In Between the Scene: Going Under

Eric did nothing wrong. Frank and Ryan did. :)

When Horatio had Emerald and Horatio Jr, down for the night, he walked into his room, and seen his wife, bending over the bed. Not saying anything, he snuck up behind her, and pushed into her. "Horatio, she whispered, as he caressed her hips and butt. "Mmm, so soft and tender, so beautiful and sexy, whispered Horatio, into her ear, as he inhaled her heavenly scent. "Let's make another baby sweetheart".

"Please tell me you are kidding, we just had Horatio Jr, and you want another, right now"? "Why not sweetheart, we need a third". "Listen handsome, as much as I love you, another baby at this time is out". "What if, I take you hear and now, leaving you no choice but to allow me access to your body". Calleigh could feel her excitment build. "Horatio....please, she whispered, two is enough for now".

I know love, can we at least make love, winked Horatio. Calleigh wondered what he was up too now. It wasn't like him to give up so easy. "Sure, just let me grab some protection, giggled Calleigh. "Protection, what the hell for"? "So I don't get pregnant, handsome". "Never mind, he seems to have changed his mind, said Horatio, as he lost his mojo. Walking back out of the room, Calleigh said....."I love you handsome". "Yeah, I know".

Meanwhile.....Eric and Cherriese, had just sat down to a movie when the phone rang. "I'll get it Eric". "Hello, said Cherrriese. "Yes, good evening, is Eric Delko there please"? "He is, may I ask who is calling"? "Sure, it's a old friend". " , says he's an old friend". As Eric took the phone from his wife , he said...."Delko hear". "You're dead, very soon, you're mine", **Click**. "Who was it Eric, you look like you seen a ghost". "I don't know love, but I don't want you to worry, I'll handle it love".

Once Eric walked Cherriese back to the couch, he asked her if she'd like a drink. "A nice cup of tea please". "Okay, I'll be right back love". When Eric got into the kitchen, he put on the kettle and then called "H". "Horatio, it's Eric, I think I have a problem". "What is it son, asked "H". "I think someone, just threatened to kill me". "Okay Eric, when"? "Just a few minutes ago, they called here and said....."You're dead, very soon, you're mine". "Okay Eric, do you know of anyone, who would want to hurt you, or someone, you put away, a while back, anything like that"? "I really don't know "H". "Okay, sit tight, I'm going to pull up old cases, and see if any one has been paroled the last few months". "Thanks "H". "Anytime Eric, just relax, I'll check back with you later".

Meanwhile....Frank and Ryan were getting drunk again. "Who the hell cares, we are suspened anyways, said Ryan. "Fuck em all". "Yeah, you tell them kid, said Frank. As the evening went on, Ryan became loud and annoying to others in the bar. "I'm afarid, I'm going to have to ask you and your friend to leave Frank". "Sure Mike, Let's go Wolfe, I'll take you home". "Fuck this, I want another drink", yelled Ryan. Getting out of the chair, Frank lifted Ryan over his shoulder and carried him out the door, to the car.

"You should have let me take him Frank". "Listen kid, we are in enough trouble, without having to add an arrest to it". "You're no fun Frank, this is bullshit", said Ryan. "That it is kid, but in the morning, it will be clean shit". Ryan snorted and started laughing. "You're funny Frank, were Ryan's last words, before he passed out.

Is, he gonna be like ummm.. I think the guy's name was Scott Peterson who killed his wife, cut her open, andtook out the dead baby? Or along that line.... w/e

Sometimes if you read the story properly, you would have seen, he is only after Eric, not his wife. ;)

Also..If you don't like the story, then don't read it, it will save me from having to read your reply's ;)
luvingmyHoratio said:
Sometimes if you read the story properly, you would have seen, he is only after Eric, not his wife. ;)

Also..If you don't like the story, then don't read it, it will save me from having to read your reply's ;)
Oh... confused.... Blonde moment.
Me? No! I like it! I was just confused...
MacsGirlMel said:
Sorry...what did Frank and Ryan do wrong?

more more! and poor H :( He lost his mojo lol

They parked in an alley at the Yankee game instead of the parking lot and the car got hijacked so they lost their badges and stuff.
Once Tripp had Ryan at his apartment, he tossed him on the couch, and went into the kitchen, for a beer. "Great kid, but can't hold his liquor", said Frank. Just as Frank was making himself a sandwich, he heard the sound of wretching. "Augh, not the furniture kid, I just finish paying for it". Walking out ot the living room, he seen Ryan had been kind enough to hit the floor, and not the couch. "Christ kid, let's go, said Frank, as he helped him up and walked him to the bathroom.

Meanwhile...Horatio was still trying to think of a way, to attack his wife's lovely body. Watching her from the sofa, he could feel his mojo coming back. Being more sneaky then before, he walked up with his cuff's, and snapped them on her. "Horatio, what the heck you up too". "Making love to you, if you'll let me". "Get these cuff's off me now", said Calleigh trying to be serious, but in reality, she was enjoying it. "Never love, you are now, my bondage slave, to do with you, as I see fit".

Horat......Kissing her deep to shut her up, he stroked and played in her mouth, as she sighed and purred. This is a PM.........

After satisfing his sexual needs, and his wife's, Horatio uncuffed her, and took her up to bed. "Are you okay sweetheart"? "Uhuh, as soon as I get my senses back". So you enjoyed that little trick, I did". "I loved it, handsome". Kissing her husband again, Horatio Jr screamed. "I'll get him love, said "H". As he left the bedroom, and went into the nursery, he seen his son, looking up at him". "Now there's my handsome boy, said "H", you hungry"? After changing his son, he took him downstairs, and fed him his formula.

With Horatio Jr settled back down, "H" spent some time with his precious Emerald. "What are you doing there love"? "uzzle, elp dada". "Sure sweetheart, daddy help with the puzzle". When Calleigh walked into Emer's room, she seen them working together, on the puzzle. "Would you two like some lunch, asked Calleigh. "Ease mama". "Okay, I'll be right back".

When Calleigh came back, she had PB&J sandwiches, chips, cookies and juice. "Mama, icinic", said Emerald. "Yup, picnic time sweetheart", said Calleigh as "H" set out the blanket. "wat bout Oreo", said Emerald. "Horatio is sleeping love, so it's just you , me and daddy". "k mama, ov ou". "I love you too sweetheart". As they all sat down together, to enjoy thier picnic, Horatio, still dreamed of that third child

Meanwhile....Frank had gotten Ryan back on the sofa, and covered up. Now whether it was a slip of the tongue, or just something in the recess, of Ryan's mind, he said....."Goodnight dad". Frank just look at Ryan's sleeping face, and smiled. Then with a hand across his head, he said...Night son".

Meanwhile...Eric was getting ready, to leave for the early morning shift. "Eric, are you leaving now"? asked Cherry. "Yeah, I'll be home around three", said Eric as he kissed his wife, and unborn child. Walking out the door, Eric felt as if he was being watched. "Who's there"? he called. When no one said anything, he headed for the Hummer. Just as he opened the door, he heard the click of a gun. "Well Eric Delko, long time no hear". "Danny Maxwell., I should have known", said Eric. "I told you, I was coming for revenge".

Meanwhile...."H" had checked through old parolee's, and found Danny Maxwell's name. Knowing this was who was after Eric, "H" got in the Hummer, and headed over to Eric's.

"Well then, you should do it, and get it over with", said Eric. "Don't play head games with me Delko". "What game, I'm simply saying, if it's that important to you, do it". Danny knew Eric was trying to confuse, and distract him. So with the click, of the gun, to Eric's head, **BANG**. "Eric, you okay, said "H", from behind, as Danny laid on the ground, with a bullet through his heart. "Yeah, I'm fine "H", thanks". "No thanks needed Eric, said "H", as he called it in.

Meanwhile.....Alexx was on her way to her car, from finishing a long shift, when she was atacked and beaten. Leaving her on the ground to die, the guys took off. As "H" and Eric pulled in to the parking lot, they seen Alexx's badly beaten form, laying on the ground. "Oh God, "H", it's Alexx", said Eric. Getting out of the Hummer, Eric called it in. "Dispatch this is CSI Delko, we need assistance in the Miami-Dade parking lot. Coroner down, I repeat, Coroner down".

When the EMT's arrived and took Alexx to the Hospital, while Horatio had no choice, but to call in Ryan, to help process the scene. But getting no response, he called Frank. "Hello, said the sleepy voice. "Frank, it's "H", is Ryan there with you"? "He is , he's crashed out on my couch, why"? "Alexx was attacked tonight, and left for dead, I need him, to help with the crime scene". "Christ "H", I think you'll have a problem with that one". "Why is that Frank"? "Because the kid is drunk, and passed out". "Again, said "H". "Yah, he went a little over tonight, after being suspended". "Okay, thanks Frank, I'll have to process with Eric".

After Eric and "H", had the crime scene processed, they headed over to the Hospital, to see Alexx. "Excuse me, could you tell me where we could find Alexx Woods please"? "Are you Lt.Caine"? "I am, yes". "We are sorry to inform you, that she didn't make it, she died twenty minutes ago, from severe head trauma". Eric and Horatio, were shocked, but not as shocked as Alexx's husband was going to be, when "H" told him and his children., their mother had died.

argh you're evil lol But I won't slap you as long as Mac and Stella and...oh wait that's the other story. Well keep H and Calleigh and Eric and Ryan alive, k?