Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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I need some help after I download the brushes how can I do to use them?? Other thing can anyone help me with livejournal..?
Andreina , I might be able to help. I use psp9 and I'm a beginner but I have pretty much worked out brushes and some things you can do with them! :)

Let me know if you want me to pm you a little explanation which might help. Have you managed to 'upload' the brushes to psp yet, are you just looking at what to do with them next?
Lauw said:
Adreina, I have PSP8 as well and on my site I've explained how to install/use brushes. Here's the link to the page
Thankss!! but I don't know why when I do what it said there it comes out these:
"the file C:/Documents and Settings/Andreina/My documents/My pictures/brush.png is a newer format version and is unsupported"
That's because you can only import a brush when it has a .abr, .jpr or .Pspbrush extension.

What you have to do is run PSP, just open that file (like you would open a normal picture), then select the brushtool (or hit B on your keyboard) and where you can select a brush, there's a small icon that looks like a brush and when you click that, you can create your brush. If you want, I can show you step by step with screencaps...
Hi all. I'm hoping someone can help me (please). :)

I have been using psp, but it turns out that, all the time, we had photoshop cs on the computer upstairs! Which is best? And does anyone know where I can get any (really) basic photoshop tutorials to help me out? :confused:
PSP - paint shop pro
PS - photoshop

The world of icons is a confusing (but often beautiful) place! :D

Thanks, vegaslights am checking it out now! ;)
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