How do you feel about Lindsay?

Can't argue with that Lyn. But then again you are allowed to speak your mind and we are not.

As far as any metaphors, the only ones I know have been directed at characters---as joke not seriousness and that was dropped.

However, barbs have been exchanged both ways.

And yes, here the overall general opinion isn't favorable for Anna and maybe some places as well. But there are people who like the actress and the character---for some people it seems as though that has little or no value. This is a small world---it is not the entire tv population.

Don't worry I won't try and rock the boat anymore. Caving in, but you are wise Liquid.
audacity said:
Can't argue with that Lyn. But then again you are allowed to speak your mind and we are not.

Yes, we are back at school---once again. While the professor says he/she allows free speech for all, he only values the opinions of those that take his opinion. The tone of the class is set. So there isn't anything else to say!

As far as Lindsay, I could whip out a "War and Peace" book of reasons that we like or appreciate her, only to have them shot down and looked upon with disgust.

As far as any metaphors, the only ones I know have been directed at characters---as joke not seriousness and that was dropped. However, it is okay to talk about Lindsay in other threads not relating to her character or the specifics of the show, isn't it?

Don't worry I won't try and rock the boat anymore.

I love how invariably, you turn every reply round so that you're being attacked. I was not attacking you.

Both sides have made remarks about the other. I don't care what spin is put on it, with Lindsey lovers being good/right/positive/blind/ignorant or Lindsey haters being mean/nasty/rude/evil/intelligent/whatever. I. Do. Not. Care.

The majority of people in this forum have no part in this argument, and while the majority of it has been in Lindsey-centric threads, it's nevertheless tainting the whole NY forum. It needs to stop.

There have been numerous attempts by both sides to try and see the other's point of view, and as far as I can see, all were met with disdain. I'm not talking about why we like or dislike a character - I'm talking about the whole thing becoming personal and people being rude to fellow forum members.

No-one is saying you can't say what you think - but keep it relevant to the character or show and within the boundaries of the rules.
And yes, I retracted some of my statement to save the peace. So let's move and I'll leave you all to your own opinions. And I wasn't turning it around on you.
audacity said:
As far as any metaphors, the only ones I know have been directed at characters---as joke not seriousness and that was dropped.

We both know that is not true, but as it's been dropped we can move on.

Can't argue with that Lyn. But then again you are allowed to speak your mind and we are not.

And yes, here the overall general opinion isn't favorable for Anna and maybe some places as well. But there are people who like the actress and the character---for some people it seems as though that has little or no value. This is a small world---it is not the entire tv population.

No one is telling you not to post about liking Anna--that's great, you should. Honestly, it gets a little boring when everyone feels the same way about a character--it's fun to debate points and discuss this stuff, which is the whole purpose of the board. But, I've said this all before. The sad thing is we really could have great debates about this character if it wasn't taken so personally. We've had some great discussions about Danny in the past.

Anyway, what would be best is if we could stop throwing around accusations and just get along. I'd love for some good discussion here, but if not, we can just agree to disagree.
audacity said:
And yes, I retracted some of my statement to save the peace. So let's move and I'll leave you all to your own opinions. And I wasn't turning it around on you.

Then let's at least agree to disagree and move on. We can at least be civil without both sides screaming at each other - it doesn't have to be a war.
LiquidCrystal said:
Hmm, like when Jdonne PMed me and called me a bitch? She may hide her insults through her manipulative use of words in her posts, but the intent is still there. I mentioned that to you in a PM and did you handle that? Like I said, I'll take the warning, kick me off do whatever, I have no problem with that. But cut it BOTH ways.

Since everyone in here is taking warnings and doesn't care about being banned I'll get in on the act and say nice way to offer up the end of the story, and not the beginning and middle. Does it feel good to play victim? By the way you know the comment wasn't about your liking Lindsay, but about attacking and provoking, nice try.

Being smarter doesn't make her words manipulative just effective and that is was pisses you off.

I'll take the warning and I won't bother deleting what I said, because I stand by my words and actions.

Now back on topic . . .

How do I feel about Lindsay, I feel she was a mistake. She has no place or purpose on the show save irritating and dividing viewers.

Why is everyone taking this so personally? Lindsay isn't real! Why are both sides getting so ugly about it? If you like Lindsay, that's cool, you're entitled to your point of view and you're allowed to like Lindsay. If you don't like Lindsay, then that's cool too. You don't have to like her. The writers may have wanted you to like her, but if she doesn't click for you she doesn't click for you. I don't know why World War Three has broken out over this, but I really wish that everyone would just chill out already. It's just a t.v. show, no reason to get worked up.
I don't get this whole anger and aggression from either side. Some people like specific characters, some don't (and thank God for that). Just live with it.
It's like in real life. If I don't like someone I don't spend every waking minute speaking about him or her. I just leave them be and go on with my life.
I for one like the character of Lindsay and don't think a second that she was a mistake or has no purpose. A lot of people think that way too (check other boards) and that opinion is also worthy of respect. I won't try to convince anyone. I just don't want to have to defend myself for liking her to anyone here. As far as I know I'm not on trial :lol:
I agree with you Elicia. Like who you like, hate who you want to hate. But anyone can tell you no one wants to hear bad things about someone all the time. I like Lindsay I think she was a good up lift in the way CSI:NY is going. Because NY is made up by all kinds of people. And while I haven't seen Anna in other things I will hold judgement on her acting ability.
TheKidder3 said:
LiquidCrystal said:
Hmm, like when Jdonne PMed me and called me a bitch? She may hide her insults through her manipulative use of words in her posts, but the intent is still there. I mentioned that to you in a PM and did you handle that? Like I said, I'll take the warning, kick me off do whatever, I have no problem with that. But cut it BOTH ways.

Since everyone in here is taking warnings and doesn't care about being banned I'll get in on the act and say nice way to offer up the end of the story, and not the beginning and middle. Does it feel good to play victim? By the way you know the comment wasn't about your liking Lindsay, but about attacking and provoking, nice try.

Being smarter doesn't make her words manipulative just effective and that is was pisses you off.

I'll take the warning and I won't bother deleting what I said, because I stand by my words and actions.

Now back on topic . . .

How do I feel about Lindsay, I feel she was a mistake. She has no place or purpose on the show save irritating and dividing viewers.


You're not getting banned, but yeah I have to give you a warning for trolling. Let's have this be the last warning in this thread, okay?

Back on misperception out there is that people want to dislike this character. I can't speak for everyone, but I for one definitely don't. I've tried to like her, I really have. And there have been moments I have--the bow and arrow, "Cool Hunter," some of her interactions with Danny. I think part of the reason she's being paired up with Danny is that we're supposed to empathize with her--so many fans like Danny, and Lindsay does we should like her.

I'm starting to think for me it's more the actress than the character. For whatever reason, Anna's performance doesn't do it for me. And though it is pretty much a moot point, I wonder if I'd like her more if she was being played by another actress.
She seems like the girl who would do everything within her power to make it to the top.

And what exactly is wrong with that? She's living in a male world and a man's world isn't exactly the coziest place in the world for a woman. She has to work much harder to even be taken seriously. Sometimes, hell, most of the time, doing your job isn't enough.

So long as she doesn't start giving out free BJs at the office then I say more power to her. So what if she wants to have Mac's job some day? What's wrong with that? What if she wants to be mayor or president? Some people aren't conformists, doesn't make them power hungry maniacs.

Cut off her hair and give her a penis and I get the feeling everyone would be okay with her need to prove herself. I think it would be much sadder if she completely disregarded all her hard work just to appease to a few people. If she has the balls I see nothing wrong with her waving them around. Good for her.


Bravo to you!! You said it all. Im new in here so i barely started reading this threads and let me tell you the few times that i have watched this show i really like her character and she's an all right actress.
I wonder in which city Lindsay worked before CSI? I suppose she´s not really experienced in city-sizes like NYC. That might be an advantage Aiden has oposite to her.
You know, I always wondered why people thought that Anna wasn't a good actress? Why because she doesn't tear up at everything. And I know, people are saying 'I've tried to like her, really I have.' But, what's so wrong with her acting? Can you definatly say this is why I dont like instead of saying, 'I can't put my finger on it. It's just something about her.'

I think good acting is when you don't make it so obvious that you're acting at all. Where you dont over read your lines or make such big gesutres. But where you act like a real person does.

As for the Danny thing. Yeah, I love danny. Just look at my screen name. But Danny didn't make me like Lindsay. And I hate how everyone keeps saying that the only reason Lindsay works with Danny because they want Lindsay to get a fanbase. Believe it or not, there are some people that don't like Danny.
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
You know, I always wondered why people thought that Anna wasn't a good actress? Why because she doesn't tear up at everything. And I know, people are saying 'I've tried to like her, really I have.' But, what's so wrong with her acting? Can you definatly say this is why I dont like instead of saying, 'I can't put my finger on it. It's just something about her.'

I think good acting is when you don't make it so obvious that you're acting at all. Where you dont over read your lines or make such big gesutres. But where you act like a real person does.

As for the Danny thing. Yeah, I love danny. Just look at my screen name. But Danny didn't make me like Lindsay. And I hate how everyone keeps saying that the only reason Lindsay works with Danny because they want Lindsay to get a fanbase. Believe it or not, there are some people that don't like Danny.

I'd be interested to find out how many people who don't like Danny also like Lindsey. As for your second point, if you read through, a lot of people are saying Anna does make it obvious that she's acting, and that's a problem for them.

But I can only talk for myself, and I know that during gritty scenes - where she's required to show anger, or hostility - Anna doesn't quite come off right. It looks posed, like a a child having a sulk, rather than threatning or a grown woman in a position of power. (Which in interviews, she is).
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
You know, I always wondered why people thought that Anna wasn't a good actress? Why because she doesn't tear up at everything. And I know, people are saying 'I've tried to like her, really I have.' But, what's so wrong with her acting? Can you definatly say this is why I dont like instead of saying, 'I can't put my finger on it. It's just something about her.'

Sometimes you have a reaction to someone and it takes a little while to figure out why you don't like that person. Like I've said in previous posts, I think I've figured out why--it's the fact that she comes across so unnaturally. Whereas the other actors are so good at what they do and making us believe in their character, she just doesn't have that down. I feel like she's reading a script and yes, that's bad acting.

As for tearing up at everything--no, I'm quite glad she doesn't do that. But then, Melina doesn't either, and Melina is excellent. Melina's lines are delivered naturally and artlessly. Not so with Anna.