howmany/what langueges do you speak?

I'll teach you guys some random Greek words...

N'ato= Here you are
Yes= Ne
No= Okhee
Nistazo= I'm sleepy
Skotini'azi= It's getting dark out
English is my first language but I also speak Welsh as a second language. It is quite a hard language to speak. Does anyone else speak it? Wyt ti'n siarad Cymraeg? (That's Welsh for "DO you speak Welsh?) :) I speak a little French and a little Spanish, too.


"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy.
My good friend Nigel speaks Welsh :p Well the only thing I know to say in Welsh is: "iechyd da" and ""twyll din pob sais!" :D Och those useful phrases always provide me with free drinks from Welsh guys :) I do speak Irish Gaelic though - as my fourth language, so it's rather rusty (1. Dutch, 2. Czech, 3. English)
Hehe. Local: English, Malay, I can count to 19 in Chinese. Others: I learned Italian. Mi chiamo Casper. Che è il vostro? [My name is Casper. What's yours?] I don't get why people think French is the language of love. I think people melt when they hear Italian.. :lol:. My friends do.. :lol:. Si? Perfezionare.
I don't like the French language.. heh.. Paris, city of love.. in my case: Paris, city of breaking up.. love and romance my arse! :lol:

I don't melt when I hear Italian though :D I melt when I hear Gaelic! Speak Gaelic to me, anyone!!!
:lol: Naw, I have no idea about Gaelic. Uhm, reminds me of Garlic sometimes. :lol: No pun intended.

Heh, to me the city of love is somewhere by the sea and the sun setting. Then you have your punch drink [or margarita for others] and the person you love right beside you. *dreams*
:lol:! Mornings. Either way, the sun is still there. I like sunsets. That way, the stars will appear right after the sun sets. Perfezionare! Haha!
luv_danny said:
English is my first language but I also speak Welsh as a second language. It is quite a hard language to speak. Does anyone else speak it? Wyt ti'n siarad Cymraeg? (That's Welsh for "DO you speak Welsh?) :)

I know a few words in welsh. "Siarad a fi"...Yeah. That's it. And it means "Speak to me". :p It must be pretty cool to speak welsh! I don't even know what it sounds like. :eek: Hmm, should pop next door to Wales some day. :p
kazzy you really should visit Wales. It's a great country. I love it. I recommend Wales to everyone and everyone should visit it at some point.

I would like to learn to speak Russian. :)


"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy
I speak dutch, english and german and I can say "good morning/day thats .. euros please." in french, spanish and almost in italian.