How do you feel about Lindsay?

PS i totally agree with Jaer, because people always call me Texas at my colorado boarding school, and i'm totally proud. i love texas.

Hell, if I moved to another state- say, Mass.- and people started calling me NYC or New York, you damn right I'd be proud. Partly because I'd be linked to a great city, and partly because I'd be linked to a great TV show.


Maybe she was born and raised somewhere other than Montana. I mean, Montana was just where she was working when she was hired. She could have been born and raised in Arizona and just spent a couple of years in Montana. If that's the case, I could see where it would bug her.
She knows her job very well. I don't care if she hates jokes but I could see a friendship with her and Danny in the future.
^Friendship, oh honey you're not a shipper are you?

:lol: *chokes on drink*

PS i totally agree with Jaer, because people always call me Texas at my colorado boarding school, and i'm totally proud. i love texas.

I don't think she's not proud, she just wants to be called by her regular name as a person, not because of a state. Calling someone by a state and not their real name after they mentioned a couple of times not to call them that is just plain rude and immature.
If anyone wants to call me 'Florida' go ahead, but NOT if you mean it in a way that's not a compliment. I think Danny's comments were going beyond the surface "You're from the state of Montana, therefore I will call you Montana" and into "You are a farmgirl from Montana therefore I will make fun of your farmgirl-ness by calling you Montana" which, even if that's NOT the way he meant it, it's still probably the way she took it (and you can't blame her, what with being new and not knowing if Danny is a malicious person or not) and she told him to stop. If he didn't then that's just plain rude and she's well within her rights to be irritated at it.
Trust me, I've been called certain names due to where I live.

Cleveland, Ohio. Mhm. Yes. The fire on the Cuyahoga River. Got it. Therefore where ever I go and someone goes "hey Cleveland! Don't go anywhere near our water or you'll start a fire!" really really irritates me.

I think the bottom line is, if someone calls you by a name and you tell them not to and they continue to do it, then you can get mad at them.

Danny. Where's your manners?
Trust me, I've been called certain names due to where I live.

Cleveland, Ohio. Mhm. Yes. The fire on the Cuyahoga River. Got it. Therefore where ever I go and someone goes "hey Cleveland! Don't go anywhere near our water or you'll start a fire!" really really irritates me.

I think the bottom line is, if someone calls you by a name and you tell them not to and they continue to do it, then you can get mad at them.

Danny. Where's your manners?

I don't think he's called her Montana since she bit his head off about it, as for before that, how was he to know she didn't like it? Just from this thread you get people who are proud of where they're from and people who would rather be called by their name. Sheesh, I can't believe I'm defending Danny, but really, he isn't a mindreader. Big pet peeve of mine is when people expect you to do something or change a behavior but never tell you that it bugged in the first place.

If you want to go basic and call it a demand for respect from Lindsay to Danny, then she needs to open her eyes. Respect is never, ever given on demand. It's earned. Do you really think Danny started treating her better because she snapped at him or because he saw her in action and knew her skills?
Still in a work environment it's basic etiquette to call someone by the actual name, and not just start dishing out the nick names. For example, I worked in the same office as a co-worker who was quite gregarious. We shared the same room even though we worked for different companies. He called me by my name until we better got to know each other, then I was given the name Monkey, 'cause I'd call him "stupid" in Manderin, but that's a different story...He also had a new board member that he was going to "initiate" but decided to hold off until getting to know her better too.
41 percent of those who voted say they like her. 32 percent say that they don't and 27 percent are undecided. I'm glad so many people have responded to this thread.
Amen. I still don't understand why liking Aiden automatically means you can't like Lindsey. How boring would it have been if they had made Lindsey just like Aiden?

So well, I also think I should give up here. I see I don´t have explainations myself. One last thing I´m asking you to think about is: (This sounds pretty silly, but please do me the favour. ;) )
Do you think you can miss somebody so bad, that you will never manage to live with the fact he / she isn´t there anymore? :eek:
What?!? Danny's not real??? My life has lost all meaning...Okay just joking. Seriously I second the above comment by midnight tiptoes.