Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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I'm currently using photoshop LE (came free when we got our scanner). I'm working on getting a newer/better version, but until then, is there a tutorial somewhere for the LE?
I dont know if i should post this here but i think i can :)

I was wanting to get some new fonts for my icons but i dont know how to download them on to my computer, does anyone know how to do that? thank you in advance.
You download the fonts and then you have to paste or unzip the fonts in your Fonts folder. My fonts folder is located @ C:\WINDOWS\Fonts
If you don't know where yours is you can search in your computer, with the term "fonts" ;)
I think you can find the main Fonts folder at Start -> Control Panel -> Fonts. Once you've d/loaded and unzip the font, you can install it there. You have to make sure you unzip it into a place where you can find it though :)
I just got into the wonderful world of icon making and I have to say your tutorials are helping a lot! I'm using psp 9 and it's fun. Hope I can post some soon. :D
I was hoping some of you icon masters could maybe give me a few pointers on making pictures softer. A lot of mine come out too fuzzy, and when I blur it's too blurred. Then when I sharpen again I'm right back where I started. Sharpening contrast helps a bit, but it's usually still too fuzzy.
Hmm, I'm not excactly an icon master, I just do something until I like it. I like blending modes and brightness/contrast - functions, but I don't know if you have a program using such functions. Maybe someone else could help you out ;)

Uhm, I have a question too. I've been looking for PS7 Heart-brushes for ages (like in Dutchie's icon), but I haven't found a thing. Well, only things for PSC2. Now I want to ask you; Does anyone of you have a brush set with hearts for PS7?
I have a brush set for PS Elements 4. I used to work with PS 7 too and i think it should work. Not sure though. Send me a pm with your email addy and i´m gonna send a the file with the brushes if you would like to give it a try
Can someone please help? I have PS 4.o and for some reason, when I go to insert text, its super small. Like, you can't really even see it. Now, it wasn't doing that before and I was actually able to make the one I have now, but then it started doing that. Changing the font size does nothing. Its killing me.

Does anyone know what to do?!
hey, quick question, i had photoshop cs2, the trail version. But now my trail is up and i need another program. I would buy Photoshop, but its just too expensive for a mac. Does anyone have any sugestions of another good program to try or maybe how i could get photoshop at a discount price? that would be great, not being able to make Icons is killing me! ;)
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