In Between the Scene: Going Under

Horatio kept checking behind his back.

"Sweetheart"! Don't you have something to do"? I don't like to be watched".

"No"! "I have nothing to do, besides that I love to watch your butt", giggled Calleigh.

Horatio couldn't help but smile, he loved to look at his wife's butt all the time too. "Oh great"! now you've done it", said "H" to himself.

"Handsome"! "Are you okay"? "You look like you're in pain"?

"Sweetheart"? "Is Emerald Elizabeth sleeping".

"Yes"! "she's here in her Basenet, why"?

Turning around Horatio picked up his wife and carried her over to the washer. Sitting her on it he said........

"Your mention of my butt, got me thinking of yours and then this happened. She gasped....."Oh my"!!! *laughing****

"Now my love"! "Just what are we going to do about it"?

"Why I don't rightly know Sir"? said Calleigh sounding like a cowgirl.

embracing her face between his hands he kissed her passionately on the lips as he loved on top of the washer.

*Sigh* That was wonderful my Cowboy".


Frank had shown up at Ryan's with a mixture for him to drink.

"Here Wolfe, drink this , it will make you feel better".

Nasty as it was, Wolfe swallowed it down.

"God"!! "What the hell is in that stuff"?

"You don't want to know Wolfe".


Eric woke up to the sound of hacking. Getting out of bed, he went into the bathroom and found Cherry throwing up.

"Hey! "You okay Chereise"?

"I'm so sick Eric, I think we're pregnant"?

Eric was shocked, he couldn't believe that he was going to be a dad.

"Are you sure chereise"?

"Eric, I'm a nurse for crying out loud, of course I know". "Listen I didn't do this to tie you down, you don't have to worry about it".

Picking her up, Eric stared into her eyes and said........

"Chereise, I do have too worry about it, this is my baby too". "The two of us will take care of it together". "I told you last night, "I love you", and if that means marriage so be it".

Chereise had tears in her eyes, "I love you too eric, and that's the sweetest proposal I ever heard".

Holding her tight, Eric knew he was going to have too visit "H" for some pointers.
Hey girls!! "I'm not going to have time to do another post till tonight at 9pm, Canadian time. Work call's. Also, be expecting a PM for this Fic tonight. :devil:
Ewwww!!! I would never put Ryan with Calleigh. That's not right, ahhhh!!
Yeah, but I couldn't help asking lol! Can't wait till you post again!
Heee!!! :lol: Love it, love it, love it!!! :D
And Eric with a baby!! :) So cute!!! Both H and Eric can be godfathers to each others kids, and the same with Cal and Cherry!!! One big happy family!! :)

Calleigh had to admit that "H" was doing a wonderful job with the laundry.

"Hey handsome"! "Great job, said Calleigh.

"Didn't think I could do it, did you"?

"Hmm!!!! "Nope".


"I'll get her sweetheart, you enjoy you tea".

Heading into the Nursery Horatio picked up a teary eyed Emerald.

"What's the matter with daddy's little Emerald Elizabeth"?

"H" couldn't help but think how perfect that name was for their daughter. Her eyes were just so green, and with her strawberry blonde hair, she was an Angel. Her daddy's Angel.

Giving her a little kiss, he walked her over to the change table and cleaned her little bum.

"Was that the problem with Daddy's girl, all better now EmerAngel".

Knowing he should take her down to be fed, he couldn't help himself by keeping her with him for a few extra minutes.

(Phone rings)

"Caine"!! answered "H".

""H" it's Eric, we have another double murder", same area as the first victims".

"Okay Eric, I'll be right there".

Taking Emer downstairs, he informed Calleigh, he had to leave.

"I've got to love, I'll see you and Emerald later".

After giving them both a kiss, he left the house.


Wolfe got the call from Eric to get over to the Crime Scene.

"What is it Wolfe"? asked Frank.

"There's been another double homicide, on the beach".

"Well let's go than, I'll drive", said Frank.

"Good idea", said Ryan who was still sobering up.


Eric and "H" were looking over the bodies.

"Do you think we have another serial "H"? asked Eric.

"I'm not sure Eric, could be". "The bodies are simular, we'll know more when we get the bodies to post". "Alexx"! "Time of death, please"?

"According to liver temp, 4 am, maybe 4:30, give or take".

"Okay let's get the bodies back and Eric, please process everything".

"You got it "H".

Just as Eric was leaving, Ryan showed up with Frank.

"Wolfe"! "You go the call out at 8:25", why are you late"?

"Sorry "H", I had a very late night".

"Well , I am sorry to hear that Wolfe, but when you get a call out, that means you get here as quickly as you can please".

"I know "H", "I'm, really sorry".

"Okay, catch up with Eric before he leaves, and help process the evidence".
naughty naughty Ryan *spanks him*
Well, you know what they say - all work and no late night partying makes Ryan a very sad boy. lol
wow.... :devil: EMER! :p :lol: You gonna add me in here somewhere? haha, I dont think H&C could deal with a hyperactive kid that demands perfection (perfecionist.... :lol: ) and uhhh..... likes all things to do with guns, P!nk, and the Pussycat Dolls... haha

Great work, keep it up :D
Due to work again today. There won't be any post till tonight. All this overtime is killing me. But thanks for enjoying the stories and I love the feedback.

See ya'll tonite :D