How do you feel about Lindsay?

Oh poor Holly, at first I wan't sure if that was Grissom's sick way for flirting with her...So what, you think Danny shouuld have free reign to intiate/haze Linday as he pleases? (DL shippers don't get any ideas...I know how you think)
You're asking me? No, I don't think that. What I meant was that the Lindsay/Aiden situation is completely different from the Sara/Holly situation, at least in my point of view, that's all! :)

But hey, That's just my opinion. You love her, good for you. Really. We don't have to fight over it, we can coexist in peace as far as I'm concerned - what do you say? :)

Same with me. I would never call this fighting. Look we are exchanging opinions, aren´t we?
Sure, yeah, OK... :)

Here we are: I already explained myself in my last post. I don´t mind repeating it.
I guess we all agree in the point that Aiden and Lindsay are very different characters. This is just why I suppose liking Aiden and Lindsay could be kind of contradiction.

Not really. I mean, Danny and Flack are nothing alike, and I love both characters. That's like saying you can't like both apples and oranges because they're different, which doesn't make any sense at all. There's no reason people can't like both characters.
Amen. I still don't understand why liking Aiden automatically means you can't like Lindsey. How boring would it have been if they had made Lindsey just like Aiden?
Double amen!

Detective Burn, I really wouldn't worry about forming an oppinion about her until you DO see the second season. Or else either way you might be disappointed.
Triple amen! ;)
There's nothing wrong with making Lindsey different from Aiden. There's definitely going to be a world of difference there. I was a little iffy about Lindsey in the start because I just didn't like the fact that there was no reprieve and she seemed like she was going to be a pain in the you know what. And she still is to me, but sometimes there are these little things about her that make me laugh, and make me think that maybe I can warm up to her a bit at least. I just don't think I'll like her just as much as the other characters, simply because she's from an entirely different scene.

I'm not even gonna comment on what appears to be dangerously close to a Aiden vs. Lindsay roller derby jam or whatever. :lol: All I have to say is that Lindsay's character is growing on me. There have been people in my life that, when I met them, bugged the crap out of me. In the long run, however, even if I didn't LOVE them, I was okay with them. Lindsay is a little bit annoying, but we're all exaggerating it a little bit, I think (or more than a little bit for some ;)). She strikes me as tough and stubborn, not necessarily in a bad way, but also highly defensive. When she gets to know the other cast members the way we have over the past season, she'll loosen up, I think. In fact, as many people have pointed out, she's already started to do so with Danny. I appreciate the fact that Lindsay is different--not just in personality, but also with her background. I think she'll bring a different way of thinking to the show and that can be great for the CSIs--after all, NY isn't just full of native New Yorkers.

As far as the flirting with Danny thing, who wouldn't flirt with their attractive co-workers? Especially when it obviously disarms them a little bit when you do so. I mean, look at how awkward Danny was after that whole hand-holding deal in the creepy doll episode--he asked her if she was hungry. I mean, come on--it was cute, you have to admit! :D I'm not going to hold it against a character that the writers created tension (sexual or otherwise) between them and another character. Remember, the CSIs are trying to establish their relationships with Lindsay at the same time that we are. Let it go with the flow people! (besides, screen caps are notorious for making things look a certain way. I could probably get one that makes it look like Flack was making out with the Roller Derby owner if I wanted too. Take a deep breath, y'all!) :rolleyes: :lol:
^ Well, I must say, I exaggerate a lot. Like, I'm notorious for saying "I really hate Lindsay." Especially when I'm randomly talking to friends about the show. Truth is, I don't hate her. Because I don't really hate anyone. But, yes, she is annoying. She's getting better as time goes on, so I'm happy.

I was slightly miffed at her comments about "Mac's 'girlfriend'" tonight, but I'm sure I've blown it out of proportion in my head. I really want her to grow on me. I do.

I actually liked last week's episode when he was holding her hand, got all nervous and asked if she was hungry. I thought it was cute (GASP!) which was scary, because I'm a hardcore DnA shipper. BUT, it was cute and I wouldn't even mind if a teensy 'relationship' developed between them. Am I the only one who found it a little odd that he even went so far to slightly hit on Lindsay even though he's mentioned his girlfriend before, and now twice?
Personally, I like Lindsay. True, she does have annoying momments but I think she feels like she might have something to prove in the "big city" so she come across as overly eager.
Okay, aren't we about half way through the 2nd season now? They canned Kim Delaney from the first season of CSI Miami in less time than they've given Lindsay to adjust. At this point they need to either give us a reason to like her or get someone better in there. Or make her the annoying coworker no one likes but everyone has to tolerate in small doses. MUCH smaller doses. I get the whole not from New York thing, but remind me, exactly how many second chances does NY give you? And if they're going to play on her not being from NY, then do something with it.
I think you're being a bit too hard on the we're still not halfway through the season, c'mon, don't make me sad here reminding me of all the reruns we'll have to go through till may! :(

I am not being too hard on the character. I absolutely require from any show that is going to retain my attention for an hour that the actors be believable in the characters they're portraying. I cannot see Lindsay as a cop. A lab tech, yes, a cop, no way in Hell. When she was questioning that roller derby chick with all the kids and Lindsay said she was going to take her in I really thought that Derby Chick was going to laugh in her face. I also thought the four year olds would join her. I really don't think her general wimpiness and petulant nature would bother me so much if they hadn't started out portraying her as tough and capable. She's supposed to be a kickass girl from Montana. She isn't. Not even close. She comes across as timid and insecure and I'm not really sure whether to blame the actress or the writers.
I agree with what you're saying. In her first episode, she really WAS kick ass--she was digging in the tiger dung like it was cool and whipped out that knife to cut a chunk out of the dangling cow carcass in the big freezer :lol:(plus, if it was 0 degrees Farenheit [spelling?], a normal girl--not to mention the two guys--would have had hard nipples...I'm just saying, THAT's pretty tough! :p). Now she's getting less annoying, but only because she's becoming more timid. *shrugs* Who knows. Lindsay is starting to grow on me, but even so the character is still a little iffy :confused:...Let's see how things go as the season progresses. :)
i sent my dad an email to tell me how CSINY (jamalot---cos i'm at boarding school and our tv suck) was and he said it was awful, so i told him that i knew it was prolly because of lindsay, because her mouth is constantly attached to macs rear, and he replied

"If it makes you feel any better, there was a Roller derby queen who was trying to kick Lindsey away from Mac’s butt. love, dad"

So that makes two of us lindsay-not-likers, Jaer. It must have something to do with being from Texas.
PS i totally agree with Jaer, because people always call me Texas at my colorado boarding school, and i'm totally proud. i love texas.
*flails around like an idiot* I -love- Colorado. I live there... here. Yeah. In Arvada. Fun times.

I've got family in Texas though. Small world sometimes kinda. :lol:

I still don't like Lindsay, but, like I said, she wasn't nearly as annoying this past Wednesday, but she also wasn't on as much. I haven't decided. Anna was on Without a Trace... or... whatever it is last night. At least I thought it was her. My mom was watching it, but I wasn't paying attention too much. She's not a bad actress, so that's always a bonus :)
I like Lindasy, but I can see her past coming to bite her in the rear and she get stuck in the Lab, mind you she IS more the academic type.
PS i totally agree with Jaer, because people always call me Texas at my colorado boarding school, and i'm totally proud. i love texas.

Hell, if I moved to another state- say, Mass.- and people started calling me NYC or New York, you damn right I'd be proud. Partly because I'd be linked to a great city, and partly because I'd be linked to a great TV show.
