If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

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Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

^No, the show would have to reinvent itself and that's not a bad thing.

I'm at a point where I would rather see it go down in ratings but have a better balance of screen time for all the characters and be a more character driven show then a science one.

Let's face it, the reason shows like 'Six Feet Under', 'Grey's Anatomy', 'West Wing' have all been nominated for Emmys is because of the wonderful character development. 'ER' is another example of a show that balanced medical science with character development and won Emmy after Emmy for its efforts.

For those of us who have watched CSI since it inception, we seem to have the science part of it down, so now lets start flushing the characters out a little more.

So you can either take Grissom's 'leaving' as a negative thing, or an opportunity to get know the other characters a little more.

I for one see it as an opportunity.

And frankly, to say the show will die witihout Grissom is kind of sad because it meant that everyone put their eggs in one basket with an actor that has become kind of a diva-with all due respect to Billy Petersen fans. The thing about divas, they are never happy. I respect Billy for his talent, but I'm sick of the whining.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

myfuturecsi said:
^No, the show would have to reinvent itself and that's not a bad thing.

So you can either take Grissom's 'leaving' as a negative thing, or an opportunity to get know the other characters a little more.
Exactly. I couldn't have put it better.

Someone else brought up a good point about the Grissom character. For me, the character really shined in the earlier seasons. If they're just gonna butcher the character then it would be better to just take it out of the show.

Like some of you has pointed out, it would be a great opportunity for them to reconstruct the whole show. It would never be the same without Grissom, and if they try to continue as such it would just be under the shadow of the Grissom era(lol, or the CSI with Grissom in it). I think it would be best if they make it sooo different because that actually has a good chance of making the show even better.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

CSI can't reinvent without Gil...that'd be like Miami without Horatio or NY without Mac...just wouldn't be the same.
Please excuse me while I go cry.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Wojo said:
I think CSI has proven with episodes like 'Gum drops' and "The usual suspect' that CSI can have good episodes without Grissom. I'm not saying he won't be missed, and maybe the ratings might suffer some but I do believe if the other actors want to continue then the show will go on.

CSI is an ensamble cast.

I agree with that. Some of my favorites have been without/very little WP.

I do love the guy, but if done right play up the rest of the cast in strong roles, CSI could go on and be just as good, maybe even better.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

apparently billy is going to miss 2 seasons of csi's (OMGOSH!!! 2 SEASONS??!!!) for his theatre stuff...according to media...i guess that is like around
1 1/2-2 years he'll take leave...
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

What's your source? I'm not taking anything as set in stone until we hear it from a reliable source or from Billy himself.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

State your sourse.(or I'll stick CSI Sidle on you) Billy is going to be missing 2 months at least due to the theaure. He stated b4 CSI took of that he would only do it for 7 seasons.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

CSIgirl3 said:
I can't watch CSI if Gil isn't there!
Really? Personally if Billy leaves, yes it would be a shame, but there are other great characters in CSI. To be honest I don't watch the show because of Billy. Don’t get me wrong, that's your opinion of course, but I just get a little surprised whenever anyone feels they can't watch the show if one of the cast members leave. For me Billy leaving wouldn’t be the be all and end all. I've always loved Grissoms character and it would be strange to watch CSI without him, but I think the rest of the cast are more than capable of carrying on without him. :)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I will have no problems with CSI after BP leaves. Great actor, and I think the characters is well played and very dynamic. I survived MASH without Trapper, Frank, and Radar. I survived Star Trek: Voyager going through the whole 7of9 thing half way through.

7 seasons is a long time, and a show needs to have it's cage rattled from time to time... I for one am all for it. As much as I love CSI, I turned in to CSI this season (I have never watched it on TV before this season because I hate commercials... I buy DVDs) because I wanted to see the character crumble and go through a major change before BP left.

I'm perfectly happy if the show still has great storylines most of the time, and for all any of us here know, the show might be even better with Grissom gone.

You never know, and if you do know now, could you hop into your time machine and let me know who publishes CSE's game for the Wii? Thanks.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Shows are never the same after main characters leave. But if the writers do their job, that doesn't have to be a bad thing. The only thing that really worries me about Gil leaving, is if they decide that since one character is leaving, they have to bring in someone new. CSI already has such a big cast. I say put Cath in charge, and leave it at that. I'd love to have more screen time for everyone else.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

that show will be like dead to me, i have no clue.
grissom is that show. there's something about itt.

and the GSR will be gone and that's one of the weirdly
interesting parts of the show for me, though the subtle nature kills me, that's not the point. i was watching that episode, oh man the name just slipped me, i wanna say double cross, it's about the two abducted boys and the pedophile.

but his migranes... i think it had deeper meaning.
who knows, i could just be going nuts.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I agree with you on this subject. I just hope they don't kill him off. I will miss William Petersen, and I wish him the best. :)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Popping this back up since so many want to talk about it.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

i saw this CSI video promo for January 4 and it's kinda like what you would see on TV, you know the preview to next weeks CSI and it shows him leaving and saying bye to everyone :(
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