howmany/what langueges do you speak?

WOW! There are so many people who speak so many different languages!!! What languages would everyone like to speak? I said Russian but I would also like to speak Latin. :lol:


"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy.
I speak A LITTLE German. I could maybe hold a conversation. Not well, I'd be missing a few verbs and pronouns here and there. Bah. And English, obviously. lol.
And I'm taking Spanish next year.
Enlgish! :D...I used to know a bit of Spanish until I well forgot and I took German for all of 2 months but got kicked out and had to take something else becauase I was SO bad at it.
I speak french, english, german (uh I used to speak it a few years ago :rolleyes:) and a bit of italian.
I'm speak naturally fluent german. :D

English is my second language, but I'm not perfect.
I found not always the right words, to say something, but I hope, I will better in the future.

I have a very good friend in France, so I talk with her in english and that practices also.
Or to see the CSI episodes in english, not in german... ;)

And I can still a little french.
I had 2 years this subject in the school.
i speak English ( not very well, at least i think so :p )
in russian i understand some words, but i can't tell anything :D
german i am learning right now, can't tell much eather..

but my native language is Latvian. :)
English (native), and Spanish- I took several years in school, although I still don't speak it horribly well, and tend to make mistakes (although fewer) even when writing, especially with sentence order.
English is my second language. My mother tongue is Filipino.

I speak some Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Italian. *emphasis on SOME*
I learned to speak Polish and English at the same time, because my mother and her family were born in Poland, so my grandmother would speak polish to me, and that is the language that I actually began to speak first(english following shortly after) ... But now, because of so many years of just speaking english, I can only understand polish, and can speak it brokenly. (and that is just because of when my grandparents come over to visit, and my cousin that lives with us only speaks polish)

eta: I can speak some French and some Italian too. I also speak fair Latin, though its not like I can speak it to anyone outside of Latin class..though it does help me in learning French and Italian.
I can only speak English, I tried taking spanish in school. but couldn't roll my r's, so I dropped it for a typing class instead. :lol:
read/write/speak: Dutch (native), English (foreign/second)
speak: German

And I really want to learn Spanish! I had it in school for 6 months but I confused it with French... Which I had two years but can't remember more than: au revoir, bon apetit and bonjour. A little more maybe but I won't be able to get around with my french!