain.

"I prefer to stand, thank-you".

"The doctor will want to see how dialated you are , you need to lay down".

"Listen, I don't want to lay down, now leave me alone, God damn it".

Cherry was used to pregnant women, so it didn't bother her when they got cranky.

"Okay Mrs. Caine, you walk around until the doctor comes, I'll get you some Ice chips".

"I don't want no damn Ice Chips". "Just get out", said Calleigh as she told "H" to please rub her back. When he wasn't doing right, she yelled at him.

"Frig sakes Caine", this is all your fault, rub it deeper, lower, Ahhh!!! screamed Calleigh, "Just forget it".

"calm down love, remember your breathing", said "H".

"Frik my breathing", just get away from me".

As Eric was walking down the hall , he could have swore he heard Calleigh's voice. Walking closer, he seen "H" coming out of the room holding his head.

"H", what are you doing here, and what's wrong with your head"?

"Calleigh's in Labor and she threw the water jug at me".

Eric laughed, Good luck "H", I'll see you later".
