~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

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I actually recognised one bird today... it was what I thought. Belongs to same group with Blackbird. Haven't seen the two others tho.
I can't believe I cried at work today - just sat at my desk and cried in front of all my colleagues! How embarrassing! :eek:

I also can't believe that I deliberately avoided an old friend I saw when I was in the supermarket! Wasn't in the mood to try and be nice, but I will feel bad about it for a while. :(
I can't believe a guy had been waiting 30 minutes for me to open up shop this morning. :eek: I told him we don't open until 10am, and at the time it was 9.50am. He was kind of creepy actually, I was a bit reluctant to let him in. Most of our business is done by phone and we don’t get many visitors off the street, when I'm on my own I get a bit uncomfortable - particularly when they are as creepy as this guy was. :eek:
^^^ Awww, sorry you had to put up with that Tink *huggles* I know what you mean. In the public library where I work, there are four creepy guys that make me uncomfortable. Luckily, two of them haven't been in for a long time, but the other two still come in regularly. It's not a nice feeling.
I cant believe Ive got my first 60 quid for the first time from my EMA :D ..but spent it all already on books. :(
I can't believe I'm living on pizza juice and booze lately.

I can't believe how quickly I was done doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen and living room.

I can't believe how much trash me and my friends talked last night...I'm starting to remember it now :lol:
I cant believe im getting the flu. (actually i think i have it already) :(

I cant believe how i feel about her.
Hope you're not hitting it too bad, Jasmine

I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to tonight :D

I can't believe I got all dolled up. Stupid dares my friends make...
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