howmany/what langueges do you speak?

I think Dutch is harder than German (for people who want to learn it of course). The Dutch language has so many exceptions that I sometimes think whether you can even speak about rules :rolleyes:

EDIT: I have higher marks for English than Dutch :lol:

Join the group! So have I.. always have.. reason why I'm studying and teaching English and not Dutch :lol: The other day I wrote a card and it said 'de schaap' and my friend looked my way and said "you wrote this, I'm sure" and she showed me and I still couldn't point out what was wrong about 'de schaap' :lol:

I'm dutch.. And I see what your saying.. You onely can speak dutch if you from Holland.. that's not true but there are so manny rules I don't even know them all.. :eek: I onely know that it is het schaap and not de schaap.. I hear that.. It's sound really weird if you say de schaap.. lol... :p But I'm not good in english so.. but thats because this is my first year i've got English so.. :p I'm learning.. And I can speak a little bit french.. But I don't really like the language.. It's a bit hard to just speak it al those strange words.. :p lol.. But that's just what I think.. :p
I'm fluent in German and English, I can speak French, a little Italian, Arabian and Spanish :) I'm a language addict!
I used to have hebrew at secondary school, instead of Religion, because my teacher knew hebrew - 10 years ago. We were taught how to write and speak it.. but to be honest I've forgotten everything. I think I was taught a sentence like: "Ruth goes to school" and then we had to scribble it down in such funny hebrew sccribbles :D
yeah its a dificult language. i learned a bit in elementary school before we moved here, now i speak, read and write fluently.
az at lo zocheret klum? (you dont remember anything?)
where do you live that you learned hebrew in school? i grew up in pittsburgh pa and learned in hillel academy till 7th grade
JayneEmilysRealm :lol: yeah she taught me potprsenka and I just like it so much I call her with it, not that it makes any sense calling someone 'bra' :lol: and the latest I learned is "nemam cas na kraviny!" But I think it's not true at all coz I DO have a lot of time for nonsense :lol:
I speak English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. I am trying to teach myself Portuguese. I would love to learn Russian, Greek, Polish and Japanese.
I'd love to start Russia when I ...erm some day get in university. I know one sentence and I think it's "next man to the line" and of course "ruki vehr!" or something.. :p

Learnt those from grandpa and he was in Prison camp in 1945.
i speak english and a little french and a tiny bit of sign language. I really want to learn norwegin, german and sweden because thats where my relatives live.
I can speak english, bit of French, Latin, and Spanish and Italian - my family is from Italy so :)
I'd like to learn that fully and then Greek. I really dont like French much though, learning it in school, it jsut never worked for me, I studied for 3 years and im still rather crud!
I'm fluent in Swedish and probably almost in English but I also know a little French, Spanish, German, Italian and Latin since I studied them in school and Ancient Egyptian since I study Egyptology. :p