House MD

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That is my secound favorite swear, i hops Jesse's is the female dog one it would sound so cool with his accent :D bot the big B boy style does.
:lol: It'll probably end up being some British slang word such as, "Wanker". Seriously though I definitely won't miss seeing Hugh on screen. Thanks for the heads up!
Yeah thank you :)

My stuipid sister shares a bday the same day with the day House begins, First comes House, the comes School, then my sisters b day :)

And i know that you guys like to be spoiler free but if you ever get curious then House md spoilers
Eww, a 17 year coming onto House? Although I don't blame her since the man is sexy but all that trouble that she's going through to get to him is weird. If this spoiler is true I hope it's nothing more then a one episode thing as House having a stalker would be too much and too soon.

I hope there isn't too much drama for any characters in the first few episodes, especially since what happened to House is still being carried on. They need to focus on him although it wouldn't hurt for Cuddy to have some more screen time. Either way season 3 is gonna be good.
They need to simmer timmer on Forman and Cameron (Unless it's Cameron and Chase) Because the show is called House so they have to focus on him and well he's awesome, Cuddy because she only gained screen time near the end, Chase because same with Cuddy they only had screen time near the end he was just a camera whore moslty and he's a studdvmuffin, Wilson because he hardley ever gets any screen time and he is so cute (Like a dog)
Everyone deserves their own episode during the duration of season 3. By that I mean that besides taking care of the patient's we will learn something about Chase or Wilson, something that will make us understand something about their personality. It doesn't have to be about a shady past but at least make it interesting. House already has being shot going for him and Cuddy has that baby storyline which is something the writers could expand on. I wanna learn more about everyone.
Yeah i agree with you :) they can go etheir way with Cuddy's baby thing rather she cant have a baby or she cant find a perfect doner. I also agree with you on the Chase thing their has to be something going on with Chase because he says he lost his faith but there he is praying for a dead baby (But i wouldn't mind hearing more about his past but im a Chase fangirl so) and Wilson is just to cool to pass up a episode on they should have a episode (Like a fun episode like all in) where Wilson and House have a fight like a big one :D and House makes Cuddy go on her side or he would get the Ducklings and at first Wilson gets Cuddy but in the end Cuddy's the one who stops the fight.
I like those suggestions very much. I want to know something about Chase besides the fact that he has a beautiful face heh. Anyway, I'm not sure if anyone has seen the valley girl talk that Cameron & Cuddy shared but I found something pretty funny about it over on youtube...

Valley Girl Talk

:lol: Hearing Cameron say "That's hot!" was priceless, especially the expression she made. I can't wait for the release of S2 on DVD.
I cant watch it because of my stupid sound, it's broken :mad: nor can i wait, is valley girl talk going to be on season 2 dvd...

And Chase does have a beautiful face ;) (Thats the fangirl kicking in) i wonder if Chase would ever say this if another patient has a crush on him

Cameron: "Looks like you got another fan"
Chase: "why I dont even know whats so good about me anyways"
*Cameron laughs*
Chase: "Whats so funny"
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