In Between the Scene: Going Under

During the day, Calleigh, Horatio Jr and Emerald, decided to teach the dogs, how to walk. "Emerald, are you ready sweetheart"? "I an't ind my soe", "Well, were did you put your shoe"? "I out now mama", said Emer. After looking around, Calleigh found it the puppies beds. "Augh, Ernie and Bert"!!!!! Now, when those dogs heard their name, called like that, they knew they were in trouble. Walking in Calleigh said....."Which one of you ate her shoe"? Both puppies just looked at Calleigh, with that " not me look". "What's all the yelling about, asked Horatio, as he walked through the door. "Those pups, ate your daughter's shoe". Horatio looked at one pup, and then the other. Bowing their heads, they whined, and laid down.

Meanwhile....Eric and Cher, were having problems of their own.

"Listen Eric, the nursery should be in yellow, it's a bright color, and baby's need bright colors". "My son, is not going to be in a yellow room", said Eric. "Well, just what color would you like", asked Cher. "A nice blue with a darker blue, sponged on". "Come on Eric, that's so normal, don't you want our son, to have some creativity"? "Of course, but he's not going, to get creative in a yellow room, the only thing that is going to do, is get him, laughed at by the other boys". "Whatever Eric, I'm going out, to see Calleigh, you stay here by yourself".

"As Cher was heading out the door, "H" and the puppies came to visit. "Hey Cher, you okay sweetheart"? "No, Eric is being a big fat jerk, so I'm going to visit Calleigh". "God, she's a crank, I wish she'd hurry and have this baby". Lauhging "H" said....."Serve's you right, you should concider yourself lucky, that she is the only nurse, you got pregnant". At that moment, Horatio and Eric, heard the crash, in the nursery, and the puppies run out. "What the hell, is that"? asked Eric and "H", as they ran towards the Nursery.

"AUUUUUUGH"!!!!!!!! screamed Eric, look at all the f**cking paint, look at the carpet, and the floor, damn it H", look what those pups did". Horatio couldn't believe it, there was paint everywhere, it had even splashed on the walls, in yellow and blue dots. "Ouch!!!, look at it this way Eric, you can do the room in yellow and blue, Polka Dots now". "Funny "H", and just when are you going to teach these demons, right from wrong"? "I've already begun Eric, they're just a little stubborn". "Well, you better teach them fast, before they get into more trouble, now help me clean up this mess".

Okay, been busy today, will update shortly, Not sure exactly when, but shortly. :D :D :D

Thanks for the fuuny fB, Feel free to be funnier. And post longer...I Love reading it :lol: :lol: :lol:
*Wauts patientally for next post until I get bored and starts humming 'What I've Done.'*

Once Eric and "H" had the mess cleaned up, they took the puppies out back, and to let them run. Meanwhile..Cher arrived at Calleigh's in tears. "Cher....what's the matter sweetie"? asked Calleigh. "Eric, that's what's the matter, he's so bloody difficult to love". "Aww, come on Cher, he can't be all that bad". Looking at Calleigh with daggers, she told her all the things that Eric and her had disagrred on. By the time she was finished, Calleigh was laughing her ass off. "Get out, Eric said that"? "He did, he said that when the baby comes, it's my job to look after it, because he's the man". "Oh God, *laughing*, Did you slug him, for that one"? "I threw my glass of milk at his face, and got ready to come over here".

Calleigh was still in hysterics. "Oh I can just picture it, we can call him, milk baby now", laughed Calleigh. Just as Calleigh finished laughing, Eric and "H" walked in with the puppies. "What's so funny love"? asked "H". "Oh nothing, hey milkbaby, how's it going", laughed Calleigh. "Damn you Cher", said Eric. "Don't you tell me, to damn you, you cuban excuse, for birth control. As Cher and Eric started yelling back and forth, they upset the puppies, who started barking, waking up Emer and HJr.

"ENOUGH"!!!! yelled "H". "You too sit down and discuss this like adults, while Calleigh and I check on our kids". When they headed upstairs, they could still hear Eric and Cher going at it. "Think they'll kill each other"? asked Calleigh. *Lauhging* "No love, they'll be fine. When they got upstairs, they got the kids back to sleep. "Listen handsome...It's quiet", said Calleigh. "Hmm, maybe they left". As they got back downstairs, they seen Eric and Cher, on the sofa, making out. "Whoa.....hello, said "H". "We have a spare room in the back, he laughed.

"Oh God "H", sorry, we forgot were we where". Getting up, Eric pulled up his jeans, took Cher by the hand, lead her out the door, and headed home. "Oh my, I never knew Eric had muscles there, giggled Calleigh. Looking at his wife, H" said......"Well, well, so you that tight butt form, now I know, that's fine love, I'll just take my butt out of here". As "H" tried to leave, Calleigh grabbed him and pushed him on the couch. Climbing on top, she said......"Not so fast, Mr.Stud, I want to be hammered, before you leave this room", she purred. Always being ever so willing, "H" flipped Calleigh under him, and stroked and petted her, until she forgot all about Eric's tight butt.

Meanwhile...When Eric and Cher got in the door, Eric could no longer wait, as he pushed her up against the sofa, and stripped off her pants, and his, as he plunged deep into her soul, and she cried out, her love for Eric. Needing more, Eric carried her up the stairs and layed her upon their bed, looking into her eyes he said......"I love you Cher, and I'm sorry for our fight". "Just love me Eric, please, I need to feel you touch my soul again". As Eric slipped into her soul, the two of them, were lost in a relm all of their own.

Meanwhile....Frank and Ryan were becoming really close, they could feel their bond strengthing. "How you feeling son"? asled Frank. "Better, thanks". "Come on , I'll take you over to Miami-Dade, and we'll get your badge and weapon back". "Sure, that would be great , thanks for being there Frank". "Anytime son, I'm here for you anytime".

Meanwhile....Calleigh had tackled "H" to the ground , as he tried to escape her. "Damn Calleigh, you're killing me, said "H", who was trying to keep his lovely wife, from tearing him apart. "Come on handsome, I need more, I can feel it, I need it". Then it dawned on "H". "Calleigh are you in heat"? he laughed. "Oh my, you what, I think, you may be right, okay never mind then, I change my mind". Now :"H" was having none of that, for he knew, she was ready to be fertilized.

As she tried to get up and leave, "H" grabbed her ankles, and she fell on top him. "No handsome, please, come on", begged Calleigh, as he suckled her neck, causing her to squirm. No longer able to resist his heat, Calleigh gave in, and attacked with a vengence, as she tore at his clothes and clawed his back, all the way down. "Ouch....Christ love....damn....oh...Jesus Calleigh....sigh...... Clinging now, she positioned herself, and bang, off went the guns, as the target hit it's mark, and a new Caine was about to be born. Relaxing in each others arms, no strength to attempt to move, Calleigh and "H", curled into each other on the carpet, and fell asleep.

lol about the guns :devil:

what's up with Frank and Ryan? And now get your butt to the other thread and post girl!
This is great!! :) I can never get enough of those H and Cal moments, but what's up with Frank and Ryan?? :confused: I'm on tenterhooks waiting!! :p Nicely done!! :)