How do you feel about Lindsay?

Alright, y'all, play nice. We all know that the characters aren't real people, but let's try not to criticize someone for speaking their mind.

I don't feel that emotionally invested in characters on this show, Detective Burn, but I kind of see what you mean. When Aiden left, I knew I'd miss her, and the show has been missing something since she left, but that doesn't make me think that Lindsay is lacking in any way. As loyal viewers, it says something about the writing and acting if we can miss a character once they're gone, but I also that it's good writing to endear a new character slowly. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but to me it seems kind of like this: Lindsay came on immediately after Aiden left, which was necessary to fill the job, and we all accept that. The writers knew that she was not Aiden, and they didn't try to make her into an Aiden-clone. In the first few episodes, Lindsay's character clashes with the other CSIs a bit, but she soon starts to settle in. This seems pretty purposeful to me--start out with discordant personalities, and then let them start to mesh. No matter what Lindsay was like in that first episode, we were all going to feel a little strange trying to think of her as suddenly part of the team. But as the season progresses, we get used to her more and more. The writers couldn't change how people would react to Lindsay, so they just went along with it and put out the show. I think they did a good job of that.

Whatever, maybe that's just me. I probably didn't explain myself well, but *shrug*.
^No, you made perfect sense and I understand you completly. It's not fair to dislike someone because they were a replacement. Besides, its not like Vanessa was fired so they could bring in Anna. It was her decision. Anyway, before I was undecided but now I like Lindsay. Anyway, to try to make the new character like the old one is just boring.
(...)The writers knew that she was not Aiden, and they didn't try to make her into an Aiden-clone.

I´m not blaming the writers. I´m simply missing Aiden desperately. It´s just I´m sooooo scared I might never accept Vanessa left the CSI-cast.

Whatever, maybe that's just me. I probably didn't explain myself well, but *shrug*.

Nonono, if somebody is talking complicated, then this is me, guy. You understand? ;)
WHat the hell happen to Vanessa Ferlito, ive been at school and havent watched anything and have no idea whats going on. Im totally mad heated tha she is not on tonights epsoide...someone fill me....good looks ;)
Correct, she only performed CSI, because she didn´t wanna miss this chance. :confused:
However Vanessa also says she can imagine returning, unless Anthony Zuicker asks her to.
Since some people are just "meeting" Lindsay for the first time I thought I'd bring this thread back. Also, the Lindsay fans and Lindsay "bashers" can meet here and discuss things together. Looking over my old posts, I have to say that my opinion hasn't changed much.
Someone mentioned in another thread that Lindsay doesn't have a majority...Well she has a "Québec" majority. I'm from BC, go easy on me. I'm sorry for my Canadianisms. Oh the joy of a minority gov't. A lead is a lead. The Albertans can all stop laughing now. I see you Ara Andonian!
I love Lindsay. I really didn't like Aiden. I thought she was too tough. I guess that is the New York in her. I think that Lindsay has a soft side to her. She is vulnerable yet strong at the same time.
Kelleigh said:
I really didn't like Aiden. I thought she was too tough. I guess that is the New York in her.

Don't go giving us New Yorkers a bad name :lol:
I liked Lindsay at the start and then she started going overboard with Danny, I think that its something that can be fixed I just hope that its sooner rather than later.
Well she's ok, I guess I'll have to let her grow on me. I'm not crazy about her right now esp. after the last couple episopdes.
We are only up to 'Wasted' here in the UK, so I'm basing my opinion up until this episode. :D

I really like her and I prefer her to Adien *hides from Adien fans* :lol: I think she has a wonderful personality, I love the chemistry she has with the rest of team and she seems to be great at her job. As I say, I've only seem up to 'Wasted' so past that episode I really couldn't comment, but so far she gets a thumbs up from me. :)