In Between the Scene: Going Under

"Excuse me, stop nurse Sara, yelled the doctor. "Are you Lt.Caine, asked the doctor. "Yes, what is it now"? "It seems your Coroner is a fighter, after nurse Sara left the O.R., we managed to revive your Dr.Woods". "Though., I will say, her chances for a complete recovery are very slim". "How bad is she"? "She's got multiple skull fractures, and four cracked ribs, along with a busted nose, and cheek bone". "So what you are telling me, is she's fully comatosed, and may never come out of it". "Basically yes, I would be very surprised, if she makes it through the rest of the night". "Thank-you doctor".

Horatio made the call to Alexx's family, as he didn't want to leave her alone, until her husband got there. Sitting by her bedside, Horatio, took her hand, bowed his head, and said a silent prayer. As he said Amen, he felt Alexx squeeze his hand, just lightly. Looking up, he noticed she was still sleeping , with the machines beeping. "I know you can hear me Alexx", I need you to fight, and not give up". "You're husband is on his way, just don't give up Alexx".

At that moment, Alexx's husband walked in the room. "Lt.Caine, how is she"? "About the same, though she did squeeze my hand". Walking over and taking his wife's hand, Horatio backed out of the room, and left them alone. "Okay Eric, let's get back to the lab, and process that evidence". Heading back to the lab, Horatio called Calleigh.

"Hello", said Calleigh. "Hi sweetheart, Listen, I have some bad news". "What is it handsome"? "Someone attacked Alexx tonight, and left her for dead". "What, how is she"? "Not good love, the doctor's don't think she'll make it through the night". "What do you think,handsome"? "Well, she squeezed my hand, so I'd have to say at this time, that she's 50/50, in my books". "Okay, when will you be home"? "Shortly love, Eric and I, are going to process the evidence, and then I'll be home by your side". "Okay, love you handsome". "I love you too sweetheart".

When they got back to the lab, Eric and Horatio, opened the bag, full of Alexx's personal items and clothes. "God "H", look at her clothes, I've never seen so much blood". "I know Eric, but try and concentrate on the evidence". "Okay "H". As they worked into the early morning, they discovered and named the two hoods. One was Terrance Doe, and the other Jammal Doe, brothers. "Let's go pick them up, said Eric. "No Eric, that's Frank job, our's is done, for now". "So, you're telling me, we can't do anything more"? "I'm afraid so, we have to wait for Frank, to get the warrant, we don't want to screw this up Eric". "I know "H", I'm sorry". "It's okay Eric, go home, with your wife, and get some rest".

After Eric left and Horatio called Frank, he headed home to Calleigh and his children.
In the morning, Ryan awoke with a splitting headache. "Let's go kid, no time for coffee". "What, why"? "Alexx was attacked last night, I;'ve been informed that she won't make it". Ryan was shocked, he always loved Alexx, getting dressed, they left for Miami-Dade. When they arrived Eric was waiting. "Ryan, "H" said, to go home, the evidence has already been processed, and you are still on suspension". Knowing this wasn't the time, to argue, Ryan went over to the Hospital to see Alexx.

"Okay Frank, "H" left instruction's for you and I to make the arrest". "Here's the address". As they left to pick up the Perps, Frank asked Eric......."How bad is she Eric"? "Real bad, the doctor's say she won't make it through tonight". "Christ, and in front of the lab, no less, what the hell is wrong, when we can't protect our own". "I'm not sure Frank, as I had a close call myself last night". "I heard, but "H" shot him". "Yeah, it was shortly after that, we found Alexx, laying in the Parking Lot".

As they pulled up to the house, they noticed the black drapes covering the windows. "Okay Eric, hold back, while I call for back-up". After the other officers arrived, Eric and frank took the lead, and bashed in the door, finding the perps, passed out on Crack. Picking them up by the feet, Frank tossed them to the officer's and told them to cuff them, and take them to booking. "I'll call "H", said Eric. Once Eric and Frank ,were on their way back to Miami-Dade, Horatio said, he'd meet them there.

Meanwhile...Ryan had arrived at the Hospital, and seen Alexx's family crying in tears. "Excuse me, I'm Ryan Wolfe, how is Alexx"? Looking into the husbands eyes, Ryan already had his answer. "Augh, no, please tell me, it's a mistake". Running into the room, Ryan seen Alexx looking at peace, in the bed. "Oh Alexx, I'm so sorry, God, why do you do these things to the good ones", cried Ryan. Bending down, Ryan kissed Alexx's cheek and told her good-bye.

Meanwhile...Horatio was at the station when they brought in the perps. "Is this them"? asked "H". "Yes Lt., though they are very drugged up right now". "take them to booking and then to a holding cell, I'll be sure they recieve the death penalty". Once they were in holding cells, Frank asked Horatio......"Are you going to be okay "H"? "I'll be fine, once these two are on death row". Then putting on his shades, he walked out of the station.

With the Woods, family not wanting a funeral, and Alexx being cremated, they just had a small gathering of friends.

When Horatio, Calleigh and the kids, got home, Calleigh put HJr down for his nap. "Mama, an we pay ouse", asked Emerald. "Sure sweetheart, you go set it up, and I'll be right there". "K, mama". "Are you okay sweetheart"? asked "H". "I will be, it's just hard to believe Alexx is gone". "I know love, but at least she got justice, those two are on Death Row, as we speak". "I know, but it doesn't bring back Alexx".

Once Calleigh and Emerald were playing, Horatio decided to go pick up the puppy's he had told a friend, he wanted. As he arrived, he seen the two beautiful golden lab's, running around the yard. "Hey "H", how you doing"? asked Mike. "Good, how about you"? "Great now you're herre for these two, they were getting lonely". "I can see that, as they were jumping all over "H", for attention.

Once Horatio had the dogs in the Hummer, he stopped at the pet store, and picked up two leashes, collars, bowls, puppy kibble, beds, toys, and name tags. Pulling into the driveway, he seen Emerald, running around the little playground set, they had bought her. Taking the puppy's out the Hummer, he opened the back gate, and put them in. Well, off they ran, and knocked Emerald, to the ground. "PUPPIES"!!, ook mama, puppies". Calleigh looked in a state of shock, for she never thought "H" would bring home puppies.

"As they ran around the yard, playing with Emerald, "H" walked up and kissed his wife, on her pretty little lips. "You bugger, you didn't tell me, you were getting puppies". "I thought they'd be a wonderful surprise, for you and Emerald". "That they are, Emer my love, what are we going to name them", asked Calliegh. "I not know mama, they icking me". "I see that, but they need names love". "I know mama, ow bout Ernie and Ert", said Emerald. "Are they males handsome"? "They are love". "Well then, Ernie and Bert it is".

After hours of fun with the puppies, Calleigh, Emerald and Horatio, went into the house with their new puppies. "I'll go check on Horatio love", said "H". Finding his son awake, Horatio changed his bum, and took him downstairs. "Ook Oreo, puppies, said Emerald. Now the puppies were all excited and tried to jump up on Horatio, to see the baby. "No, down Ernie and Bert, said "H". As Emerald called the puppies, "H" put Horatio Jr, in his baby swing, and allowed the puppies, to get use to his scent.

Meanwhile...Eric and Cherriese, decided to stop by and visit, "H"., to make sure Calleigh was okay. Knocking on the door, Eric heard puppies barking. "I didn't know "H" and Calleigh had puppies, said Cher. "Hmm, either did I love". As Horatio opened the door, the puppies jumped all over Eric, and cher. "Oh my, they are eager little guys aren't they"? said Cher. "That they are, come on in, said "H", Calleigh's in the kitchen". As Cher headed to the kitchen, Eric and Emerald played tag with the puppies.

Meanwhile....Ryan was having a difficult time, with Alexx's passing. Sitting in his living room, he was still crying, when the doorbell rang. "Who is it"? "It's me kid, open the door", said Frank. As Ryan opened the door, and Frank seen the tears, he grabbed Ryan in his arms and held him tight. "It's okay son, it's going to be okay". "No it's not, she was someone I could rely on and talk too, she'd always listen, and never pass judgement". "I know son, just let it all out". It must have another 20 minutes, before Ryan stopped crying. "Better now son"? asked Frank.

Meanwhile....Back at Calleigh's, Horatio invited Eric and Cher, to stay for dinner. While setting the table, Calleigh had forgotten to close the fridge door. As she went back into the kitchen, she seen the puppies eating the leftover meatloaf. "No, bad puppies, yelled Calleigh. "Horatio, did you feed those pups yet"? "Oh christ, sorry love, I'll do it now". "You may as well forget it, as they just ate today's lunch". Walking into the kitchen., Horatio seen what was left of the meatloaf, on the floor. "Bad puppies, not nice", said "H", as the puppies attacked him again. "I think they like you "H", laughed Eric. "You need to be firmer with them, or do you plan on letting them walk all over you"? asked Eric.

After dinner, Horatio had the puppies go outside to pee, and Emerald wanted to go too. "Ease daddy, I go ith puppies"? "No my EmerAngel, you just had a bath, and you'll get all dirty", said "H", picking up his Emer. When the puppies were back in, Horatio excused himself from company, and took Emerald up to bed. Not more than two seconds went by, and the puppies came running in, and up on Emeralds bed. "**Giggling** "Ook daddy, they anna seep ith me". Poor Horatio, he wasn't sure it was wise, for Ernie and Bert, to sleep with his daughter. "We'll try it for one night, but if I hear you giggling, or playing with them, they come back downstairs". "K, dada, ov ou". "I love you too EmerAngel".

Once the house had settled down for the night, Horatio went to check on Emerald and Horatio Jr. As he got to Emerald's room, he noticed only one puppy sleeping on her little chest. Leaving her room, he went in search of the second puppy, and found it laying on the floor, by Horatio's cradle. "Hmm, almost like they are protecting them", said "H" to himself, as he walked back to bed. "Is she okay handsome"? "Yup, one pup is in her bed, and the pther pup, is on the floor protecting Horatio, by his cradle". "Wow, they learn quick, don't they"? "Mm hum, now come here love, I have something new, for you to learn". "Forget it handsome, no more baby's, said Calleigh.

In the morning, Horatio and Calleigh woke up to barking. Getting out of bed, Horatio walked downstairs, and found little gifts for him, on the carpet. "Augh, Ernie..Bert...bad puppies, outside, let's go". After "H" put out the pups, he cleaned up the mess". "Daddy, ere is ernie and ert"? "They are outside love, because they messed on the carpet". "Is that bad daddy"? "Yes EmerAngel, it's very bad, for puppies, shouldn't mess in the house". "Daddy, were do puppies come from"? "Emer, why all the questions for daddy"? "Cause, at's ow I earn". "Oh, I see, well how about , you help daddy, get Ernie and Bert's food ready"? "K, daddy".

After the puppies were munching away, Horatio and Emer, made breakfast for mommy. "Daddy, ow is a egg ade"? "By a hen sweetheart". "But ow daddy". "Oh, not now, said H" to himself, why don't we ask mommy", said "H". "K daddy, I go ake er up". "You do that love, and I'll bring breakfast". When they got upstairs, with breakfast, Emerald woke up mommy. "Mommy, ake up, we ot estfast or ou". Waking up, Calleigh opened her eyes, to her family, including the two puppies, who had their heads to the side, and their tongues hanging out. "Well thank you, this looks wonderful", said Calleigh.

"Mama, ere do eggs ome fom"? "Well sweetheart, the momey hen, meets a special rooster, which is a male, like daddy, and they fall in love, and make an egg, now sometimes that egg turns into a baby chickie, but most times, they don't , and they become yokes, that we eat". "K mama, I go pay ow, with Ernie, and Ert". "Okay sweetheart, have fun". "What was that about"? asked Calleigh lauhging. "I'm not sure, but for some reason, our little Emerald, is full of questions", said "H".

After breakfast, Horatio left for work, leaving Calleigh with the kids and the puppies. As she was getting lunch ready, she heard a crash, running into the living room, she seen the puppies, had knocked over, her good vase. "NO, BAD,BAD,puppies, yelled Calleigh. Thinking she wanted to play, the puppies jumped up and over her, as she cleaned the mess. "Go lay down, Ernie and Bert, said Calleigh, you are naughty puppies". As the puppies sat, and watched Calleigh, she couldn't help but notice, how sad they looked. "I'm not falling for that face, forget it, you two are devious", said Calleigh, as the puppies barked. With all the mess cleaned up, Calleigh put the puppies outside to play.
