howmany/what langueges do you speak?

my native language romanian and english,french a little italian and spanish ( i understand what you are saying :) ) :p
I can speak German, English and a little French (I've been learning it for one year) understand/read: Italian (I just started learning it...), Latin and a little Spanish
My first language is French. I learned a bit of English in school (not interested at the time) but really worked at it when The Beatles first came to America. I was 13 at the time... ;) I was (and still am) a big fan of the Fab Four (Paul McCartney, yeah!), so I wanted to understand what I was reading, watching on TV or listening to on my LPs, so I read the magazines with the dictionary close by! :lol:

I also speak a bit of Spanish, used only when I travel to Mexico. I just looooove to travel! :)
I speak french, english , spanish (not fluently) and a little bit italian ,(I learnt latin but a very long time ago). I'd love to learn greek cuz I do love Greece .
bobo said:
I'd love to learn greek cuz I do love Greece.

Who doesn't ;). Seriously though if you want I can teach you some simple Greek phrases that'll be easy to remember and those phrases range from greetings to food to even cursing & insulting words :lol:. Send me a pm if you're up to it :).

I can still speak English & some Greek but I learnt some basic Italian over the past few months.