howmany/what langueges do you speak?

I'm pretty fluent in English, pretty fluent in Tagalog, can speak a little French, can understand a lot of Spanish, and a little German
Wow, we are all so clever! lol, only joking....well we are though, whats Egyptology like?
Hmm, I have a question to ask people, if it was possible to learn a second language, and use it all the time and never never use the original first native language. Is it possible to forget it?

I have heard a story about a russian lady moving to another country, by 20 years she forgot her native tongue.... :p
I don't think it can happened. You grew up speaking it, it's impossible. Maybe she made some mistakes but I'm sure she didn't forget to speak it.
BTW, I speak English (how surprising! :D), a bit French, and my original language, Hungarian.
I speak English, French, a little Spanish and Japanese :D Next year I will hopefully be receiving a GCSE in French and Japanese - very linguist :lol:

In reply to 'Kazzy', I guess that you could forget your native language if you don't speak it at all - kinda scary! :(

kazzy said:
Hmm, I have a question to ask people, if it was possible to learn a second language, and use it all the time and never never use the original first native language. Is it possible to forget it?

Nope. My pappou and yiayia immigrated from Greece to Canada back in 1968 along with my mom and two aunts and they know perfect Greek. In fact, whenever they give me a birthday card it's always written in Greek. They still have the accents and their Greek is better then their English which is really good. I wish I could learn some more Greek...
kazzy said:
I have heard a story about a russian lady moving to another country, by 20 years she forgot her native tongue.... :p

I don't think it's possible.
My mom's auntie moved to US in 1939. We visited her in 2004. Of course she was mainly speaking English but she totally understood FInnish. When we spoke Finnish to her, she started to speak FInnish too :D
But then if she had to say one sentence in English, she was back to that :lol:

Or like we were having dinner at her brother and his kids place, I spoke Finnish to her but she replied in English because everyone else spoke English around us.
jorja_fan86 said:
kazzy said:
Hmm, I have a question to ask people, if it was possible to learn a second language, and use it all the time and never never use the original first native language. Is it possible to forget it?

Nope. My pappou and yiayia immigrated from Greece to Canada back in 1968 along with my mom and two aunts and they know perfect Greek. In fact, whenever they give me a birthday card it's always written in Greek. They still have the accents and their Greek is better then their English which is really good. I wish I could learn some more Greek...
*laughs* Yeah my family does the same thing with me only for us its Dutch
so your native language is very hard to forget