In Between the Scene: Going Under

Hehehe!!! that's funny Mel.. Anyway's will be posting shortly. Just got in.

Thanks for the Awesome FB :lol:

Eric left to pick up Chereise at the Hospital.

"Hi Stacey", "where is Cherry"? asked Eric.

"What , no hello beautiful, or are you free tonight"?

Eric realized she was right, he had passed over 6 nurses, and not made one comment about them. "What the hell is wrong woth me"? asked Eric to himself.

"Hey Eric, called Cherry. "You ready to go"?

"More then ready sweetie , let's go".

All the nurses stood in shock. "Could it be true, did Cherry tame the once wild beast Delko".


After Calleigh had the report done, for her husband, they all headed home together.

"Would you like to get something to eat, before we take Emer home for her nap"? asked "H".

"No"!! "I think we should get her down for her nap now". "We can do lunch another day handsome".

Once they got home, "H" removed his Emerald from the car seat, and carried her inside.

Taking her upstairs he said.......

"There's daddy's little Emer". "I love you sweetheart", said "H" kissing her tiny rosebud lips. "You have a nice nap now".

Emerald Elizabeth was having none of that. She had her father holding her since they got to the Lab, and there was no way, she was going to allow him to put her down. She screamed...."AAAAhhhh!!!! Waaaaaaa!!!

"Hey, hey, Come on Emer, what's the matter with daddy's girl, said "H" as he picked her back up and caressed her back.

"You're spoiling her handsome", smiled Calleigh. "See how fast she stops when you pick her up".

"No"!! "Not my Emer, my Emer is a little Angel", aren't you sweetheart"?

Emerald could care less, she had her head on her daddy's shoulder, where she wanted it to be.

*Laughing** "Alright, you'll see, give it a couple years and she'll have you wrapped around her finger". "You'll see handsome", laughed Calleigh.

Mean while......

Ryan and Frank were having a great time at the bar.

"Good thing we are off duty", said Ryan laughing.

"Ryan"!! said Frank. "Have you ever been drunk before"?

"No"!!! "I know my limit, I do go too parties you know".

Frank knew damn well ryan was plastered.

"Let's go Ryan, time to get you home".

While Frank, faught to get Ryan out of the booth, Eric and Cherry walked in.

"What the hell is this", laughed Eric. "Is Wolfe drunk"?

"Christ Eric", "he's plastered out of his face".

"You want some help getting him to the car"?

"No"! "I got him, you go ahead with your date". "See ya".


"H" had finally, got Emerald Elizabeth to sleep.

"Sweetheart"! "whispered "H", where are you love"?

"In here handsome". "Is she asleep"?

"Yeah"!! "She's so amazing".

"Yeah"! "Amazingly spoiled", giggled Calleigh.

"H" walked over and took his wife in his arms.

"I really need you sweetheart, wanna play"?

"Looking into his eyes, Calleigh said......."Alway's my handsome man".
Horatio took Calleigh into his arms and gave her feather light kisses around her face, reaching her lips, he told her in a quiet whisper "open love".

As Calleigh opened Horatio stroked her tongue with his, until he heard her moan. Then moving down towards her neck, he caressed and kissed, driving her to the edge, before pushing over into bliss, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying atop of her, he caressed her leg and thigh causing her to squirm.

"Horatio" *whisper* "Touch me, touch me now".

Taking his hand he positioned it between her and caused her to sigh out into the air.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Horatio pulled off their clothes and entered his wife's body swiftly. Deeper and deeper he took them into the place that sacred only to them, and as they came together you could hear them sigh each others names.

As if on cue, Emer woke up from her nap. "Waaaa,Waaaa".

"I'll get her sweetheart", said "H".

"Handsome, just leave her for bit, you have her so spoiled".

"I can't love, listen to her cry, she could be sick or something".

"I bet you a weeks worth of laundry, that when you pick her up, she stops".

"You have a deal".

Calleigh could hear through the monitor, and sure enough, as soon as daddy had her in his arms, she stopped. Walking back into the room, Calleigh said.....

"I told you, didn't I, you've spoiled her".

Laying down on the bed with Emerald in his arms, he said......"No I haven't, she just needs loving".

Calleigh laughed. "You're going to pay for it later, you'll see".


Eric and Cherry had just finished dinner, and were headed back to Eric's.

"I don't feel very well Eric", said Cherry.

"What's the matter, was it the food"?

"No, I just feel really nausiated and tired".

"Okay, let's get you back to my place, and you can lay down".

"thanks Eric, for taking care of me".

"No thanks needed, my pleasure". "huh"!!! "Where the hell did that come from", said Eric.

"Are you okay Eric"? "You look paler then I do".

"I'm fine Cherry, don't worry, I'll figure it out".


Frank had gotten Ryan into his apartment, and after tossing him on the couch, he relocked his door and left.


Somewhere on the beach, the perp had another couple.

"Listen, if you stay quiet and do as you're told, I won't have to kill you".

The couple shook their heads yes. After taking their money and jewelery, he looked at them and said.......

"I lied", *Bang,*Bang*

Taking the gun to the waters edge, he threw the gun in.

"I loose more guns that way", "Hopefully they don't find this one".
Great stuff I absolutlely love it, I can see H being such a softy...small point I thought Cal and H were supposed to wait 6 weeks!! :lol:
Aww, sweethearts!! :D Emerald just LOVES her daddy!! :) And I can hear the pitter-patter of 2 children's feet!! :lol: Really nice!! And I'm starting to hate that gunman. *mumbles curses under breath*
And Ryan!! :lol: Hilarious!! :)
Once Eric had Cherry in his bed, he covered her up and told her to have a sleep.

"Stay with me Eric, I need you to love me".

"But you're not feeling well sweetheart".

"I'm feeling much better now", just a little nauseated".

Laying down beside her, he took her into his arms and just held her tight, that's when it hit him, he was in love with her. Knowing in his mind what his heart had already accepted, he told her.........


"Yes Eric"?

"I love you".

Silence, not a word could be heard.

"What did you say Eric"?

"I love you Chereise".

The more Eric said it, the more free his soul felt. When Eric looked into Cherry's eyes, he seen the tears.

"Do you mean it Eric"? "Truely"?

"I do Cherry, I want to try and make it work forever".

Bringing her closer to his side, he kissed her softly upon her lips, Eric could feel something was different, like sex wasn't just sex anymore, it was love".


Horatio was sound asleep with Emerald beside him. Not wanting to disturb them, Calleigh got up quietly out of bed. Heading downstairs, she put on the coffee. With a morning yawn and stretch, she set up the dirty laundry for Horatio to do.

Laughing to herself she said......."this is going to be good".


Ryan woke up with a massive headache.

"Christ, my head feels like it's going to bust". "What the hell happened last night"?

(Phone rings)

"Hello"! "Wolfe".

"Ryan, it's Frank, how you feeling this morning"?

"Terrible, you don't have to yell, I can hear you".

"I'm not yelling, you're just hung over".

"What are you talking about Frank, I don't drink".

"Could have fooled me Wolfe". "You were packing them back last night".

"Auhhhh!!!! I gotta let you go Frank".

"Listen Wolfe, I'll be over in 5 minutes, with a cure for you".


Horatio woke up with Emerald beside him.

"Good morning my little Emerald", "How's daddy's girl".

Emeral let out a little "mew" with the tiniest yawn, that made her daddy smile. Then out of nowhere she screamed for her breakfast. Picking her up in his arms, he took her downstairs to mommy.

"Good morning sweetheart, Emerald is hungry".

Calleigh took Emerald in her arms and sat down baring her breast as Emer latched on and suckled.

"Handsome"!! "There's laundry to be done". "It's all ready sorted by color".

"Oh come on Calleigh"! "You weren't serious were you"?

"Of course I was handsome". "Chop, Chop, it won't do itself you know", giggled Calleigh, switching Emer over to her other breast.

Realizing a deal was a deal, Horatio walked into the laundry room and hoped to hell he didn't screw up in front of his lovely wife.
Ewwww!!! I would never put Ryan with Calleigh. That's not right, ahhhh!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: