How do you feel about Lindsay?

She's doing great and I love her more every episode.
Lindsay interacts well with everyone and seems like a dedicated CSI that gets so excited about her job!
And she's just so damn cute...
I just saw her yesterday and I like her. I think she's a good CSI, she knows her job very well and is very dedicated to it. I agree on her being cute. I love her voice!
Lindsay's okay. I mean, I don't really like her, but then, I don't really hate her.

I LOVE Lindsay. I think she works well with the team. She definately brings out something in Danny that we haven't seen him have with anyone else.

LINDSAY & DANNY!!!! She loves him!!!
Oh jeez. I just saw my second CSI:NY tonight and I do not like the Lindsay character. She just seems all over the place and kind of "wobbly," I guess, for lack of a better word. She also didn't seem to interact too well with the other characters. Is she always like this?
I've only seen two episodes with her in it and she's alright. I don't excessively like her but I don't necessarily hate her either.
I feel the same way I have felt most of the season, that the character is a waste of space and air and the acting left comical and became painful a few epsiodes back.

Though it was a bit comical tonight, because I did laugh at her, how sad is it that she was being serious.

She still annoys me. Theres something that the show needs that she doesnt bring. She's a little unstable and her quirks just tend to piss me off. Granted, I did like Aiden, but it didnt bother me all too much that she was replaced. Its the replacement I dont like. If they put someone more similar to Sam Spade off Without A Trace or Jessica Rossi from Conviction I would have warmed up to them. They have self confidence, and carry themselves in a way that Lindsay just doesnt.

Also, I find Anna Belknap a horrendous actress. In Without A Trace she bored me to no end, and when I caught a re-run of the L&O SVU she was in, I found her to not vary her style at all. She's completely unrealistic and not at all versatile.
I like Lindsay alright I guess. I like her 'go-get'em" attitude, her oopen curiosity, and the way she attacks a case. She's genuine, and stands out from the New Yorkers a bit. (not that I don't love the New Yorkers....heh).

Aiden was alright, but she didn't stand out or anything to me. In fact, she was a little too much like Danny - which did nothing to making her character stand out. Lindsay is different - and a good opposite to a character like Danny.

Their onscreen chemistry is nice too. Vanessa seemed to be letting the fact she was tiring of the hassel of shooting a TV show, show through her character to me - never a good thing.

If she didn't want to get caught in a TV show, why the heck audition in the first place??

I've read about the riggors of shooting an hour long TV drama each week, and some actors/actresses get in it, before realizing what they are stepping into. Thus, you get cast change-ups after a season or so.

I think this change is pretty good. Lindsay works well with the team, and Anna is doing well with the cast.

Vanessa is going to get to have her character go out with a bang,(from what we've been reading) and I hope she does well with whatever she has planned down the road.
With the exception of RSRD, where she was thankfully in the background, I think Anna gets worse and worse with each episode. I can't stand Lindsay--she grates in pretty much every way it's possible for a character to annoy and irritate.
Frankly, once you 'hate'---(yes, I said hate) a character and think that the actor or actress stink beyond anything imaginable, there's nothing left they can do to help their cause. So it shouldn't come as a shock that no matter what Anna will never be acceptable. Sounds like the people I help/work with. But hey some of us like her---nothing will change that! Just like some people will never be able to hate the characters that they really care for!! :)