Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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You use Mac? Well, I'd recommend The Gimp, which was originally made for Linux, I don't know if it has a version for MacOS. That's completely free, just google it to see if you can use it on your Mac.
I have a question! I have a few animated icons, but their file sizes are slightly larger than 60k (the max size allowed for a gif icon here at Talk CSI). Does anyone know how I can reduce this to under 60k without altering the quality too much?

Many thanks for any help. :)
^ i use Jasc Software - Paint Shop Pro with Animation Shop 7.04... but the quality will be a little altering ...
Lucy said:
I have a question! I have a few animated icons, but their file sizes are slightly larger than 60k (the max size allowed for a gif icon here at Talk CSI). Does anyone know how I can reduce this to under 60k without altering the quality too much?

Many thanks for any help. :)

Aparently it's something to do with the color. I dunno what program you're using but if you use imageready then you can go in optimize to colors and lower the colors.
Thank you very much Pusher and Rellaaaa. I shall now do some experimenting! :D

in PS7. Find out here.

It's my first one, please be gentle :rolleyes:
Thanks, Zsó.

Well, a weird error just keeps occuring when I want to start my CS2. It says the patters can't be loaded.. and later it says there's something wrong with the program. Please help me, because I need my PS :p.

ETA; Never mind, prob fixed. Made a new tutorial.


Tut over here
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