howmany/what langueges do you speak?

I think Dutch is harder than German (for people who want to learn it of course). The Dutch language has so many exceptions that I sometimes think whether you can even speak about rules :rolleyes:

EDIT: I have higher marks for English than Dutch :lol:

Join the group! So have I.. always have.. reason why I'm studying and teaching English and not Dutch :lol: The other day I wrote a card and it said 'de schaap' and my friend looked my way and said "you wrote this, I'm sure" and she showed me and I still couldn't point out what was wrong about 'de schaap' :lol:

I speak Dutch, English, German (but not that good at it), French (dropped that one, so I forgot most of it) and a teeny tiny bit of Italian (like 2 sentences and a few words, I do count in Italian so that's fun) :p
They say German is very logical language. Be good at math, you'll be good at German ;)
Uhm.. yeah I do see a point in that actually. :D I can't even remember all those German-grammar-rules.. used to know them though.. but I'm just too lazy.. when I speak to German people they'll understand me anyway, regardless of which article I use :D
There's only one row of words in German language I will never forget:
mit, nach, bei, seit, von, zu, aus :lol:
oh my.. you remembered those..
Well I can still drone the whole..

der die das die
den der des der
des der dem den
dem die das die

But I can't quite remember when to apply which article.. it was something like.. all nouns that come from verbs are masculine.. and something with traffic is masculine too or something.. or was it feminine.. why do I even bother??? :lol:
der die das die
den der des der
des der dem den
dem die das die

oh no, even 8 years after dropping German these words still haunt me :eek:

Pointless language fact:
The four hardest languages in the world:
1. Chinese
2. Russian
3. Finnish
4. Dutch
Turkish is my real language

I'm learning english so we can say I speak English!!

also I learning German but I am not good at it!! its very hard I think
Hey JayneEmilysRealm, sorry I haven't been here for a while. Hmm...Czech words I learned from know, words like kurvadrat, potvoro, ok I can't spell, she didn't teach me how to spell those words, only pronounce them...tlusty, pergyiku??, or prtzeck...hovinko, sprt...

and then these-
jaksemasch(forgot what this means)
potprsenka(I like this one)

basically, when I hear my czech friends speak among themselves I couldn't stop laughing coz they all sounded like 'krsk sprtsk trsk...' and I even tried to learn a Czech song on computers...goes something like 'joos jus chus trus komputru...yo tru tru tru tru tru tru tru...' ok I know it's a joke but it really sounded like that to me. :p She just taught me a sentence the other day but now I forgot, gotta ask her again. I love Czech language, they really light up my day :lol:
I speak Spanish (first language so if anyone needs help with it, just ask! :D), English and a bit of French.
i can not speak spanish...but i can talk to anyone from spain..cos i can speak protuguese...and portugusese and spanish is very much alike...if you go from portugal to spain you can talk perfectly...well IMHO anyway