howmany/what langueges do you speak?

Cool topic.

1. English of course. It's my native tongue.
2. French - I'm pretty much fluent in it. I've spoken it since I was about 10 years old. My mother first taught me then I learned it all the way through school.
3. Spanish - I can speak some but can read and understand it better. Don't ask me to explain.
4. Sign language - I can sign and read a little. I'm rusty though right now.
5. Japanese - I haven't spoken it in years but I used to be pretty fluent. I took two years in highschool. I also taught Karate for 10 years at a Japanese dojo here in Canada. I wish I could have gone to Japan.

I get this from my mother. We pick up languages really easy. She says that we have the ear for it.

Take Care,
^^... That's quite a lot of languages.

1. English. My mother tongue.
2. Cantonese. Uh... it should be my mother tongue, seeing as all my relatives only speak Canto.
3. Mandarin. Uh... I can do simple stuff, I know how to hold a good conversation in this language, but I'm not too comfortable in it.
4. French and Spanish. Learning these in high school, and I can understand simple conversations and contribute.

But... yeah. I'm not one for languages, because I'm so firmly rooted in speaking English.
I speak English, French, German, Italian and Sign Language fluently.

I can understand Spanish and Russian can’t really speak them though if you say something to me I will understand it but I can’t reply.
My old teacher spoke 11 languages and he could have teach 7 of those but he only taught French, English, Swedish and sometimes German.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
JDonne said:
I understand Gaelic and Portuguese and know how to communicate the bare minimum in both though I comprehend both.
As in Irish Gaelic? Or Scots Gaelic? I have Irish Gaelic :)

Irish. :) I never say Irish Gaelic though, because my father and grandparents never have, they just say Irish or Gaelic. I guess it never crosses our minds about the Scots, probably because as soon as you hear them speak the lilt gives them away and no way could they be Scottish. :lol:

JDonne said:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
JDonne said:
I understand Gaelic and Portuguese and know how to communicate the bare minimum in both though I comprehend both.
As in Irish Gaelic? Or Scots Gaelic? I have Irish Gaelic :)

Irish. :) I never say Irish Gaelic though, because my father and grandparents never have, they just say Irish or Gaelic. I guess it never crosses our minds about the Scots, probably because as soon as you hear them speak the lilt gives them away and no way could they be Scottish. :lol:

Yeah I refer to it as Gaelic too.. or indeed Irish.. but because some Scots refer to their 'language' as Gaelic as well, I was just wondering..

Sooo.. cad é mar atá tú?.. sorry I have Donegal Irish :p
JayneEmilysRealm said:
JDonne said:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
JDonne said:
I understand Gaelic and Portuguese and know how to communicate the bare minimum in both though I comprehend both.
As in Irish Gaelic? Or Scots Gaelic? I have Irish Gaelic :)

Irish. :) I never say Irish Gaelic though, because my father and grandparents never have, they just say Irish or Gaelic. I guess it never crosses our minds about the Scots, probably because as soon as you hear them speak the lilt gives them away and no way could they be Scottish. :lol:

Yeah I refer to it as Gaelic too.. or indeed Irish.. but because some Scots refer to their 'language' as Gaelic as well, I was just wondering..

Sooo.. cad é mar atá tú?.. sorry I have Donegal Irish :p

That's okay, that's Northern Ireland. But, Tá mé go maith. Cad é mar a tá tú ?

I think that's right.

Iontach maith, go raibh maith agat! I need to translate this for the fellow-readers:
I'm excellent, thanks.

Now, it's not perfect Irish, but my friends and I used to joke around with this "home-made" sentence:
"Cad é suas, leanbh?" :lol:
i speak english and hebrew. anyone else speak hebrew? i moved here at age 13, but my hebrew is just about as good as my english- im missing words in both :)
I'm really surprised how many people can speak in signs! I can so some easy stuff because my best friends lil' brothers deaf. Just learned it by using it there. So it isn't wonderfull! The thing grissom said in that deaf scene went to damn fast for me though. I'm still wondering what was said :p And that was asl so prob that that gave me some trouble too since I live in holland and signs are somewhat different.
Well I speak german ( my mother tongue ), english quite good ( learning it for 13 years now ), a bit french ( learned for 5 years at school, my reading abilities are always better than my speaking abilities ), very few spanish ( how to introduce yourself and that stuff ), count to ten in japanese ( did karate for a long time and there we had to count in japanese :lol: )and introduce myself in sign language ( actually just how saying " my name is ..." :p)
I speak german (mother tongue), learned english at school for 9 years and couldn't speak two sentences afterwards. In the last 3 years I taught english to myself and now I'm quite good at it (at least in my opinion ;)). I learned Latin, too. But it isn't really a spoken language.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Iontach maith, go raibh maith agat! I need to translate this for the fellow-readers:
I'm excellent, thanks.

Now, it's not perfect Irish, but my friends and I used to joke around with this "home-made" sentence:
"Cad é suas, leanbh?" :lol:

I like it! :lol: Maith thú!

Fáic úr, sobhlasta.

If Latin and Old-Greek are considered languages, I speak them too, well, in every case I understand what you're saying. :)