In Between the Scene: Going Under


Frank and Ryan, were enjoying the game.

"These are awesome seats Frank", thanks for inviting me".

"Anytime Ryan, you're like a son to me now".

Ryan looked at Frank in shock. He never thought he'd ever be concidered like a son to Frank.

"I'm truely honored Frank, thank-you".

"No thanks needed kiddo". "Now let's enjoy the game.


Eric and Chereise, were enjoying themselves. They were sunning on the beach and exploring caverns. Eric was even teaching her how to Scuba Dive.

"This is wonderful Eric", said Cherry.

"You're feeling okay, not to tired are you love"?

"Not really, the baby and I feel great". "Hungry, but great".

"Well let's go get changed and head out for supper".

As they left the beach, they were being watched.

"Well, well, if it isn't Eric Delko". "They say, good things come to those, who wait". "Now he's in my territory, it's time to play payback".


Horatio, Calleigh, and Emerald, returned home with Horatio Jr.

"Easy sweetheart, can you get out okay", asked "H".

"Yup"!, "I'm fine, pass me Horatio please, handsome".

Horatio laughed. "This is going to be funny, when he gets older, and you call one of us".

"No it's not handsome, because I'll always call you that, but little Horatio, will use your name".

Once the family got inside, Calleigh got Horatio settled in his cradle.

"Okay, who wants lunch", asked Calleigh.

"Me mama, I have unch too"?

"Of course love, how about some PB&J".

*Claps* "Yah, mama, pease".

As Calleigh went into the kitchen with Emerald, "H" snuck in to see Horatio again.

"You better not disturb his nap time, handsome", yelled Calleigh from the kitchen.

"How does she do that"? asked "H" to himself.
Story will be ending soon. :p

When Eric and Cheriese, left for dinner, they were being followed by Danny Maxwell. Danny was the one, Eric had put away, for staring a fire at the dance club, called "Tinder Box". Being released from prison early, for good behaviour, he had no intention of going after Delko, that is until he seen him, and all the memories came flooding back.

"He could still remember, when Eric pretended, he was at the blood drive, for a donation, but what he was really there for, was a sample of his blood. He felt that Eric had decieved him, and that wasn't right. Following along, he watched them go into the little restuarant by the sea.

"Enjoy it well it lasts Delko, because soon, you won't have a wife, or a life", Danny said to himself, as he waited by the steps.


"H" was hoping Horatio would wake up, so he could hold him again. With him being Calleigh, he knew, there was no way, she'd let him get up.

"Forget it handsome, you leave Horatio alone", mumbled Calleigh.

"How do you know love"? "I can't figure it out".

Calleigh wasn't about to tell him, that she could tell by the way, he always figited and sighed every five seconds.

"That's my secret" , handsome.

Just as "H" was about to turn towards his wife, Emerald walked in.

"Daddy, I scared", said Emerald.

"Scare of what sweetheart"?

"I not know, I's just scared".

"Come here love, you can sleep with mommy, daddy and Horatio".

"You're doing it again handsome".

"Doing what love"?

"Spoiling her, she has you right there, in the palm of her hand".

Climbing up on the bed, Emerald snuggled into her daddy's arms.

"I's ove ou daddy", said Emerald.

"I love you too sweetheart", said "H" as they all fell asleep together.


The Hospital, was going crazy. The head on collision between four cars, was killing them. As they brought in the first two victims, they were burned so severely that they couldn't tell whether they were male or female.

"Any I.D's asked the doctor". "Nothing yet doctor, but there's no hurry, these two didn't make it".

As the nurse dug into the pockets, she pulled out two badges.

"Oh no" , said the nurse.

"What is it nurse"?

"I think these two are officers, I'll call over to Miami-Dade right away".

As the nurse, ran to call it in, the other nurse found to ticket stubs from the Yankee's game.
"Jesus Ryan, I told you not to park in that damn alley, now we have to walk back to the God damn station", yelled Frank.

"I'm sorry Frank, how the hell, am I supposed to know, some hoods would hijack, the damn car".

"It's just not that kid, they got our damn badges, we're both gonna be in shit for that alone".

"Shit Frank, I said sorry, damn".

"I know kid, but with everything stolen, we ain't even got money for a damn cab".

Knowing Frank was right, Ryan decided to shut his mouth, and just walk.


"Miami-Dade Police Dept.", said the voice on the phone.

"Yes, this is Miami-General Hospital calling. "We'd like to inform you, that two of your officer's have died in a four on four pile up".

"Okay, thank-you, we will send someone over right away".

Hanging up the phone, the dispatcher, called "H" at home.

"Hello, Lt.Caine here".

"Lt.Caine, it's Cindy from dispatch, we just recieved a call that two of our officer's were in a four by four pile up", they are at Miami General, DOA, on both.

"Okay, I'll head over there now, please call Tripp, and have him meet me there".

"Yes sir, right away".

When dispatch called Frank's number, the nurse picked it up.

"Hello, this is Nurse Stacy, can I ask who you are trying to reach"?

"Yes this is dispatch at Miami-Dade, I'm trying to reach Det.Frank Tripp".

"I'm sorry to inform you, that he is one of the officer's who arrived DOA, would you happen to know, who the other might be"?

Thinking back, Cindy remembered Tripp talking about a Yankee game with Ryan Wolfe.

"Umm, I believe that may be CSI Ryan Wolfe, I'll call you right back".

Once Cindy hung up, she called back "H".

"Hey "H", it's Cindy, I have some really bad news". "The two officer's in the pile-up, were CSI wolfe, and Det.Tripp".

The only thing that could be heard, was the Hummer, as the siren was turned on.


When Horatio arrived at the Hospital, he asked to see the badges.

"Here you go Lt.Caine, I'm very sorry for the loss of your officer's".

Looking at their Badges, Horatio was still not sure, those bodies, were Frank and Ryan.

"Excuse me nurse, may I see the bodies please"?

"Of course, Lt.Caine, this way", said the nurse, as she walked him to Trauma room #1. "I'll leave you to your officer's".

As Horatio got closer to the bodies, the first thing he noticed was the height difference. He knew there was no way, this guy was Tripp, for both perp's were only about 5'7-5'8.

"Excuse me nurse, these are not my Officer's., they are both to short, to be my guy's".

"Hmm, then how did they get their badges, and ticket stubs"?

Giving the nurse, that dangerous look he said...."I'm not sure, but you can be sure, I'll find out soon". As he put on his shades and walked out.

"H". yelled Eric., I just heard, is it true, are Ryan and Frank dead"?

"No, but they are going to wish they were, when I find them".

Eric had seen that look a million times, and he knew better, then to ask what happened.

"Let's go Eric., right now", called "H".


Frank and Ryan, had just crossed over into Miami-Dade .

"Christ my dogs are barking", said Ryan.

"Yeah, that's nothing , that's going to compare, to "H"s bloody bite, when we get back".

Ryan gave Tripp that look, that said....."save me".

"Don't worry kid, I won't let him kill you", laughed Frank.


Calleigh was listening to the news with Emerald on her lap, when she seen the broadcast.

"Good evening, tonight we bring you a news breaking story, of terrible tragedy. Two Officer's Det.Frank Tripp, and CSI ryan Wolfe, were killed in a four on four pile up this evening". "This is a photo, from the scene, and as you can see by the damage, why both Officer's lost their lives". "We will bring you more information as it arrives".

Turning off the TV, Calleigh called "H".

"Lt.Caine", said "H".

"Handsome, I just heard on the News, is it true"?

"No love, but it will be when I find them". "They left their badges in the car, and it got stolen along with thier badges".

"Oh God, so they are alive, and fine"?

"Alive yes, Fine maybe, it will all depend when I find them".

"Remember your temper handsome, let them explain first", said Calleigh.

"I got to go love, give Emer a kiss for me, I'll see you both soon, love you".

"Love you too handsome".

After hanging up the phone, Calleigh knew, "H" was going to blow his top".

As "H" and Eric were driving down Sunset Beach , Eric seen Tripp and Ryan. "There they are "H", over to the left". Beeping the horn, Horatio pulled over the Hummer. "GET IN"!! he yelled. Poor Ryan looked like he was going to pee his pants, while Tripp could care less, because Horatio wasn't his boss. "Explain, said "H". Tripp and Ryan began talking at the same time. "One at a time, said "H". I'll tell him Tripp, it was my fault", said Ryan. "We were at the game, and couldn't find a parking space, so I told Tripp, we could park over in the alley, across from the park, when we got back, the car was gone, along with our badges, and wallets".

"Ryan, you've just earned yourself a few days off, without pay, Tripp, I'll be talking to your Supervisor, about the loss of your badge". Tripp knew Horatio had no choice, and he didn't blame him the least. "Now , did you two know, you are dead"? asked Eric. "WHAT"!!! you're kidding right, said Tripp. "Afraid not, the two guys that stole your car and badges, caused a four car pile up and killed themselves, but because they had your I.D's, the Hospital, told us you were dead". "Huh, said Tripp, go figure".

When they arrived back at Miami-Dade, Horatio told Ryan to collect his stuff, and go home. "Let's go Tripp", said "H". When Tripp explained, what had happened, he was also suspended for one week. "Sorry Tripp, said "H". "No worries "H", it was my own stupidity", said Tripp. Once "H", had informed the News team about the wrong information, "H" headed home, to see his wife and his Emerald.

"Sweetheart, I'm home, called "H". "Hey handsome, did you find them"? "I did, and both are suspended for one week". "Poor Ryan, he's forever getting himself in trouble". "I know love, but this was one time, I couldn't protect him". "I know handsome". "So where is my Emerald Angel"? asked "H". "She's in the kitchen, said Calleigh. Walking into the kitchen, Horatio picked up his beautiful Emerald and kissed her pretty little mouth. "How's daddy's girl"? "Ada. ada, said Emer, who was just starting to make small babble. Sitting down with his daughter in his lap, he asked Calleigh about their day".

Meanwhile....Eric had gotten home, and seen his lovely new fully pregnant wife, trying to reach for something. "Hold on love, I'll get that", said Eric. As he reached it for her, he thought he seen someone familar across the street. "Hmm, must be eyes, playing tricks on me, to much vacation time". "Are you okay Eric, asked Cher. "I'm fine love, let's eat". Across the street, Danny Maxwell, was watching Eric, and his pretty pregnant wife. "Very soon Eric, I'll have my revenge". Knowing Eric and his schedule, he knew, he could have him anytime he wanted.

Is, he gonna be like ummm.. I think the guy's name was Scott Peterson who killed his wife, cut her open, andtook out the dead baby? Or along that line.... w/e