In Between the Scene: Going Under

Meanwhile...Horatio had found a training school, for his dogs. Heading home, he ran into Eric. "Is everything okay Eric". "Yeah..just out getting some Rockyroad ice-cream, for Cher, she's craving again". "I hear you...I miss that, I loved it, when Calleigh used to crave". "But aren't you two trying again"? asked Eric. "Yeah, I thought for sure, I caught her, but she hasn't said anything yet". "Good for "H", I hope she is". "Thanks Eric, I'll see you later".

When Horatio got home, he heard Calleigh vomiting. Heading into the washroom, he asked if she was
okay. " okay"? "Just go away, it's all your fault, I'm pregnant again". "Horatio smirked...again love...oh that's wonderful". "Get out, only you would think it's great, you're not the one who has to carry it for 9 months". Being use to Calleigh's behavour, while pregnant, Horatio left her. A short time later, Calleigh came out of the washroom, and laid down. "Come on sweetheart, you'll be okay", said "H", as he held her close.

Meanwhile...Eric had returned home with the ice-cream, and found Cher, waiting at the door. "Oh..gimme, gimme, now Eric", said Cher, as she grabbed it and took off to the kitchen. Getting a spoon, she dug in. "Mmmm, oh , this is heavenly". Eric was getting excited, with every spoonful. "Stop that Cher", said Eric. "Stop what"? "Stop teasing me, with the ice-cream". "I'm not teasing you, I'm eating". "God're killing me here".

Finally realizing, she was exciting Eric, she decided to tease him even more. "Oh..oh..oh, yes, yes, more, mmm". "That's it Cher, said Eric, as he picked her up and placed her on the table. "Now..I'm going to show you how wonderful ice-cream, can really be". Taking a spoonful, Eric smothered it on her lips. Than taking his tongue, he traced it along her lips, causing her to purr. "Eeeric", please".

Knowing she was as excited as he was, Eric began to undress her. Once he had her fully exposed, he traced his tongue along her body. Needing more, Eric caressed lower, down her body, until he got to her thigh's, then without warning, he clamped down, causing her to spasm,. Not wanting to wait any longer, Eric pulled down his pants, and plunged into her, and dear God, it was like heaven, so tight. Faster, and faster, Eric and Cher, came together, in love, passion and sensual respect.

Meanwhile...Ryan and Frank, had returned to Ryan's to pick up some things. "Are you sure it's okay, to stay with you Frank"? "Of course son, I'm always here for you". Ryan was beginging, to feel a fatherly bond, with Frank. Locking up his place, Ryan and frank headed out. But watching across the street, was the person, who wanted revenge on Ryan Wolfe. "Soon Ryan, soon you will be gone from Miami-Dade, even if I have to kill Frank, to get to you.

Meanwhile...Emerald wanted her daddy's attention, but he was busy with those damn disobedient dogs. "Dada...uppy, ease". "Not right now love, dady busy, with ERnie and Bert". "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPP!!!! screamed EmerAngel. Calleigh came out of her room. "Would you pay attention to your daughter please, I have a headache, and I'm going to be sick again", said Calleigh, running back to the washroom.
Horatio gave in, and picked up his daughter. "Ank-ou daddy". Giving her a kiss, he took her to play blocks.

Forgetting all about the dogs, they decided it was mischief time. Seeing the fridge ajar, they pushed it open with their nose, and took out the steaks, "H" had taken out for supper. Tearing apart the package, Ernie and Bert shared the three steaks. About an hour later, with Emer, down for her nap, Horatio went into the kitchen to start dinner.

As he entered the kitchen, he seen the empty torn carton, and no steaks. "ERNIE....BERT".....yelled "H" with power. Well those damn dogs, knew that meant trouble, and took off,hiding under Emer's bed. When "H" seen where they went, he knew, he was going to have to wait to punish them.

Meanwhile...Ryan and Frank arrived at his place, and after Ryan was settled, they prepared dinner together. "So what do you feel like son"? "I don't know, what do you have dad"? *Click*.....Frank and Ryan, both realized what he had said. "It's okay Ryan....I'm honored, you concider me your dad". "Are you sure"? "I'm what should we have for supper"?.

Meanwhile...Eric and Cher, had finished their naughty time, and were watching Tv, when the contractions hit. "Ouch"!!! damn Eric,...I think , I'm in labor". "Are you sure Cher"? At that moment her water broke. "I am now, my water just broke". "Okay, lets go, I'll get your bag". Heading out to the car, Eric helped her in, and they took off".

When they pulled in, Cher was in full labor. Getting her into the room, the OBGYN came in. "Hey you feeling"? "In alot of pain". "Okay lay back, and i'll have a look, to see how dilated you are". After having a look, the OBGYN informed Cher, it wouldn't be much longer. "You are eight cenimeters, just relax Cher, things are progressing normally".

It must have took another 5 minutes, and Cher had given birth, to a 8lb,10oz baby girl. "It's a girl...congrats, a beautiful baby girl". With Cher and Eric in tears, he held his daughter for the first time. "Look at her love...she's dainty, and look at all her hair". Getting into bed beside Cher, they held their child in their arms, and watched her fall asleep.

Come on, what's the name?

Unfortunately he won't have much luck with the dogs later, they generally don't get the connection if you reprimand them too much later. It has to be done right away.
Unfortunately he won't have much luck with the dogs later, they generally don't get the connection if you reprimand them too much later. It has to be done right away.

I know...I work in a pet store..remember :D :D

There is a method to those damn dogs, one I'm writting now. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Once "H" left Emer's room, he waited quietly for the dogs to show themselves. It wasn't long in coming, as Ernie, came out first, with Bert behind him. Closing the door quietly, "H" grabbed both dogs, by the collars, and took them to the kitchen. "This is bad...bad Ernie, bad Bert...OUT!!! he yelled. Sure enough, the dogs took off, out the back. After cleaning up the kitchen, "H" took out another package of steaks, and got down to defrosting them.

Meanwhile....The nurse came in and asked Eric and Cher, if they had decided on a name for their daughter. "Hmm...what do you think sweetheat"? asked Eric. "I'm not about....Laura Leah Delko"? "I like fits nice, okay Laura Leah to go please". "Funny Eric". Once the nurse left, Eric held his daughter, and told her how much he loved her.

Meanwhile...Frank and Ryan were playing cards, when the rock came through the window. "What the hell is this"? said Frank. Picking up the rock, he noticed a print. "Get your kit Ryan". As Ryan left out the door, he was knocked out and dragged into a car. It took a few minutes, for Frank to realize, Ryan hadn't returned. Going outside, he seen Ryan's keys in the driveway. Then it clicked, running back in the house, Frank called the station, and told them to send out all units.

Sitting down to dinner, "H" recieved the call. ""H", it's Frank...we have a problem". "What is it Frank"? "Ryan's been kidnapped". "Say that again Frank". "Someone kidnapped Ryan, just a few minutes ago". "Didn't I tell you to keep your eye on him"? "I know...I'm sorry, but he just went out to his car, to get his kit, so we could dust the rock, someone threw through my window". "Listen Eric, and have him meet you". "I did...he's unavailable right now". "Why is that"? "Cher had her baby...8lbs, 10oz, baby girl, named Laura Leah". "Alright Frank...I'll be there in a feqw minutes". "Thanks "H".

ack fix it fix it! They better find him fast.

Duh, I forgot about the pet store thing lol I wish I had a job like yours...I applied for one but didn't get it :(
MacsGirlMel said:
Duh, I forgot about the pet store thing lol I wish I had a job like yours...I applied for one but didn't get it :(
Oh, I'm osrry. :( I guess now I'll leave out the part in my mind that says "Yeah, Melly. She works at a PET store. *sticks tounge out* :p" lol :lol: So.... yeah. Maybe you should try a different pet store. One that's cooler and excepts all awesomeful people. Everyone on here I have any communication with what so ever would get that job. :)
With "H" busy, looking for clue's to Ryans disappearance, Calleigh was getting the kids ready for bed, when she heard someone, bust the back door. Running into the kids room, she was grabbed from behind. Not being able to break free, she got out one good scream. Ernie and Bert heard the yell , and came running.

When they seen the intruder, they attacked him. Ernie bit into his leg, while Bert, bit his arm. As the guy screamed in pain, the dogs kept holding on, as Calleigh got free, and called for help. With the dogs growling in the background, Calliegh had to talk loud into the phone.

It couldn't have been more then two minutes, when the untis and "H" showed up. "H" yelled..."Release". Sure enough, Ernie and Bert released the perp, who collapsed in pain. Once they had him under arrest, and on his way to the station, "H" held Calleigh tight.

"You okay sweetheart"? "Yeah....just a little shaken, though if not for those dogs, it could have been worse". "I know love, I'm sorry this happened to you. "How did the dogs know to attack"? "I've been working with them love, one of the Narc officers, have been giving me pointers, on how to train them". "Well thank God, for those dogs", said Calleigh. "I hear you love".

While Calliegh checked on the kids, "H" praised his dogs. "Good boys, yes, Good job Ernie and Bert", said "H" as he slapped there sides playfully. With there tongues hanging out, and their tails wagging, they barked at "H", as if to say...."Your Welcome".

When Calleigh came out, she told "H", to go prepare two steaks, for the dogs. With "H" in the kitchen, Calleigh called both dogs over, and stroked and praised them. "Good boys, yes you are, thank you, such good dogs". "Woof, woof". With the steaks done to medium rare, "H" brought them in and placed them in front of Ernie and Bert. As they looked at them, they didn't dare move,until "H"said "Feed", once they heard that, they dug in. "Oh have been working them, haven't you"? "Of course, love, each command has a different meaning, I'll give you the codes later, and you can practice with them".

"Sure....any news on Ryan"? "Not yet love, I need to get back out there". "That's fine...don't worry about us, we'll be fine. "I know that love, said "H" as he kissed Calleigh, before leaving. With "H" gone, and the dogs done their steaks, Calleigh had them lay down, with the kids. "Stay....stay with the kids". "The dogs looked and barked, "Woof, woof".

Meanwihle....Eric and Cher were home with their daughter. Getting Cher comfortable in bed, Eric then tended to his daughter. She was the prettiest little Angel, he had ever seen. Her eyes, were dark brown, like her daddy's, her hair was like her mom's, a deep rich brown, almost black, and her full lips, were the she puckered them together, while curling her little fists. Laying her in the cradle, Eric then called "H", to see if there was any news on Ryan.

Meanwhile...."You never learn, do you Wolfe". "I told you, payback would be mine, didn't I". "Whao the hell are you"? said a blindfolded Eric. "Who am I...I'm your new nightmare, and welcome to hell". With that said...they perp, scratched the surface of Ryan's skin, with the knife. "Auuuugh", said Ryan. "What's the matter Ryan...can't take a little pain"? "Well get use to it, because before you are found, I plan on torturing you more".

Meanwhile...Eric called "H". "Hey "H"...any news"? "Nothing yet's the new baby doing"? "Good "H"...they are both sleeping". "Do you need my help"? "No, you stay home, with your new baby, they need you, I'll call you if we find him". "Thanks "H". When Eric got off the phone, he went to the kitchen, and made lunch for Cher, for he knew, she was going to be hungry, and needed to eat, in order to keep her breast milk level up.

Meanwhile...Frank was panicing. "Settle down Frank..why the hell, are you so hyped up about this"? "Just don't worry about "H", let's keep looking". As they travelled along the shore, it was getting really late. "Listen Frank...we have Officers searching..c'mon home, and have supper with us". "No thanks "H", I'd rather keep looking".
Now "H" knew why, he could see it in Frank's face. "Jesus've grown fond of Ryan...haven't you"? "No...I'm just concerned". ""H" let it drop for now, but he knew, frank had concidered Ryan his son.

Meanwhile....The perp was still playing his little games. "Listen can make one call, no more than 5 seconds, understood". "Why....why let me make a call, if you plan on killing me"? "Why!! because the best fun, is the chase....and I know that Frank and "H" will come looking". Now Ryan was catching on....he wasn't dealing with a perp...he was dealing with someone in the Department.
After the person handed Eric the phone...he called Frank. "det.Tripp". "'s Ryan, check the dept records no........*Click*. "That was very stupid of you you get another slice". Taking the knife, the person dug deeper, as Ryans screams could be heard for miles.
