In Between the Scene: Going Under


Calleigh was bathing Emer when Horatio got home.

"There's daddy's girl", said "H" to Emer. "Hi sweetheart"!

"Hey handsome, how was your day"?

"Not good". "Looks like we have another Serial killer on our hands".

"You're kidding right"?

"No". "This guy goes around robbing his victims and then shoots them in the head".

"Goodness". "Just when we thought things had cooled down in Miami", said Calleigh.

As Calleigh lifted Emerald out of the tub, "H" held up her towel and wrapped his EmerAngel inside.

"There we go, my little EmerAngel". "Let's get you warm and dry", said daddy, as he carried her into the bedroom.


Eric and Ryan had finished processing and left the Lab.

"What are you up to tonight Wolfe"? asked Eric.

"Resting". "I've still got one hell of a headache".

"Okay than Ryan, I'll see you in the morning".

Once Ryan had left, Eric headed over to see "H".


"I'll get it handsome", said Calleigh.

"Eric"!! "Oh my God"! "How have you been"?

"Great , thanks for asking Cal".

"Eric, I know that look, it say's "H" help me". "What's going on"?

"you remember that nurse Chereise"?

"Yeah"!!! "The pretty one that's in love with you".

"How did you kno.........."Never mind". "It seems I've gotten her pregnant".

Calleigh was floored, she knew this wasn't like Eric, he was always careful.

"eric, didn't you use protection"?

"Not that time, It was the heat of passion that overtook us that night".

"what are you going to do Eric"?

"Marry her I guess, I don't run from my problems".

"Well I know that". "But are you sure she's what you want"?

"I know I do love her, I guess I always had, but just didn't want to see it".

At that moment "H" came down with Emer.

"Eric"! "What are you doing here"?

"I needed to talk too you". "Hi Emerald", said Uncle Eric.

"Here handsome I'll take her , while you talk to Eric".

"She's fine love, I've got her".

Calleigh shook her head, because she knew in a couple years, Emer would be walking all over her daddy.


When Ryan was heading home, he noticed a couple arguing with a dark haired man. Stopping the vehicle he asked....

"Is everything okay here"?

The husband knew he could ask for help, but then his wife would be shot.

"We're fine", said the guy with nervousness..

"Okay than, said Ryan as he pulled away.

If Ryan hadn't had such a headache, he would have realized the couple needed help.

But little did he know, he would come to regret leaving them.

"Give me all your money and jewlery, and I won't kill you".

After they handed him their jewelery and money he said.... "I lied"


"Christ this is fun". "I should have done this years ago".

Meanwhile... *the next day*

Calleigh was setting everything up, for Emerald's 6 month birthday party.

"Look Emer", said mommy. "This is a balloon", a bright red one for Emer".

"Emer looked at it in wonder, her little eyes went wide with the brightness.

As Calleigh finished setting the table with little party hats and plates, "H" and Eric walked thorugh the door.

"Hey Handsome, hey Eric", "Look Emer daddy's home".

Little Emer gurggled with excitment.

"There's my Emerald Elizabeth, and she's all dressed up pretty for her daddy".

"Handsome"! "She's dressed up for her 6 month birthday party".

"6 months"? "Isn't it once a year", asked Eric.

"With Calleigh it's every six months, she's always had a thing for party's".

"Listen Caine", "Keep that attitude up and you won't get any cake". "Now please find the Video Camera". "Oh and Eric"! "You must stay".


Ryan got home and collapsed in his bed. Till the phone rang.

"Wolfe"! said Ryan with anger.

"Wolfe, it's Frank, we have another double murder".

Trying to fight the urge to scream, he told Frank.....

"I'll be right there".

Getting back up , Ryan took another couple asprin and headed to the crime scene.


Just as Calleigh, "H" and Eric sat down with Emer to eat cake the phone rang.

"Caine"! said "H".

"Horatio, it's Frank". "We have another double murder".

With a huge sigh, "H" said.......

"I'll be right there". "I'm sorry Calleigh, we have to go". "Come here Emer", said "H" as he kissed his daughter's tiny lips. "Daddy loves you EmerAngel". "Sweetheart, I'll be back soon, as he kissed Calleigh.

When they got to the crime scene, Ryan was standing there in shock.

"What the hell is your problem Ryan"? asked Frank.

"I know this couple".

"What the hell you talking about Ryan"?

"I met them on my way home this morning". "They were arguing with some guy, I asked them if everything was okay, he said yes".

"You're telling me , you seen the killer"?

"I think so, but I can't remember anything, with this damn headache".

"H" is going to kill you Ryan".

"You think I don't know that Frank".

"Christ , good luck kid, here he comes".

"What have we got Frank"?

"Two DB's same MO as before, but we have a small problem".

"What small problem"?

"Wolfe thinks he seen the killer, but can't remember what he looked like".

"Wolfe, explain please".

After Ryan explained, "H" looked at Ryan with disappointment.

"Ryan, how could you not know, these people needed help"?

"I was hung over "H", and had this nasty headache which I still have". "I'm sorry "H", I just couldn't think".

"Alright, go home Wolfe get some rest, and try and remember please".

"I'll do my best "H".

Calleigh and Emerald were enjoying the cake and ice cream. Calleigh couldn't believe how much Emerald loved the chocolate syrup. Not wanting to give her to much, she put the remainder away and then took Emer upstairs for her nap.

Still feeling hungry, Calleigh went back to the kitchen, and helped herself to more ice cream and chocolate syrup.

When "H" and Eric got back to the house, they found Calleigh with an empty container of ice cream and half bottle of syrup.

"Sweetheart"! did you eat all this yourself"? asked "H".

"No"!!! "I shared with Emer". "But she's napping now, so I decided to have a little more".

Getting up she put her dish in the sink, grabbed an aero bar , kissed "H" and left the room.

"What was that "H", Calleigh never eats chocolate like that".

"She does Eric, but only when she's pregnant".

"Are you telling me, you and Calleigh are expecting again"?

"I am"!. "But I don't think Calleigh is aware of it yet".


Ryan swore his head was going to combust. Calling Frank, he asked him if her could drive him to the Hospital.

"What's wrong with you Wolfe"?

"I don't know man, my head feels like it's going to bust".

As they pulled into the E.R. Ryan went into a seizure. Frank ran in and called for help. Loading Ryan onto a stretcher, they wheeled him in, while Frank called "H".

(Phone Rings)

"Hello"! said "H".

"H" it's Frank, I'm at the Hospital with Ryan, he went into a seizure".

"Okay Frank", I'll be right there".

"Calleigh, I need to go love, Ryan is in the Hospital".

"Is he okay"?

"I don't know yet love, I'll let you know".


"H" and Eric arrived at the Hospital and waited with Frank for infomation.

"What happened frank"?

"I don't know "H", two night's ago, I took Ryan out for a drink and he got a little drunk". "But the following day, Ryan complained about a headache". "Then he called me an hour ago, to bring him here".

At that moment the doctor came out.

"Are you the party, for CSI Wolfe"?

"Yes, I'm Lt.Caine".

"Your CSI is stable and resting comfortably". "But I do have concern, he has a small tumor that needs to be removed from his left tempo mode". "It's causing pressure in his brain".

"Okay, do what you need to do, just make my CSI better".

"I'll prep the O.R., you can see him if you like, before we take him down".

"Ryan"! said "H". "How are you feeling"?

"Like someone, smashed in my head".

"Okay, they're going to operate and remove your tumor".

"I know, they told me". "Thanks Frank for getting me here".

"No thanks needed Wolfe", said Frank.

"Listen Ryan, one of us will be here for you when you wake up", said "H".

"I know", said Ryan.

"Don't worry Wolfe, you're going to be fine"., said Eric.
Awww...! I love this even more than before if that's possible! :lol: Just a question..... how many kids is Calleigh going to have? :lol: Horatio and Calleigh are going to end up overpopulating the world with lots of green and blue eyed little monsters someday :p (I'm not going to be one of the babies... am I? :eek: lol...... mah names Jasmine if you were wondering, but I like Cassandra for some strange reason lol... :p)
*cries* We don't have Aero bars down here and I wish we did, I had a Canadian friend send me a couple and they're really good. We don't have your Smarties either, only the sweet-sour kind.

poor Ryan :(
Awww!!! I'd send you a bunch if I could. At Bullet Girl, I think this will be the only other baby, and Mel wants a boy. Maybe, just maybe, I'll add another much later in these stories. But I'm glad you are all enjoying the story :D

"H" and Eric headed home, while Frank stayed with Ryan.

"Sweetheart, I'm home", called "H".

Calleigh came walking out of the kitchen with Emerald in one hand and another Aero bar in the other. Taking Emerald from Calleigh's arms, he kissed her pretty lips.

"How's daddy's little Emerald"? said "H".


"Calleigh"! "Why are you eating chocolate"?

"I told you earlier, I'm hungry".

"Then why don't you make yourself some lunch"?

"Because I feel like chocolate". "Why does it matter what I eat".

"H" knew he was going to have too tell her.

"Calleigh, you're pregnant again love".

*Laughing* "Yeah right handsome".

"Think about it sweetheart, you're eating chocolate, lots of chocolate".

Looking at her bar and than at "H", it finally clicked in".

"Oh my"!! "Oh my"!!! "Another baby", screamed Calleigh, causing Emerald to jump in her daddy's arms.

"Yes love", said "H", calming Emerald down, from her mommy's scream.


Ryan had come up from Surgery.

"How did everything go doctor"? asked Frank.

"Better then we expected, he's going to be fine". "We removed the tumor with no complications".

"Thank-you so much doctor".

After the doctor left, Frank called "H", to give him the good news.


The killer had his next victims. A young couple who were walking along the beach.

"Give me all your money and your jewelery and I'll let you live".

"Sure, here, anything, just don't hurt us, please take it all".

After they handed everything over, he said....."I lied".

Once "H" had the news from Frank, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well"! "How is he handsome"?

"Frank says, he's going to make it", the tumor was smaller then they thought".

"Oh that's wonderful", said Calleigh. "Now how about you put Emerald to bed"?

"But I just picked her up love, she's very content on my shoulder". "I'll just rock her a bit".

"I'm telling you handsome, you have her so spoiled".

"No I don't love, she's just very lonely in that Nursery".

"Yeah right". "Go put her down, and see what happens again".

To prove Calleigh wrong, "H" put Emerald in her crib and left the room. It wasn't long in coming......."Waaa, waaa, waaa, cried Emerald.

As "H" went to get her Calleigh told him to wait.

"You can't let her cry like that love, she needs us".

"No she don't, she needs her daddy to spoil her some more".

"H" couldn't handle it, he hated hearing her scream. As Calleigh went into the kitchen to finish the dishes, "H" snuck in to Emeralds room and picked her up. Taking her to the Rocking chair, he started rocking her.

Calleigh was standing at the door, "You hear that handsome".

"Hear what love"?

"That sound".

"What sound"?

"The sound of you being reeled in", said Calleigh.

Turning out all the lights, Calleigh went to bed. As she lied down, she could hear "H" singing to Emer.

Hush, little Emerald, don't say a word.
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little Emerald in town.

Sound asleep, "H" kissed his precious Emerald and put her to bed.

When "H" got to their bedroom, he could smell chocolate.

"Sweetheart"! "What do you have"?

"Nothing, why"?

"Because I smell chocolate".

"Hmm!! "I don't know, said Calleigh, feeling the chocolate start to melt under the blankets.

Pulling the covers back "H" seen the melted chocolate on Calleigh's fingers. Taking his lips, he kissed and then licked, her fingers one by one as she sighed.


Eric and Chereise were having fun picking out some baby stuff.

"Look Eric, isn't this sweet"? said Cherry as she showed him the little outfit.

"That is completeeeely adorable love". "Once we finish here, we need to get you moved in to my Apartment".

"Are you sure about this Eric"? "I don't want to push you into something , you're not ready for".

"Trust me Chereise, I'm ready".