In Between the Scene: Going Under

A short time later, Emerald came walking down the stairs, and seen her daddy and mommy's bums. *Giggling** "Mama, dada, bumbum"...she giggled. Slowly waking up, Horatio and Calleigh realized they were nakkid, on the floor. "Umm, said Calleigh, trying not to laugh. Horatio tried to get up, and Calleigh told him...."Don't you dare, that naughty thing will scare her, laughed Calleigh. "Sweetheart", said Calleigh. "Go upstairs, in mama's room, and get the blanket off the bed". "I too ittle mama, I all own the airs".

"What are we going to do"? asked Calleigh to Horatio. "EmerAngel, go to the kitchen and get daddy an apple off the table". "K, dada". As she ran into the kitchen, "H" and Calleigh dressed, as quickly as they could. When Emer walked back in, she said......"Ere's y're bumbums dada, mama"? That did it, Calleigh couldn't contain herself, nor could "H", as they grabbed EmerAngel, and held her tight, telling her they loved her, until she forgot all about their bums.

With Emer at the table, eating supper, Calleigh went up and got HJr for dinner. As she got back to the kitchen, Horatio was trying to feed the dogs, the green beans, but they wouldn't take them. "Horatio Caine....said Calleigh, you'll eat those beans, or no dessert", grinned Calleigh. "Dada unny mama, he no ike eans". "I know that love, but daddy has to eat them, just like you do". "I know mama, I ill, omise". "You're bad eat them". Horatio pouted, as he ate his green beans, saying to the dogs...."It's all your fault Ernie and Bert , you should have eaten them". "WOOF, WOOF"!! said the pups, as they turned, and laid down.

With dinner and dessert out the way, Horatio and Emer, took the pups for a walk. "Ook dada, see...they alk ood now". "Yes they do love, they are becoming very obedient". "What is odient dada"? "Obedient love, that means to listen, to what they are told". "Why they ave ou isten dada"? "Well, because if they didn't they would be naughty pups, and we don't want naughty pups right"? "Uhuh dada, said Emer, as they got back to the house.


Eric and Cher, decided to do the Nursery in the blue walls, and yellow boarder. "Not to bad sweetheart, and we can always change it later", said Eric. "Yes we can, now how about some dinner"? said Cher. "Love some, I'm starving". After Cher made spaghetti and meatballs, they sat down to eat, known that in a few hours, would be their first Lamaze class.

Meanwhile....Frank and Ryan arrived at Miami-Dade, and picked up Ryan's badge and gun. "Here you go son, it's great to have you back". "Thanks Frank, but I thought it was Horatio's job"? "It is son, but he's having puppy problems right now, so he asked me to handle it". "Okay, thanks Frank". "No problem son". As they left the station together, they were being watched. "So...Ryan Wolfe, is back, well not for long, if I have anything to do with it, he'll be gone this time for good".

Meanwhile....Horatio had put Emerald down for her nap. "But I no tired daddy". "I know love, but can you try and sleep". "K daddy", isses ease". Bending down, Horatio kissed his EmerAngel, and tucked her in with Ernie. Heading over to HJr's room, Horatio seen Bert, sound asleep, on HJr's rug. With the house quiet, Horatio went looking for his sexy sweet wife. When he found her, she was bending down, looking under the sofa. "What are you looking for love"? "My earring, it fell out, when we were playing".

Seeing his wife with her bum in the air, he couldn't help but, walk up behind her and get on his knees, teasing himself against her. "Mmmm, naughty style love, are you up for it"? *Giggling* "No, but you are". Taking that as a yes, Horatio wrapped his arms around his wife's waist, and placed little kisses along her neck. "Hoooratio", she purred. "Shhh, just feel my body against yours love". Caressing her thighs, he lifted her nightie. "You feel so warm sweetheart, you're driving me insane".

With a few more kisses, Horatio had Calleigh all worked up and ready, as he loved her. "Oh my, where did that come from, she purred, as Horatio moved. "I can't help it love, it has it's own control". Moving in unison, their worlds once again, joined as one, and soul to soul, they loved each other with passion, with enchantment and love.

Meanwhile.....Eric woke up to the sounds of wretching. "Cher, you okay love"? "No Eric, I'm really sick, I can't stop vomiting". Knowing she was in her eighth month, Eric thought it bast, to take her over to the Emergency center. When they arrived, the nurse took cher immediatly into the room. "Are you okay Cher, asked Betty. "I'm not sure, I started feeling sick after Lamaze class last night". "Okay you lie back, and relax, I'll call for a OBGYN. When the OBGYN arrived, she put a monitor on the baby, as Eric and her listened to the heart beat. "Hearts good and strong", what did you eat last night Cher"? "Just some seafood for dinner, and then a tea, at Lamaze class, because my stomach was queezy".

"Okay...I want to do some blood work, and can you possibly give me a sample of your vomit"? "Just give me something quick, as she threw up again. "Perfect, I'll get this to the lab, and be right back". "What do you think, it is Eric"? "I'm not sure love, could be food poisoning, I told you not to have the crab". When the doctor came back in, they started Cher on a I.V. drip. "Okay, you have a good case of food poisoning, we need the name of the restuarant, and you are going to be our visitor for the next 48 hours". "Aww, no way, I want to go home". "You can't cher, with all the throwing up you've been doing, the baby needs an extra boost, so please stay". "She's right love, I'll stay with you". Climbing into bed with his wife, Eric wrapped her in his love, and fell asleep.

Leave it to Ernie and Bert, to find trouble, when the house was quiet. Hunting around the kitchen, Ernie found the bag of opened garbage, that was hidden in the half open cupboard. Taking his paw, he opened the cupboard, and pulled over the trash. Digging in, Ernie and Bert, had themselves quite a feast. Now being full, they headed back upstairs, and curled back into their usual spots, with the kids.

In the morning, Calleigh walked into the kitchen, and seen the garbage, all over the floor. ""Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh".....she screamed. Horatio jumped out of bed, and fell onto the floor, hitting his arm against the nightstand. "Shit, he said, as he got up, and headed downstairs. "What is it sweetheart"? "Look....look at what those uncontrollable mutts did". As Horatio rubbed his elbow, and looked around, he called...."Ernie....Bert"....Sure enough those dumb dogs came running. "What is this....yelled Horatio at the dogs. Bowing their heads, they laid down, with their paws over their eyes.

"Look handsome, you are going to have to figure out, what to do with these two". "They are so destructive". "They're only baby's sweetheart, they'll learn". "Right, and in the meantime, we'll live like pigs", yelled Calleigh. "Listen sweetheart...don't get upset, it's not good for you". "Your dogs....your mess....CLEAN IT", said Calleigh, as she stormed upstairs. "Can't you guys, ever behave"? asked "H". "WOOF", "WOOF". "Come on, outside for a while". Once the dogs were out, Horatio battled the kitchen.

Meanwhile....Frank had dropped Ryan off at home. Opening his door, Ryan heard someone, rummage through his place. Drawing his weapon, he moved with caution through the rooms. As he came upon the living room, he seen someone take off, by the back sliding door, chasing them, he was to late. Picking up the phone, he called Frank, and told him to come back over, then taking out his kit, he started dusting for prints.

Meanwhile... Eric and Cher, had just gotten home from the Hospital. "Okay love...into bed with you", said Eric. Once Eric had her settled in bed, he went to get her her herbal tea, and some soup. As he walked back into the room, he found her fast asleep. Thinking back to hearing the baby's heartbeat, Eric put down the tray, crawled in beside his wife, lifted her nightie, and placed his ear on her tummy.

"Hi there, little one. This is your daddy talking to you, I just wanted to say...I love you and can't wait to meet you". While Eric was conversing with his child, Cher was listening, with tears in her eyes. Taking her hand, Cher, touched it to Eric's hair. "Is he answering you"? she asked. "Not yet love...he hasen't decided yet". Just at that moment, Eric felt the kick. " feel that love"? "Of course, I feel it all the time, I think, he's answering you now". "I think you are right love".

Meanwhile.....Horatio had finally gotten the kitchen cleaned, when Calleigh and the kids walked in. "Hi daddy...ov ou". "I love you to EmerAngel", said Horatio, as he kissed her smartly on the mouth. "Ere is Ernie and ert"? "They are outside sweetheart". "Why they ouside"? "Well, they got into trouble, so daddy put them out for a while". "But theys want in now...see daddy". When Horatio looked, he seen the dogs, with their heads tilted looking in. "Fine, EmerAngel...let them in".

While Emerald let in the dogs, Horatio served lunch. "Ewww....I no wan dat daddy, is ucky". "what....I thought you loved Chicken Noodle Soup"? "I do daddy, but not wit cackers". With a sigh, Horatio removed the crackers, from her soup. "Ank-ou daddy". "Yo9u're welcome, sweetheart". While everyone was eating the pups started barking. "Now what"? said "H" to the dogs. "Woof, woof.....". Horatio followed the dogs to the front door, and that's when he heard the knock. " you are good for something". Opening the door, Eric said...."Hey "H"....Ryan's had a break-in". "What...when"? "As soon as Frank dropped him off, Ryan found someone, rummaging through his place". "Christ....let's go Eric".

When Eric and "H" arrived, they found Ryan dusting. "How you doing Ryan"? asked "H". "How do you think...someone is out to get me...or I have a stalker". Looking around, Horatio knew, someone was looking for something. "Can you think of anything, they'd be looking for"? ""!!! "Damn you "H"...why do you always think the worse of me"? "Listen...I don't...It just seems they were after something". With a huge sigh, Ryan said...."I know...I just don't know what....I don't have that much". "Don't worry Ryan....we'll figure it out".

With everything collected, Eric and Ryan headed back to the Lab. "Listen Frank...I want you to stay with Ryan, at all times, either someone is after him...or they are after something he has". "You got it "H", and he's a good kid you know". "I know Frank....I know". With that said...Frank went to tail Ryan, and "H" went to find out prices on trainig schools for dogs.

TBC.... :)