How do you feel about Lindsay?

You're kidding, right? I will be the first to admit that I can't stand Lindsey. But that has nothing to do with Aiden's leaving. Vanessa made the decision to leave the show. Not Zuiker, not the writers, not anyone else. That was Vanessa's decision. I don't understand why so many people are still holding on to this petty dislike of Lindsey, just because you wrongly think that she took Adien's place. If you want to be mad at anyone, you should be mad at Vanessa. She's the one that left. To say that a true fan has no right to like Lindsey is ridiculous. Liking Lindsey has nothing to do with being a fan of Aiden or not being a fan of Aiden.

That being said, my continued dislike of Lindsey has nothing to do with my feelings on Aiden. I was never that invested in the character to begin with. My dislike of Lindsey has everything to do with the character itself. I'm not saying that she should be perfect, I don't want to watch a show full of perfect characters. But the writers have sure done their best to make us believe she is perfect. They have also made her a whiny, ass-kissing show off. All of which I can't stand. If Lindsey would just do her job, like everyone else, without trying to be the teacher's pet every second of the day; I would like her a whole lot more.

Very well said. I compliment you highly on that. I very much agree on the fact that Aiden fans shouldn't dislike Lindsay because of Ferlito's choice but I do think otherwise of Lindsay's character.

Though, I will admit I do tend to not like Lindsay in certain parts of episodes but besides that, she's fine.
Coming to Aiden pouting her lips. Is it very impolite asking someone to post one or two cap-examples? (If not here, then maybe in my Aiden-corner?)

Detective_Burn, you have every right to defend Aiden but this isn't really the thread to do it. This thread is about Lindsay, so let's keep it on topic. Thanks. :)

GLW, ditto to what you said. My reasons for disliking Lindsay have everything to do with her character and her personality as well.
I think she's just coming across that way because she's the new girl and needs to adjust to her environment...Anyone who has ever been a "newbie" could relate to her. It takes a long time to adjust, and the whole move to a large city, start a new job, have to make new friends can be overwhelming. You don't make the best decisions in those situations, and sometimes simply forget how you might come across to people. I think she'll lighten up as the season progresses.
Okay, aren't we about half way through the 2nd season now? They canned Kim Delaney from the first season of CSI Miami in less time than they've given Lindsay to adjust. At this point they need to either give us a reason to like her or get someone better in there. Or make her the annoying coworker no one likes but everyone has to tolerate in small doses. MUCH smaller doses. I get the whole not from New York thing, but remind me, exactly how many second chances does NY give you? And if they're going to play on her not being from NY, then do something with it.
(...)If not here, then maybe in my Aiden-corner?)

Detective_Burn, you have every right to defend Aiden but this isn't really the thread to do it. This thread is about Lindsay, so let's keep it on topic. Thanks. :)

Despite Lindsay comes after Aiden. I´m only seeing Lindsay as Aidens successor.

As far as I know my previous postings say I adore Aiden and that Lindsay can never replace Aiden - please wait: This is a legal point of view. ;)
So, what is missing is reasons why I don´t appreciate Lindsay. If this however goes too off-topic here: No problem for me.

Looking back on all the treason-quotes. I never said Lindsay-fans automatically don´t like Aiden. This would be twisting my words. I meant this just the other way around.

I´m talking fans who like Aiden and Lindsay. In my eyes this tends to breaking trust, because they are two pretty different roles. I see, I can´t keep you away from liking both - I´m only asking you in upright kindness:
Please be careful if you compare them. Thanks. :)
I've moved quite a bit, it takes longer than a couple of months to adjust. Heck the first month all you do is try to sort out your apartment/utilities/food, so forget trying to start a social life. You come home from the new job and are exhausted. Plus it's a HUGE city, so it's going to take her a while to figure out all the places she needs to go, the subway, or if she drives getting used to the flow of traffic. Honestly it's following a realistic timeline.
I´m not sure if I understand you all right.

I´m an Aiden-freak and I don´t like Lindsay. This is only my point of view. Please excuse me, if I offend you by this, but I will certainly not chance this attitude.

Anyway, I assume what makes you angry is the way I´m defending Aiden. :confused:
Angry? Who's angry? All I said was that forcing yourself to hate Lindsay will take a lot from your CSI: NY viewing experience, you know, it will be a lot less pleasurable for you. That's it. I'm only concerned about you here. And I also said that it's very well possible that you never like Lindsay, but you shouldn't force yourself not to. Just that. I'm not angry, c'mon!

Friends? ;)
What I don't like "according" to Aiden?
What do you mean? Well, anyway, it's nothing concrete, I never ever liked her (them actually :p) in general. Thinking about it, it wasn't as much Aiden herself as it was the fact that I think Ferlito is a terrible actress (which was confirmed - to me, in my head, of course, 'cos I don't wanna start a war here...I'm only expressing my OPINIONS, if you guys think she's the best actress ever, fine with me - when I watched "Shadowboxer", one of the worst movies ever made). Her accent also bugged me a lot, and the fact that she had to pout her lips during her whole onscreen time...

So, even if Shadowboxer is a bad movie, this doesn´t mean Vanessa might never play good films in future again.

Unluckily I don´t know Aidens accent, because I´m watching CSI in German. Nevertheless I believe you think her accent seems fake. Am I right? Please answer only "yes" or "no". (Sorry ;) )

Of course your free to find Aidens lips ugly. But don´t you think it´s superficial cursing somebody only by her look??

OK, let's go...

1. Just 'cos Shadowboxer sucks, of course it doesn't mean Vanessa will never be in a good movie. All I meant to say was that I thought she was as terrible in that movie as I always thought she was on the show (to let you guys know the show wasn't her only work I was familiar with). The fact that the movie sucks has nothing to do with Vanessa being in it...I mean, it could have been Julianne Moore (my fave actress) and it would still suck.

2. I can't say if her accent seems fake, I'm from Brazil and I don't know every American accent, let alone every NY accent. What's more, many people have actually told me that her accent is pretty accurate (must be, since I believe she's from NY). In the end it's probably not her particular accent that bugs me, it's the accent that's characteristic of the place she grew up in (I could never live in that place...). Since she's the only person I've ever heard using that accent though, it makes her particularly annoying to me. Was that clearer?

3. I never said her lips were "ugly". They're too big, I guess, but I wouldn't call them exactly ugly. What I said I didn't like was her constant pouting. Here's the definition of pouting I found in an online dictionary:

To push out or protrude (the lips).

4. It *is* superficial not to like someone only because of their looks. Not one reason for me not t To push out or protrude (the lips). To push out or protrude (the lips). o like Vanessa has to do with her looks. I even think she's sorta pretty...I don't like her 'cos of her accent, her constant pouting and the fact that I think she's a terrible actress. But hey, That's just my opinion. You love her, good for you. Really. We don't have to fight over it, we can coexist in peace as far as I'm concerned - what do you say? :)
I didnt like the way she pouted her lips also. It was a little over the top. I like Lindsay and it seems to me that ever since the second season, they are using the whole cast a lot more.
Thank you! :) It's nice to know you're not alone in the world, isn't it? :lol:

And I know what you mean about using the cast more...I agree! :) Lovely, isn't it? ;)
... that has nothing to do with Aiden's leaving. Vanessa made the decision to leave the show. Not Zuiker, not the writers, not anyone else. That was Vanessa's decision. I don't understand why so many people are still holding on to this petty dislike of Lindsey, just because you wrongly think that she took Adien's place. If you want to be mad at anyone, you should be mad at Vanessa. She's the one that left. To say that a true fan has no right to like Lindsey is ridiculous. Liking Lindsey has nothing to do with being a fan of Aiden or not being a fan of Aiden.


I couldn't have said it better. I liked Aiden. I liked the way she and Danny worked together. And I didn't mind her pout or her accent, because that was her. I was comfortable with that. She played a good part and I was sorry to see her go, but she chose to leave. Lindsay is the new girl in town. As with anyone who replaces a good employee (even in real life), it's a sticky situation. You find that you judge the new against the old which isn't fair. They're two different people. I lost a job once because of that very same reason. I wasn't like tha person I replaced, and the staff pushed me to the edge until I quit. I was so miserable. Lindsay deserves a chance to develop on her own, not against the characterization of Aiden. So far, I think, she's coming along.
I still think I would have better received Lindsey if we had been granted a reprieve before she came, because I feel they rushed it way too much. Give it at least three weeks, eh? Let us get used to the fact that Aiden's not there anymore, and then introduce a new CSI.

You're kidding, right? I will be the first to admit that I can't stand Lindsey. But that has nothing to do with Aiden's leaving. Vanessa made the decision to leave the show. Not Zuiker, not the writers, not anyone else. That was Vanessa's decision. I don't understand why so many people are still holding on to this petty dislike of Lindsey, just because you wrongly think that she took Adien's place. If you want to be mad at anyone, you should be mad at Vanessa. She's the one that left. To say that a true fan has no right to like Lindsey is ridiculous. Liking Lindsey has nothing to do with being a fan of Aiden or not being a fan of Aiden.

That being said, my continued dislike of Lindsey has nothing to do with my feelings on Aiden. I was never that invested in the character to begin with. My dislike of Lindsey has everything to do with the character itself. I'm not saying that she should be perfect, I don't want to watch a show full of perfect characters. But the writers have sure done their best to make us believe she is perfect. They have also made her a whiny, ass-kissing show off. All of which I can't stand. If Lindsey would just do her job, like everyone else, without trying to be the teacher's pet every second of the day; I would like her a whole lot more.
Bra-vo. Everyone has every right to hate Lindsay, just don't do it 'cos liking her would be a "treason" to Ferlito - specially when she's the one who wanted to leave.
Okay, aren't we about half way through the 2nd season now? They canned Kim Delaney from the first season of CSI Miami in less time than they've given Lindsay to adjust. At this point they need to either give us a reason to like her or get someone better in there. Or make her the annoying coworker no one likes but everyone has to tolerate in small doses. MUCH smaller doses. I get the whole not from New York thing, but remind me, exactly how many second chances does NY give you? And if they're going to play on her not being from NY, then do something with it.
I think you're being a bit too hard on the we're still not halfway through the season, c'mon, don't make me sad here reminding me of all the reruns we'll have to go through till may! :(