In Between the Scene: Going Under


Calleigh finally had her handsome man to herself.

"Hey handsome, look what I have for you".

As "H" turned around, he seen his beautiful wife, dressed in a beautiful white silk teddy.

"My God Calleigh, you look like an Angel come to call".

"Thanks Handsome, now come here, your Angel has something for you".

Walking over, "H" could feel himself surge in the aura of his wife's beauty. As he neared her, she stood up on tiptoes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him with heated passion.

"H" could have swore, he seen bright lights and a piece of Heaven.

"Sweetheart"! "We need to slow down love, I don't want to hurt the baby".

"You won't handsome, trust me, I need you to love me like our first time".

"God Calleigh, I can't breathe with you're enchanted passion".

"Shh!! "Just let it take you handsome, I'll protect you".

Never had Horatio felt this lost, it was if he had been given a gift of purity, that had long been forgotten.

Picking his wife up in his arms, he carried over to the bed and loved her with tenderness, gentleness and love.


Ryan was finally awake and looking at Frank.

"How you feeling kiddo"? asked Frank.

"I don't know, I'm very tired". "What did they do to me"?

"You had a tumor on your brain Ryan, they had to remove it". "The doctor said it was very small".

"Is that why I was having those aweful headaches"?

"Yes, it was". "But that should all be over now".

"Okay, Listen Frank, I'm thirsty, can you get me a drink"?

"Just let me get the nurse, and we'll find out".

When the nurse came down, she checked over Ryan and told him he could have some ice water for now. Once she brought it back, Ryan took a few sips, and then laid back down.

"You don't have to stay Frank, I'll be fine".

"Listen kid, I have no where to be, so just enjoy the company".


Eric and Chereise had finally gotten her all moved in.

"Wow, that was quite a move". "How about we order out, I'm starving", said Eric.

"That sounds great, I'll get the menu's".

Eric decided to order from a great Greek Palace. After they finished their meal, they sat down to a movie and a snuggle.
Don't turn that^^^ in to a question Mel :lol:- you'll be in trouble.!

Great post LMH thanks for the comments on my fic by the way :)
3 months later

Calleigh was waddling around the house with a bowl of ice-cream and chocolate syrup, Emerald who was now a year old, was crawling and pulling herself up on furniture. As Calleigh sat down, Emer crawled over giggling. Calleigh oicked her up and sat her on her lap.

"You want some ice-cream Emerald Elizabeth"?

"With her two front teeth coming through, she smiled at her mommy.

"Mama, maaaa!!! said Emer as she ate the ice-cream mommy put in her mouth.

"I love you Emer Angel", said Calleigh as she kissed her little rosebud lips.


Ryan was recoperating wonderfully at home. He was actually getting daily visits from Frank, and he had to admit it was great. He had come to realize, that Frank wasn't anything, like he was at work.


Chereise was just starting to show, and was driving Eric insane. Eric never realised, how sexy being pregnant could be on a woman.

"Eric, stop that look, you naughty boy". "I know what you're up too".

"You think love"? "Tell me than", said Eric as he walked towards her. "What am I thinking"?

"That you'd like me under you right now, while you do the nasty", giggled Cheriese.

"ME!!! "Never, sweetie, come here and see what Eric has for you".

*laughing** "UhUh!!! said Chereise as she ran towards the bedroom.

"See that love, look where you ended up", right in our room".

"Forget it Eric, Eric........squeeled Cherry, as he wrapped her in his embrace.

"Now you are mine, I'll never let you go".

Looking into Eric's eyes , Chereise could see, Eric was telling the truth.

"I love you Eric Delko".

"I love you too Chereise", said Eric as he carried her to the bed.

"Love me Eric, love me now"!

"Your wish is my command".

With that said Eric and Chereise, made love under the warmth of their Canapy Bed.
Aww!!! :D Everyone's doing great, and little Emerald too! Is she still getting spoiled by her daddy? :D And Eric and Cherise's baby too!! :) Baby shower!!! :lol:
Yeah, Ryan is looking at Frank differently. Well, I guess that's a given, because everyone's different away from work, but what else could it possibly mean??
The Wedding

It was a hot Miami morning and a beautiful wedding day for Eric and Chereise. They knew it was a small simple wedding, with just the team and Chereise's parents. As she was sitting in the chamber, Calleigh waddled in with a walking Emerald.

"Hey Chereise, how are you feeling, nervous, scared, good"?

"A little nervous, and alot scared".

"That's normal, but look at you, you are just starting to show, and the glow from your face, is truely radiating love". "That alone, should tell you this is right".

At that moment Calleigh had a cramp. "Hisss", cried Calleigh.

"Are you okay Calleigh"?

"NO, I think, I'm going into labor". "Can you get "H" for me"?

"Sure, running out of the little chapel, she called to "H".

"Horatio", "Calleigh is in labor, she needs you now", yelled Chereise.

When "H" got into the chamber, he seen Calleigh panting, with a puddle of water under her.

"Sweetheart, can you walk love"?

Calleigh shook her head in pain, It's coming Handsome, right now".

Horatio took off his jacket, and laid it flat.

"Come here love, lay down".

"I can't, I can feel the head, please hansome".

Picking her up in his arms, he laid her down on the jacket and looked between her thighs.

"Listen Chereise, are the Paramedics on their way"?

"They are, Eric just called".

"Okay, Calleigh, I want you to push love, it looks like you and I, will be bringing this one, into our world, together".

With one solid push, the baby slid out, screaming , his welcome into the world.

"Oh my, said "H", Look love, we have a boy, a handsome, beautiful baby boy".

Wrapping the baby in his shirt, he laid him on Calleigh's tummy and in her arms, until the Medics arrived.

As they were loading Calleigh and the baby into the Ambulance, "H" told Eric and Chereise to go ahead with their wedding.

After Eric and Chereise were bonded, they headed over to the Hospital, to say good-bye to Calleigh and "H", before their Honeymoon.

"There's the happy family", said Eric.

Eric looked at "H", who was proudly holding his son, in his arms. "Have you named him "H"? asked Eric.

"WE have Eric". "Horatio Raymond Caine Jr". "Though we will call him HJr, so as not to confuse anyone", laughed "H".

"Nice name", laughed Eric.

Chereise couldn't get over, the beautiful bright red hair, she had never seen hair that richly covered. "He's very beautiful Calleigh", said chereise.

"Thank-you, smiled Calleigh. "So, are you two off then"?

"We are, for two weeks of fun".

"Well stay safe, and have fun guys", said "H".

"We will", said Eric.


Frank stopped by to see Ryan again. He knew his visits were becoming more frequent, but since divorcing his wife, he was lonely, and Ryan was becoming like a son to him. Knocking on his door, he hoped Ryan was home.

"Hey Frank, what's up, come on in".

"Hey kid, just wondering what you're up to tonight"? "I have a couple tickets to the hockey game, want to go"?

"Awesome, yeah". "Give me five to change".

Ryan had to admit he was enjoying this. Frank was a great person to be around, when not stressed out.


After Eric and Chereise left, "H" crawled into bed with Calleigh, Emerald and HJr.

"Look at him love, he's so perfect".

"Of course he is handsome, he's the image of his father".

Sandwiching the four of them together, they fell asleep.
*squee* So adorable!! Emerald has a brother!! :D :) And he's handsome like his daddy! :D :) And Eric and Cherise are married!! :D

Ryan and Frank is certainly developing, and has certainly piqued my interest as to where it's leading to!! Keep going, it's great so far!! :)