How do you feel about Lindsay?

Top41 said:
she grates in pretty much every way it's possible for a character to annoy and irritate.

Heh, well that was pretty much my feelings about Aiden. I kept wanting to stick a pin in her lips, to see if they would explode...

...that and her 'I would really rather be somewhere else" attitude. Ah well... :D
audacity said:
Frankly, once you 'hate'---(yes, I said hate) a character and think that the actor or actress stink beyond anything imaginable, there's nothing left they can do to help their cause. So it shouldn't come as a shock that no matter what Anna will never be acceptable. Sounds like the people I help/work with. But hey some of us like her---nothing will change that! Just like some people will never be able to hate the characters that they really care for!! :)

And that's great--some like her, some don't. Let's live and let live and keep on topic, please? This topic is about the character not the posters in the forum. Thanks.
AlamoMel said:
Top41 said:
she grates in pretty much every way it's possible for a character to annoy and irritate.

Heh, well that was pretty much my feelings about Aiden. I kept wanting to stick a pin in her lips, to see if they would explode...

...that and her 'I would really rather be somewhere else" attitude. Ah well... :D

:lol: I definitely think everyone has a character like that on some show for them...someone who just rubs them the wrong way and that they just can't stand.
audacity said:
Frankly, once you 'hate'---(yes, I said hate) a character and think that the actor or actress stink beyond anything imaginable, there's nothing left they can do to help their cause. So it shouldn't come as a shock that no matter what Anna will never be acceptable. Sounds like the people I help/work with. But hey some of us like her---nothing will change that! Just like some people will never be able to hate the characters that they really care for!! :)

Unless of course the actress sucking is the reason you hate the character, a little which came first scenario it seems. Perhaps, if Anna did a better job or a job at all Lindsay would be a likeable character rather than a heinous excuse for a character. However, I guess once a character is loved not even crappy acting can steer the truly devoted away, to each their own.

audacity said:
Frankly, once you 'hate'---(yes, I said hate) a character and think that the actor or actress stink beyond anything imaginable, there's nothing left they can do to help their cause. So it shouldn't come as a shock that no matter what Anna will never be acceptable. Sounds like the people I help/work with. But hey some of us like her---nothing will change that! Just like some people will never be able to hate the characters that they really care for!!
And that's great--some like her, some don't. Let's live and let live and keep on topic, please? This topic is about the character not the posters in the forum. Thanks.

Whoa there Top, I'm gonna comment on that one. I've had posters in here comment on my posting due to my grammer. That's sure as hell not on topic. I've never seen you comment on their posts. Let's cut it BOTH ways eh? If my saying that earns me a warning so be it. I'm 26 years old and can take the wrap and responsibility for my actions.

I don't really find Lindsay's voice all that shrill. Most people where I live in W. Canada have that tone of voice. You want shrill, try my dad or my ex-boss, even some of my friends. Freak you can't help your voice. What's Anna to do tear out her larynx?
LiquidCrystal said:
Whoa there Top, I'm gonna comment on that one. I've had posters in here comment on my posting due to my grammer. That's sure as hell not on topic. I've never seen you comment on their posts. Let's cut it BOTH ways eh? If my saying that earns me a warning so be it. I'm 26 years old and can take the wrap and responsibility for my actions.

LC, that was done in the context of a much larger, on topic post. If the grammar comments had been made alone, they certainly would have been commented on. Besides, I can recall a major incident where you were cut some slack. ;)

I don't really find Lindsay's voice all that shrill. Most people where I live in W. Canada have that tone of voice. You want shrill, try my dad or my ex-boss, even some of my friends. Freak you can't help your voice. What's Anna to do tear out her larynx?

No, of course not, but people can't help their reaction to her voice any more than she can help how it sounds. It really, really gets on my nerves. Again, to each their own.
LiquidCrystal said:
^:lol: And people call Lindsay robotic?!? Well, then I guess we can help but react to these posts that get on OUR nerves can we? Tit for tat is a lose/lose sitiuation. I guess the only way I can show that one CAN control one's reaction is to simply stop coming to these threads the same way people will stop watching show show after Aiden dies. Meh, no skin off my back, really.

LiquidCrystal, if you can't keep it from getting personal, you don't belong here. We're discussing a character a fictional character. If you feel the need to insult people over that and can't control yourself, then yes, not coming into the threads is the best course.
LiquidCrystal said:
Hmm, like when Jdonne PMed me and called me a bitch? She may hide her insults through her manipulative use of words in her posts, but the intent is still there. I mentioned that to you in a PM and did you handle that? Like I said, I'll take the warning, kick me off do whatever, I have no problem with that. But cut it BOTH ways.

LiquidCrystal, I told you in PM and I'll tell you here--I can't warn for content in PMs. They're private messages.

If you want to continue this discussion, it needs to be taken to PM. If you post about this in this thread again, I will give you a warning.

EDIT: Actually, I have to give you a warning for divulging the contents of a private message on the board, which, if you look in the board rules you'll see isn't allowed.

You also cannot post material such as chat logs, emails, private messages or messages from other message boards - without the consent of all involved parties.

Now, back on topic of how everyone feels about Lindsay.
Since I am the root of all evil I will get the topic back on track by saying once again that the largest part of the problem concerning Lindsay is her execution by Anna. Though, the character still lacks any solid storyline a better actress could probably sway more people towards enjoying or a least not disliking the character as much.

This is not the place for this discussion, regardless of how much either side wants this to be over and done with.

There has been childishness on both sides, and it's taking over the NY section of this forum. I'm not aware of e-mails and the like, but the signatures and avatars make certain people's views quite clear. So have the "metaphors" aluding to certain members.

It's like being back at school.

Bring this thread back round to Lindsey, please. If you can't do that, I suggest people walk away from the computer and do something else. This is ridiculous.
audacity said:
I've got your back here Liquid. I personally don't care if I get warned or kicked off (I will not hurt if I do). I am f*cking sick of people insulting me and sending me emails (I had to take my email off of my pm page) and sending nasty emails to my thread friends because we like Lindsay. I don't recall that I ever said anything mean to other posters to warrant such hatred.

No, of course you shouldn't be getting e-mails or PMs like that over liking a character, but we can't police those because they are private correspondence. But then, people who dislike the character shouldn't be called names or taken to task either. On the boards, I've seen the nastiness get far more personal from the people who like Lindsay--just a select few, who seem to take dislike of the character personally.

I thought that discussing tv or things I enjoy over the internet while I recovered from my sport's injury would be nice. While it's fun to discuss and to joke about it, it's a tv show---it's just a character---not real life!
Oops! Now I'm getting overly passionate here!

It is! So isn't it fair for those who dislike her to discuss that as well?

**No the discussion has not been just about a fictional character, it's about Anna herself. She's been talked about from her looks down to her acting.

Critiquing an actress's performance is well within the bounds of a discussion board. We critique the other actors' performances as well--it just happens that theirs are looked upon more favorably by the general population.

Good acting/bad acting, chemistry, cohesiveness are all in the eye of the viewer...not just a few educated viewers.

Indeed, that is true of the reverse as well.