If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

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Wow, the CSI LV forum, I haven't been here in a while HAHA.

Anyway, I will still watch the show BUT I think that the smartest thing to do would be to put Catherine as supervisor, as has been mentioned above. Grissom leaving, yeah, of course I'm gonna miss him, I've been in love with the guy forever YET I am afraid that the writers (If they are anything like Miami and NY) will kill him off. IF they do that, I will be EXTREMELY angry. I hate how they always kill off the characters as an excuse to get the actor off of the show *cough* Rory Cochrane *cough*. Or if they're going to do it, at least do it creatively. Getting SHOT .....no, do something cool, have them go into a building to try to save a kid, and then have the kid run out the door, and have an explosion go off...okay OT sorry...

Anyway, my point is, if he does leave the show, I'd like to see him back for a few guest appearences and I DONT want it to be a guest appearence where he comes back and then they kill him off....no, gay. I think it would be logical for him to retire, and that leaves it open for guest appearences, and I think a promise of that from the writers will get them more viewers in the future :D *goes back to my Miami forum* lol
If Grissom leaves after 2007.....I'm at a difficulty. Grissom just doesn't seem to be the same person he was at the beginning(not in a bad way, of course), and if this speculation had been made, say, prior to season 5, then the show probably wouldn't have had as good a chance to "stay afloat", but there's been so much character development...but I digres. I would be depressed, but as everyone else says, it would open the door for many others, and allow for even more character development. But still. Grissom? Leaving? I hope not.
Like I said in another post, today is his last day for the play. Maybe he will see how much he missed the CSI set and cast members and looks forward to coming back. Maybe he just needed a break and this play provided that. I'm trying to be very optimistic here.
Destiny said:
GrissomFREAK said: Good, we need optimism ;)
In other words, a freaking Miracle. :lol:

EXCATLY.. A FREAKING MIRACLE.. :eek: I'd be the most thrilled fan ever.. and would throw a hugh party, and you're all invited, if he he signs on for S/8 ;)I truly love this man, and his character.. :p and he'd be invited as the guest of honor :p think he'd show?

Here's yet another article called, "Is William Petersen Really Leaving CSI" on this one readers can add their own comments at the bottom...

BOOOOO! It won't be the same, I don't care what anyone else thinks. He compliments the other characters too much.
I had a thought that got me wondering if TPTB are keeping things hush hush whether a decision's been made or not to facilitate whatever they're cooking up for the season finale...it *would* benefit them to do it, to perhaps try for a bigger surprise ending...? you think?
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Thats good news, you can also read this info on GSR.COM : Willilam Petersen has signed on for season 8 ,so go there and read it for yourself under the news link. So we can all relax because according to this site it is official. :D :D
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

But does anyone see it on anything other then tab sites (E!online) which can be right and wrong, or a fan site? by another news site I am referring to "Zap2it", "Futon Critic", ect. Also referring to sites that haven't gotten info from the other two sites.

Yet again I would like to say, while the cast all can re-sign contracts, we have to wait for the network to say they will be returning. I have no doubt that they will say it, but stranger things have happened. It does seem strange to me that WP himself hasn't had a rep put out the word that he has officially signed, since they put out he was thinking about at the time of not returning. *Shrug* Hollywood what can you do.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Well it's also on Orlanda sentinel

As well as the WP appciation page HERE

Plus GSR.com claims they also got it straight from William when they met him doing his play but did not report it until it was official. But who knows, things can change.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

From the "Sentinel" linked above
Tassler said that CBS has William Petersen for the original "CSI" next season. (He's out of the next few episodes and will return Feb. 8.)

Now from "E! Online"
Tassler said there are no plans for a fourth edition of "CSI." (Whew!) She said that CBS has William Petersen for the original "CSI" next season.

A bit of a word difference Different writers now did the Orlando Sentinel get it from E! or did they actually hear it themselves. we don't know.

I have nothing against GSR.com or WPAP but I could say that I met the star and he said this and well be lying, Again not saying that they are, they could have met him if so I am happy for them.

But to me official is when either the network puts out a statement to all news sites or the actors rep. After all the rumors on the net and such flying about him leaving you would think they would want to put an end to it completely, or at least until it starts up again lol.

I am so thinking of writing Zap2it and Futon to see if they heard any of this, and if they are going to put the story up on it. I don't know gotta think about it.
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